Long Live The Hokage

Chapter 454

Chapter 454: Uchiha Akira

Masahiko’s practice of more than three months came to an end after the completion of the sky island.

It was July 8th when he left Konoha, and now it’s… can’t remember, ahem, I don’t know the years of practice…

Masahiko set up a shielding barrier around the sky island, hiding the sky island, waiting for the spare time to arrange it again…

The food in the Eight Trigrams Space is almost eaten, and it is very close to the Land of Whirlpools. Masahiko’s plan was to go back and have a look first.

The Land of Whirlpools, the Uzumaki Building.

“Yo, Sensei, have you really gotten younger? Konan and I didn’t believe it when Sister Kushina came back.” Nagato looked at Masahiko with a look of curiosity.

“Kushina with her big mouth, can’t hide anything!” Masahiko pursed his lips, he wanted to tease Nagato… pretending to be his own illegitimate child? She ruined everything for him…

“Sensei, you came back just in time. There is something important for you to decide.”

Masahiko was stunned, why did he feel that every time he saw Nagato, he had something important going on?

“You are the Uzukage, what else do you need me for?”

“Yo, this is a bit special, Sensei!” Nagato scratched his head, “On Konoha’s side, Uchiha Shisui joined the Akatsuki organization on behalf of Konoha Village…”

“Oh?” Masahiko was startled.

Nagato nodded to confirm: “Now only our Land of Whirlpool has left.”

Masahiko nodded thoughtfully, and suddenly had an idea: “We can’t make something special, let Shark-face go!”


Masahiko pondered for a moment: “That medicine… are you taking it every day?”

Nagato smiled bitterly: “Yo!”

“Don’t look like that, you two are both 32 and married for more than three years, and you don’t have any children, I’m worried for you…”

“I know you’re doing it for our own good.”

“It’s good if you know, I’ll prepare a new patch for you. If it doesn’t work… I’ll prescribe another medicine for Konan.”

Nagato could only nod his head with a wry smile.

Masahiko felt very helpless: “Send someone to find Kisame.”

Kisame entering the Akatsuki brought Masahiko 20 witness points, which are all unexpected gains.

Masahiko knew that if Nagato or Konan joined Akatsuki, he would gain more, but he couldn’t do it.

It was embarrassing enough for Masahiko to get that kind of tonic for the two disciples and make them eat it… This time when he returned to the Land of Whirlpool, he was embarrassed to even see Konan.

After having lunch at Sarah’s and chatting with her about the current situation, Masahiko flashed back to Konoha. He learned from Nagato that today is November 10th, and his practice time is not less than three months, but four months.

“If I don’t go back, the money won by the ancestor will be lost by Kushina… Why did I get so obsessed with my mind that Jiu Xinnai kept it for me?”

Konoha Village, Kushina’s house.

Masahiko looked at the tightly locked door and had a bad premonition at that time.

This afternoon, where can the family go? Naruto has his missions, and Kushina and Minato teach Natsuki to practice together?

“It won’t be buying a… new house with the money of the ancestor.”

He couldn’t find Kushina after searching for a while. Therefore, Masahiko reluctantly went to the Hokage building, to say hello to Obito, and tell him that he was back, but Hiruzen was still in the Hokage office…

“Why are you here again? Are you on strike with Obito?”

Hiruzen got up with a wry smile: “Rin’s due date is approaching, Obito is taking care of her at home these few days, I have to endure another ten and a half days, alas!”

Masahiko was stunned: “Oh, yes, Rin…I didn’t count my days. Is Kushina there with her?”

Hiruzen nodded: “It’s been there for days.”

Masahiko raised his eyebrows: “She gave you the money, right? How much?”

“I remember it was more than 460 million. Back then, the Konoha villagers were…”

Hiruzen began to complain, Masahiko smiled, nodded while listening, and said with emotion: “460 million… Well, it’s not that much…”

Sun Slash: “…”

“It’s all right, you’re busy.” Masahiko waved his hand, and as if thinking of something, he added: “Pay attention to your health, you are no longer young like before, after all, you are older than me now, so there is no need to be so hard on yourself…”

“Don’t worry…”

“Well, this is the right attitude work hard! Struggle! Fight on!” Masahiko flickered and disappeared.

Only Hiruzen was left to sit and understand what Masahiko meant, did he want him to rest, or just work himself to death…

Uchiha Clan.

Kushina was holding Rin’s hand to chat, but Rin suddenly showed a surprised look: “Kushina, be careful behind you!”

Kushina turned her head sharply and saw a fist-sized black hole appear in the space behind her. A hand stretched out from inside as if she wanted to pat her shoulder, but it was noticed by Rin and froze in mid-air.

“This hand is it… Grandpa?”

The black hole expanded, and Masahiko walked out from the inside with a face full of helplessness: “Rin, does Obito often play this kind of game with you, why are you so keen?”

Rin’s stomach is already quite big, but her face is not very fleshy, and she has two cute little dimples when she smiles.

“Master, you have really become younger, and you look so cute now!”

Masahiko pursed his lips, this is because she was about to become a mother. The motherhood power is overflowing, and she actually said that he is cute?

“Handsome, handsome.” Masahiko laughed, “Where’s Obito? Isn’t he here to take care of you?”

Rin sighed incomprehensibly: “He’s preparing dinner for me.”

“Yo, he learned to cook?” Masahiko smiled, and from Rin’s expression, he knew that the taste was not very good, but Obito was also full of heart…

Looking at the terrible terrible cooker Kushina next to her, Masahiko felt sorry for Rin, things must have not been easy for her during this time…

“Master was too busy in the last few months, and now he’s done. Leave the cooking to me! How long is your due date?”

Rin was a little nervous: “It should be tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow?” Masahiko was startled, “Who will deliver the birth?”

“Am I not here, grandpa!” Kushina interjected: “I can also do medical Ninjutsu, and I gave birth to Naruto and Natsuki, I have experience!”

“…I, this master is sorry, I didn’t take care of you too much.” Masahiko smiled wryly and shook his head, “After you give birth, the cooking for a month will be covered!”

Rin smiled sweetly and didn’t refuse: “I’m sorry, master!”

Masahiko smiled and turned to Kushina: “Did you take my money with you?”

Kushina was startled, her face was full of reluctance, but she still touched her arms one after another.

“Oh, so you’re willing to give it to me?” Masahiko was slightly surprised, “But I don’t trust you, give it to me first, I’ll leave some to you, just don’t mess around!”


The next day, Konoha, November 11, 1960.

In the words of Masahiko and Minato to appease Obito, Rin successfully gave birth to a fat boy who weighed more than eight pounds.

After thinking for a while, Masahiko decided on the boy’s name – Akira Uchiha.

They all thought that Masahiko was wishing the child a bright future, but it was not.

Masahiko named him after the path Obito took in this life.

Masahiko sighed with emotion, then couldn’t help but smile because Obito didn’t have to wear the hated mask, and he didn’t have to hide his name and cause trouble in the ninja world… He felt that he grew into a really great man.

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