Lonely Attack on the Different World (WN)

Chapter 322

Chapter 322

Day 76 – Late Night, The Capital, Noble District

Leaving the Royal Palace I go through the Noble District, located right in front of it, heading towards the entrance to the Slums, and immediately get warmly welcomed by a very hospitable bunch that was waiting there. Well, that’s actually the reason why I came here, we are supposed to stay for the night, but those guys were waiting for us, you know?

I mean, the orphans are already sleeping at the Royal Palace, so no matter how anxiously they wait in ambush here, we had no plans of going back to begin with?

The uninvited kidnappers that had an incredibly unpleasant idea of getting their hands on the orphans were hunted down by Rerorero middle-aged man and the Geeks and Idiots, and by now must be questioned about their masters in a place far more amazing than hell. They can be turned into cripples or unburnable waste for all I care, or would they technically count as burnable?

「Since I went out of my way to come here, can’t I at least have a nice welcome from a sexy female swordswoman? The main idea must be capture and torture anyway, but there is rumour going around that it is still nicer than the training (beating) I’m having, so I thought if there is a Sexy Female Interrogator-san I might as well go and turn myself in? I’d gladly confess to the stuff that no one asked me about, spilling it all out, all over the place, coming out with all sorts of lovely secrets as coming soon is looming on the horizon, but whom should I let capture me? At this point I’m won’t even be picky, if there is a Sexy Female Interrogator I’m totally fine with it, I mean, even if I ask to be gentle no one listens anyway, but gentle torture seems kind of lewd, which sounds fantastic, but if a door to the new world (fetish) ends up opening for me, it might lead to all of the doors flying off the hinges, as the feelings that were trapped will……」

「「「「TOOO LOONG! And don’t casually make weird coming outs!」」」」

They ruined my precious cool line. Even though I just got into the flow…

Well, indeed, I shouldn’t talk too much about doors to the new worlds in front of the girls. No matter how I think of it, Pres-sama with a whip is far more dangerous than any sexy female interrogator.

They seemed to be waiting for me, so loitering around the Noble Distinct results in the obvious, countless middle-aged men keep swarming from all sides without reading the mood, as usual. It’s a mass outbreak. Leaving them to wait here late at night was kind of harsh, so I took pity and went outside? Yeah, even if they sat in an ambush all night, we actually were going to stay at the palace.

Nonetheless, it’s the long-awaited walking pile of evidence.

Seeing me in tuxedo and the girls in dresses, they assumed that we were unarmed, and thinking that it’s the chance, crawled out of hiding, surrounding us. They rushed out probably intending to kill or kidnap, but… They are getting the hell beaten out of them.

Perhaps giving up on the idea of kidnapping, but they also started attacking from distance with bows and magic, but attacks of this level can be Resisted. Or rather, this won’t be enough to stop the bloodthirsty demons? (the girls)

Yup, the girls are angry about the kidnapping attempt on the orphans? And then there is this thing with the girls getting 『Hypnosis』 and 『Temptation』 cast on them, so they are pretty royally pissed. But how come that they won’t let me undo Taming despite this?

Since the Royal Family has recovered and made a good display of its power and authority at the ball, there are only two paths left for the corrupt nobles, be purged or collapse, which must be forcing them into quite a panic. It seems they sent out all the heavily armored private troops they could, but they are getting crushed and obliterated in a head-on fight by the girls in dresses. Yup, the difference in defensive power is so overwhelming that they don’t even need to evade? Swords and spears are being repelled by the dresses, and rain of arrows is powerless to do anything either. Even spells are being absorbed by the dresses, thank you very much for mana.

Upper floors of some crappy dungeon is the limit with the middle-aged men’s gear, meanwhile, the girls can easily handle middle floors of a large dungeon in those dresses. There is also a difference in levels, so the fight was decided before it even began.

It’s the first battle for those dresses, but in this gear they probably would’ve been able to overcome even that horde of mummies on the floor with the Sphinx. I mean, they’ve been deflecting javelins for some time now? Like, they seem to have stopped even trying to evade, just for fun?

Certainly, the enemies are too scared of invincible dresses to launch an attack now, but they are also unable to escape, as the entire area is sealed off with Dancing Girl’s chains?

And since it’s the Noble District, no matter how badly we wreck it or level it entirely, it wouldn’t bother us at all, quite the opposite, it’s quite fun and it will also make rebuilding it easier. Or rather, everyone is slamming the enemies into the buildings on purpose, aren’t they? Moreover, they are using morning stars instead of swords, so they can cause as much pain and suffering as possible without killing them. Dozens of morning stars are revolving in a tempest of steel. For some reason, I really want to run away?

The dresses are fluttering around, leaving only white afterimages behind, as the middle-aged men are sent flying. The middle-aged men can’t put up a fight at all, so how were they planning to kidnap them? Were they thinking that some thousand or two of private troops will be enough to capture them? Partially destroying the Noble District, the girls are now purposefully cornering the troops into yet unharmed areas. They are fully intending to destroy them along with the buildings.

「W-why! Why a sword can’t cut through a dress?! GBOUGH!」

I mean, they have Slashing Resistance and Physical Resistance, you know?

「Arrows won’t piece, what the hell are those dresses? There is no way such frilly dresses can deflect… DWAGH!」

As if an arrow can go through a fabric with mithril-enhance metal-wire weaved in. Those dresses are level 100 equipment, okay?

「Retreat to the mansion, wait, the mansion… It, it’s collapsing! GUAH!」

Yup, it was a very timely invitation, since we were awaiting the chance to destroy the Noble District. After all, in this case, we can frame it as a legitimate self-defense, so the entire blame can be put on the attackers and their masters, so I’m like so totally innocent that I could even win the contest for the most innocent person?

Despite obstinately using Mind attacks and Assassination tools so much during the ball, neither steel nor magic could do anything at all, and yet they decided to make another attack. It goes beyond stubbornness into plain stupidity territory… Well, they are middle-aged men, after all.

But swinging morning stars outside like that after I went through such lengths to install various hidden weapons as a countermeasure for assassinations, as well as putting weapons into Storage in case we might get ambushed in the castle… Like, they might’ve as well went out in a proper armor, no?

But well, now the nobles can’t talk their way out of this. Now, most of the corrupt nobles should perish, and the small fries that haven’t made a move until now will have to give up and quietly obey the Royal Family.

But this is one hell of a rampage? Well, they are beating them only half to death, but there is still no mercy. Yup, let’s hurry up and take them back to the Frontier. Looks like the girls were starved for violence since there are no dungeons around. And I’m sure having no dungeons also means that they don’t have enough money. But it doesn’t matter how many middle-aged men you beat, they aren’t going to turn into magic stones, you know? Those are just middle-aged men, okay?

Normally, the girls should be able to suppress opponents of this level in an instant, but they are closing the distance slowly instead, without even trying to avoid, and demolish the enemies through brute force, wrecking the buildings around in the process. Literal gods of destruction. The middle-aged men are scared out of their minds by now.

This might’ve been a ploy to lure us out and kidnap the orphans, but they have the strongest defensive and excessive offensive force by their side in Slime-san, the Geeks, the Idiots, and Rerorero. Royal Girl, Maid Girl and Merimeri-san ended up tagging along with us, but they have more than enough people.

But Elven Little Sister Girl is strong. I wonder though, why does it feel like it is my first time seeing a proper mage since coming to this world of sword and magic?

It doesn’t seem to be Mana Wrapping, but the principle appears to be somewhat the same? It’s probably 『Magic Wrapping』which allows to wrap magic, so wrapping herself in Wind Magic she is knocking away the middle-aged men one after another. Why am I the only one who also have to wrap stuff like 『Lewd Arts』or『Sex King』?

Well, the rest is not even worth watching. The only ones at risk of injuries are the middle-aged men, it doesn’t matter if it’s necessary injury or now, I’m going to roast them until they lose all their hair, okay?

Looks like the middle-aged men got a bright idea of capturing and using me as a hostage, so they are rushing my way, while the girls have taken a formation to block them. In other words, I’m standing right in the middle of the action without anything to do. Is this an effect of Loner? Man, this is boring.

Well, I’m quite tattered after the dance at the ball, so this is fine, I guess? Yup, I simply observed Dancing Girl’s dance with『Rajingan』recorded and analyzed it with『Wisdom』and then forcibly recreated it through『Muppet』. By the time it came to Dancing Girl’s turn my body was in quite a bad shape? It’s absolutely impossible!

Since I don’t have anything to do I stick to quietly and very casually dismantling still tenaciously standing mansions while picking up valuables scattered all over the place. This district is in a pretty neglected condition, with the stuff dropped around everywhere, so picking it all up is quite a chore. Ah, a safe is dropped over there!

There are a few somewhat dangerous opponents in the mix, but we have someone far more dangerous on our side, so there is no issue. I mean, there is no way some high level assassins or swordsmen can do anything to Dungeon Emperors. Like, even one Dungeon Emperor is enough to annihilate them? But the two seem to be having a lot of fun fighting together with everyone. It must be because they know the eternal solitude that they can enjoy kicking up a fuss with everyone so much. It’s quite a pity for the middle-aged men who they are happily beating up, I wonder why do I feel a bit of sympathy for them?

「Looks like there is no one left, but what do we do? The countryside nobles still should have their domains left, right?」 josei

It would appear they have beaten up all of the middle-aged men to the last. Well, it’s part of the natural order for middle-aged men to be getting beaten, so there is no problem, but while them being scattered around as far as the eye can see makes for very unsightly scenery, let’s at least burn their heads.

With this, the nobles of the Capital, who were stripped of their titles, lost estates, and had all of their wealth picked up by me, became penniless. That’s the same treatment that the orphans had, so they can’t complain.

But if we let the countryside nobles escape, they still have their territories and assets. I could go on a business trip to make them drop all of their stuff so I can pick it up, but troublesome things are still troublesome. If they could be so nice as to drop everything in one place at once I’d gladly pick it up, but those middle-aged men are very inconsiderate.

Well, it’s not like they can escape.

「Well, it seems that the ball today was attended by everyone, so be it lords or their families, they all ended up in ropes, but leaving that lovely tortoise shell bondage to Maso Pres Girl-san… GuwaARGUUAHAAAAAAAAH~! Wait! Dual wielding a morning star and a whip does make for a very novel fighting style, but you might seriously blow my head off, so please put them away! I’m seriously sorry, it’s fine, I’ve totally forgotten everything, or rather, before I could even forget everything, I totally haven’t seen that marvelous cat’s cradle which led to the tortoise shell bondage biting into the tightly bound flesh, so I have no recollection of that at all? So please put the whip away? Like, I forgot about it so hard that I can’t even recall the name, so it’s alright? Kind of?」

I got this wrong? It seems? And everyone is staring at me? Flat Gaze all around?

「Well then, looks like the Second Division brought a military police regiment, so let’s go back? The orphans are sleeping, so we are stopping at the Palace anyway. If they woke up from all this noise then the Geeks and Idiots are getting a sermon (punishment) from the Pres-sama? But what do we do if a sermon (punishment) awakens something (a fetish) in them, opening a door into a new world?!」

「Keep it closed! Or rather, stop adding weird meaning to scoldings!」

However, while the cat’s cradle turns her into bondage maso highschool girl pres-san, she also masterfully handles a whip and a morning star. Looks like I won’t see the legendary tortoise shell bondage pres. It’s sad but since she changed the whip from the default metal one that came with the dress to『Chain Whip of Savage Lightning』let’s just quietly go back. Yup, that one is dangerous.

I mean, there is nothing fun in seeing a bunch of middle-aged men lying tied up on the ground? I don’t think there is anything wrong in a highschool boy being more interested in tortoise shell bondage maso highschool girl pres-san? I mean, it would be too much if it was in reverse? A highschool boy getting excited about a bunch of tightly tied-up muscular middle-aged men with burnt heads would be way too cringe.

By now, Rerorero middle-aged man, and Geeks and Idiots should’ve finished beating up all the nobles who were trying to escape to their domains. No matter what kind of masters they had there, there is no way they can beat them fighting indoors. Matchless cheat owners and the strongest dueling specialist should’ve ended everything while protecting the orphans.

The orphans must be soundly asleep, the bad adults (the nobles) who were bullying them are no more, the nightmare is finally over… I took plenty of gold in compensation, so the whole thing turned a big profit?

Another fun day is awaiting them once they wake up. I plundered the orphans’ share too, so let’s give them some pocket money tomorrow as well. They’ll probably be delighted.

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