LONE: The Journey Beyond

Chapter 37

Chapter 37: Chaos in Maya!

Chapter 37: Chaos in Maya!

After the guild system was introduced in the new constitution there was a widespread reaction from people.

But most of the people showed positive reactions to it.

Some more intelligent businessmen saw this as a chance as they realized that with the introduction of guilds, there will be multiple changes in the economic structure.

It was like a blessing to the newly awakened people as they were given freedom to create and lead their own guilds.

Though they had to do this while following the govt. rules and regulations but this was not a problem for most of them. As it was kept to the bare minimum only.

This led to formation of quite a number of guilds. In total about 3,700 across whole ISC. Of course many of them were just subsidiaries of the main guild.

The guild system was divided into Bronze < Silver < Gold < Diamond < Elite.

The Bronze ranked mainly included the guilds with not much influence and new without in capital support from businessmen but were given permit and capital from the govt. directly.

The Silver ranked guild included most of the subsidiary guilds which ran through the money of their parent companies.

Of course the guild which earn influence from bronze rank can also be promoted here. In silver rank many start-up businessmen invested a lot as bronze ranked guilds generated a lot of profits for start-ups.

The Gold rank included the guilds which are heavily invested by a single large company. They had highly trained and equipped personnel who were ready to fight monsters any time.

They were a part of attacking force of humanity unlike the lower ranks who were mainly responsible for development of more humans and capital.

The Diamond ranked guilds were heavily invested by multiple companies or a single mega company.

They were allowed to take govt. missions too. And were the main factor which decided the status quo of the upcoming invasions.

Finally, the Elite Guilds, they were supported by not only companies but also the govt. also. In fact, the upcoming govt. itself would be decided by the support of the Elite guilds.

The only thing which lashed their power was the 'Empress'.

As in the UEA, it was proposed that if in any country an Elite guild devalues the laws proposed in their countries before the first ever guild selection to establish their rule unconstitutionally.

Then 'Empress' have the authority to mobilize the HAF as well as the other Elite guilds across the Planet to annihilate the guild before they cause imbalance.

This was done so that inner turmoil could be stopped ASAP as nobody wanted the risk of inner instability when they were already facing otherworldly threats.

ISC had 13 Diamond Guilds and 4 Elite Guilds. Which meant that the 4 Elite Guilds had the first chance to fight to establish a new government.

All the leaders of the Gold, Diamond guilds also need to be present as they had to cast votes to choose the top 2 of the Elite Guilds who were going to fight in between them.

The value of a Gold Vote in half of that of a Diamond Vote but Gold guilds had way more number of votes than Diamond votes. As for Elite guilds pressuring the Gold and Diamond leaders.

Well… that was not going to happen as 'Empress' was there to maintain the elections.

And that was what going to happen today!

Early morning around the time when Aimee and Reven just completed their chat, a message was sent from 'Empress' to the Guilds saying that today was the day they will have elections.

This caused the guilds to startle as most of them were not even ready yet.

They hurriedly rushed towards Maya to ask for more time or to see if there was an alternative for now.

Since currently none of the guilds were having any image in front of the public so no matter who won, there would be a mass rejection from the public.

Which may force 'Empress' to take direct public votes and totally eliminate the Elite Guild in power if mass voting crossed 70% of the people.

Due to this most of the Guilds were angry at the govt. for releasing the notice in such a short time without any justification and information.


In a large hall, Reven could be seen standing. In front him sitting were 9 people on 9 huge chairs. They were of course the 9 decision makers of the Council.

And Reven's current enemies.

"So Lt. Greh why are you reporting us so late? If you came back to ISC more than a day ago then shouldn't have you reported to us earlier?" Chu Feng asked.

"Indeed sir. I was just exhausted because of the mission you guys sent." Reven said. Sarcasm was clearly visible in his tone.

"What impudence Greh? Do not forget this is the Council!" Basil Paksha shouted after hearing Reven's remarks.

"No sir, really it was thanks to the mission you gave us that we were heavily exhausted. It's not like we are dead sir. Just exhausted." Reven continued completely ignoring the remarks of Basil.

"You…" Dense amount of Ardor released from the Council members as it locked onto Reven.

'So none of them are simple. Well I already expected that much anyway.'

It was at this moment.


Sound of sirens rang out.

"Huh! What the hell?" Evans Solodimir asked.

[Emergency Alert!]

[Emergency Alert!]

'Empress' alerted as a huge hologram appeared in front of the Council.

"Give us details Empress." Boliver Toss, the Vice-Head spoke.

As he ordered the hologram showed hundreds of guild leaders and thousands of people rallying in front of the Presidential buildings.

They all seemed to shouting about something.

"What the heck are they rallying about? Just what screwed all of them at the same time?"

Then the 'Empress' showed them demanding for an explanation and more time for the Guild Elections. As the council members saw that, their faces turned green.

"What the fu*k? How did that idiot ordered for the Guild Elections right now? Haven't we already discussed this before?"

"Call that idiot. We need to talk with the President right now." Tyler Wonk shouted.


[Call can't connect.]

[Trying Again.]


[Call can't connect.]

"This motherfu*ker. Why the hell he isn't picking up the call?" All the Council members shouted in anger.

"Something is definitely not right here."

"Wait! Don't tell me… that bastard wants to use this opportunity to use the guilds to attack us."

"It is indeed possible but didn't he know we can just use our authority to calm them."

Just as they were discussing the probabilities of betrayal another piece of news dropped on the internet like a bomb.

The news played in the form of a video on every single Wrist-Band through ISC at the same time.

<My people, I am Atal Flanck, your President. josei

You may be wondering why the hell I am making a video when I can just organize a press conference.

The thing is I am doing this because I don't really know if I will get the chance to say this again or not.

The Elite guilds are also confused I guess…


I don't have any other choice but to do this. Because my life itself is at risk.>

His words caused the people to gasp in shock but that was nothing compared to what he said next.

<My people, though I may be dead but I can't lie to you. I don't want to become an eternal sinner even if it costs me my life.

Most likely by the time you are seeing this video I will be captured and will be under enemy's grasp.

They will most likely kill me after this anyways and I have little hope that the army will find me before that.


I wish to say something that may change the course of human life on Earth. Through investigating various incidents regarding the Advent me and some members of the investigating team have come to realize a terrifying truth.

After learning about this, I desperately wished I was wrong but...


I was not.>

Atal said with a heavy expression through the video.

The council members who were watching the video started to have a very bad feeling.

And their guts were not wrong. As Atal's next words led to the beginning of chaos in Maya!

<The truth that we discovered is that the ISC has…




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