Living with Monsters

Chapter 10 - The School Rumor

Chapter 10 - The School Rumor

Chapter 10: Chapter 10 The School Rumor
Translator: JuneZ
Monday, Summer and I went to Springtown High School together.

The scores of the entrance examination were listed on the announcement board.

“Wow! Shu Yuan, you are amazing! You rank second in the school!” Summer said with admiration.

“A consistent runner-up is nothing to be proud of…I’ve always being in the second place since primary school. And I never won the first place.”

I shrugged.

“That’s still not bad. So who is this Li Lingzi in the first place.”

“She is the genius girl in my class, she was a 4th grader who skipped middle school and entered high school directly. She is brilliant.”

“Amazing, your class must be the best, school no. 1 and no. 2 are both in your class. I must get into that class!”

“Uh, actually, the last two students on the list are also in my class…there, see, that guy is always at the bottom, but not this time, so he is very proud.” I whispered to Summer, showing her a boy who is talking on the phone.

“Old man, I told you, I would not be the last one this time!” Xue Fengming was feeling smug and speaking loudly and impatiently, as if he just attained a Nobel Prize and it was an easy win.

“HA-HA-HA! Son you are great, greater than dad! You’ll get double pocket money this moth, our family’s future relies on you…”

“Stop nagging…you are annoying! Fine, fine, it’s time for class, bye!”

“He’s so cool! Ah-ah-ah!” A group of girls were admiring Xue Fengming, like he was the school top 1.

‘Well, why not, he is a young master of a rich family.’

But. there was a girl who totally did not buy it.

“Ah-ah-ah, I’m the last one! I’m gonna kill myself! I will empty the dinning hall this noon to comfort my heart!” A tomboy shouted furiously, that was An Hai, my friend from kindergarten.

‘OK, I don’t really have many friends since I’m not good at getting along with people, and my only friend is a geek tomboy.’

“An Hai, thank you a lot for keeping me from the bottom. Are you free tonight?” Xue Fengming, completely ignoring all those girls who were fancying him, sent his sincere invitation to An Hai, who was furious because of ranking as the last.

Blue veins stood out on An Hai’s temple, ‘is this guy asking for trouble? This guy who’s prettier than girls is irritating.’

Suddenly a girl’s scream caught her attention, An Hai looked away and saw the girl on the ground, of course it’s Li Lingzi, the genius girl, who was horrible at sports and fell all the time.

An Hai helped her up and comforted her like a big sister, ignoring young master Xue’s passionate invite and the deadly stares from his fans.

She held Li Lingzi’s hand while walking away.

“Hey! An Hai, I’m asking you, do you have time tonight?” Master Xue was a bit annoyed.

“No. Even if I have time I won’t go out with you.” An Hai said flatly, she turned back and stuck out her tongue to make a face at him,

“Humph! What’s that ugly girl’s attitude!” “

“She turned off Master Xue!” “

“Master Xue, I’m free, I’ll go out with you!” “

The girls made noises like a flock of sparrows.

Luckily the bell rang. Everyone ran to classroom.

I thought to my self, ‘will Summer be transferred to my class?’ But the teacher did not bring her in.

Someone threw a paper wad to my desk, I turned back in surprise and saw Xue Fengming winking at me.

I unfolded the paper wad and there was awful handwriting on it, I could barely read it: Meet me at the rooftop after class.

I was speechless and did not know what he was up to. I went to the rooftop after class and met Xue Fengming there.

“Shu Yuan, have you heard about our school rumor?” He had a serious look which was rarely seen on his face.

“Sure. Rumor has it that whenever a transfer student comes, bad things will happen to one student in the class, isn’t it? “

“Yes, do you believe that? Something happened to Dawei anyway.”

“Come on, the day when Dawei jumped off the building, there was no transfer student, Summer did not register yet.”

“Oh~~, someone is really protective of this new girl.”

I shrugged, “Any other things? If not I’m out of here.”

“Don’t rush it, you are friend with An Hai?”

“Yeah, we know each other since we were little.”

“Could you…ask her out for me? Don’t take this wrong, I definitely have no interest in a tomboy, I just want to ask her to stay at the bottom for next exam, so I won’t be the last one on the list, and my old man will be happy and be easy on me.”

“Bah, nah, An Hai hates you.” I turned back to walk away.

“Don’t be in a rush, heh, your loli is not in our class.” He smirked.

“What?!” I turned to him in astonishment.

“But I got my way, if you ask An Hai out for me, I’ll make her our classmate.”

“OK, deal. But I’ll only pass your words to her, whether she’ll go, that’s up to her.”

“Deal!” Master Xue walked away whistling.

I met Summer in the hallway and she was feeling blue. “I wasn’t transferred to your class, Shu Yuan. What a pity! “

“It’s okay, wait for me after school, let’s go back together.”josei

“OK, I’ll be waiting.”

But to my surprise, when the class began, Mr. Mo came in with Summer.

“Let me introduce, this is our new classmate, Summer, guys show your warm welcome.”

A round of applause.

Summer smiled and greeted us, she squinted a bit and had half-moon eyes, she grinned at me, seemed really happy.

I looked to Xue Fengming, he was giving himself a thumbs-up.

“You can sit next to Ning Lan, our class leader, she’ll take good care of you.”

So it was like that, my first tenant, transferred to my class like in my dreams.

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