Long Live The Hokage

Chapter 456

Chapter 456: Pursuit Squad

Konoha Prison Institution, formerly known as Konoha Serious Prison Interrogation Center, in recent years, due to the relative peace in the ninja world, the number of felons has been decreasing, and it was renamed Konoha Prison Institution after downsizing.

The number of prisoners held in the Konoha Severe Sentence is not large, but they are all extremely vicious people, either murderers or rogue ninjas who have leaked the secrets of the Ninja Village.

These people are very dangerous, and not easy to deal with. They organized several prison break plans. Therefore, the location of the Konoha Severe Punishment Cells is placed outside the Village, two miles away from Konoha’s main gate. And an elite Jonin is always resident there to keep an eye on them.

Masahiko doesn’t understand this kind of behavior. It’s obvious that they are all either dead or already crazy people. What’s the use of wasting manpower to look after them? Tobirama and Orochimaru are gone, no experimental materials are needed…

“This is the place? Wait, the gatekeepers are two Chunin…” Masahiko murmured while feeling stunned.

Bang! Bang!

The sound of continuous falling to the ground sounded, and in the face of this sneak attack from the ancestors, the two Chunin did not respond and resolutely hit the ground.

“Yo, the people inside responded very quickly.” Masahiko straightened his collar, pushed the door, and walked in.

At this time, Masahiko was dressed very uniquely, wearing a set of ‘night clothes’, black clothes and black pants, and a black cloth covering his face. The hair was treated with a transformation technique, and it was also black.

Such a dark thing walked into the place, and Masahiko was instantly surrounded by the guards. In the face of the ‘masked man in black, the guards did not naively ask ‘who are you?’ but launched an attack directly, trying to capture Masahiko.

At this moment, feathers suddenly fell from the sky, and the Konoha guards fell to the ground one after another, knocking them unconscious.

“Genjutsu – The Art of Nirvana!”

In the depths of the room, the four kids were planning their next escape.

“That old man’s Genjutsu is too strong.” Jirobo had lingering fears, every time they tried to  escape from prison, they were always solved immediately, “Tayuya, if only you had your flute.”josei

Tayuya also glanced at him: “How could the Konoha ninjas leave me the weapon, idiot.”

“We have to speed up, Lord Orochimaru, don’t want useless people.” Kidomaru was slightly worried: “We have been imprisoned for more than five months, if we still can’t escape…”

Speaking of which, the four of them were a bit anxious, they couldn’t imagine how they would live after being abandoned by Orochimaru.

“Why don’t we… Use the power of those two brothers?” Jirobo hesitated.

“The God of Wind and Thunder?” Kidomaru also frowned, “What’s the use of those two idiot brothers?”

“Because they are idiots, it is easy to control.” Sakon interjected, and Ukon added: “Maybe we can try it, those two brothers are very powerful.”

“Okay, next time… eh? Feather?”

The four of them were all startled, and Kidomaru immediately became excited: “It’s the Genjutsu of that companion hiding in Konoha. Lord Orochimaru didn’t abandon us, he sent someone to save us!”

“I hate illusion…” Jirobo murmured and fell to the ground with a ‘poof’.

“This idiot… but that guy dares to choose a frontal attack?” Tayuya also murmured.

In front of Masahiko, there was only an old man with black curly hair in his 60s. He was an acquaintance, Kurenai’s father.

“Art of Genjutsu – Tree Bound Kill!” As the last line of defense, Yuhi Shinku’s strength in Genjutsu is still above the Kurenai. But when he performed the seal with a dignified face, he found himself the one tied to a tree…

“Genjutsu counter attack, the Uchiha clan? You’re young… you are Uchiha Hoshino? No, you look like a boy, you are Uchiha Sasuke! But why would you attack the Konoha Severe Punishment Room!”

Masahiko smiled: “Guess who I am?”

“Whoever you are, I…”

“Sleep, little baby.” Masahiko raised his eyebrows, and two branches sticking out from the tree, covered Shinku’s eyes, and another branch caressed his head, like a little babe…

Yuhi Shinku: “…It turned out to be the elder.”

He decisively passed out of a coma.

Masahiko smiled, walked to the depths of the severe punishment room, passed through the cells, and found the four people of the Sound Village.

“Just the little chubby passed out, your Genjutsu’s resistance is very good. Tayuya, take your flute!” Masahiko took out a flute with his backhand and threw it over.

Tayuya raised her hand to catch it: “It’s actually a child… Are you sent by Lord Orochimaru?”

“Stop talking nonsense and come with me quickly!”

Tayuya frowned slightly, then the flute sounded, awakening Jirobo: “With your face covered, even we can’t know your identity?”

Masahiko stretched out his hands, and the cage made of steel was opened by him, and he repeated: “Stop talking nonsense, and follow me quickly!”

The four looked at each other.

Meanwhile, the Hokage office.

Obito emergently called Naruto and the other fifteen children.

“There is a mission that you will all work together to complete. The grade is A. A prison escape incident just took place in Konoha’s severe punishment room. Four of Orochimaru’s subordinates were rescued by his hidden dark line hiding in the village, and the fifteen of you are responsible for the pursuit!”

“Oh!” Naruto responded the fastest, “A-level mission, let’s go!”

“Wait, Naruto.” Shikamaru helplessly stopped him, “Lord Hokage, we are the only ones to go, what about Asuma-Sensei and the others?”

Obito nodded and said, “Only you. We’re going to consider this incident as a special chunin mission. Those who perform well in the pursuit can become Chunin!”

“Really?!” Naruto and the others were immediately excited.

The five people who had become Chunin were very calm, but Obito’s next sentence made them unable to calm down either: “If the pursuit fails, even the Chunin in the team will become Genin again.”

Sasuke frowned slightly, although he refused to admit it, now he is Chunin, and Naruto is Genin… It’s really cool, can’t help but get serious.

“Fifteen people will hunt down four people from the Sound Village together? Who is the leader?”

“Shikamaru is the captain, and Neji and Sasuke are the vice-captains! Let’s go!”

“Hey! Why does Sasuke bastard…”

“I’m Chunin, stupid.”


“Stop arguing, Naruto.” Shikamaru interrupted with a sigh, looking at Obito’s appearance, he felt that this is not going to be easy: “Where is the pursuit direction? When did they escape from prison?”

“They escaped just now, and the direction is the northwest. How to chase you must find the best suitable method!”

“Leave it to the Fat Cat, its nose is very good,” Tenten interjected.

The white meatball lying on its back was snorted when it heard these words, indicating that she did not want to move.

“Then leave it to Akamaru!”

“Wuw!” Akamaru responded.

The crowd left the scene immediately.

“Actually, my ants can also…”

Obito was helpless: “Aburame Shino, you are the only one left, so hurry up and keep up!”

Shino froze and looked around: “Why no one is willing to hear me out…”

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