Looking Over at the Guy Across the Way

Chapter 3

Chapter 3: Looking to find a gay friend, I found a good beautiful friend

Chapter 3: Looking to find a gay friend, I found a good beautiful friend

Ever since then, Chen Xiao started looking to Gu MengYang for help and the relationship between the two had become a lot closer. Gu MengYang was more on the passive side, or maybe he was just shy in his own right, so if Chen Xiao didn’t call him, he wouldn’t take the initiative to go to Chen Xiao’s house to eat and enjoy the a/c. He would only buy two watermelons every few days and bring one to share at Chen Xiao’s.

Chen Xiao both loved and hated this. He liked Gu MengYang’s shy look and hated him for being so thin-skinned. Aren’t my attempts obvious?! Though he was thick-skinned, it was inevitable to wonder if he was too much of an annoyance, was he just bothering Gu MengYang? Or in fact, the other side didn’t intend to have such a relationship with him in the first place and it was all his own wishful thinking? Thinking like this, Chen Xiao’s heart was stuck in a panic, he really wanted to ask him in person, so there were two days he was so worked up that he didn’t go to Gu MengYang. But within a few days, he couldn’t help himself, dreaming at night of red-faced Gu MengYang embracing him and giving him a kiss.

Luckily, eventually, Gu MengYang also started taking the initiative to run to his house. The two took turns cooking and after dinner, they nestled together on that little couch, watching TV and eating watermelon. Every time, Chen Xiao leaned over Gu MengYang while mocking the TV plot. Obviously the indoor temperature was really low, so the place where the skin made contact was so hot it seemed to reach the heart through the skin. He turned his face slightly sideways towards Gu MengYang and the other side didn’t notice, still staring at the TV, giggling every now and then. Chen Xiao gave a low sigh of relief, resisting the impulse to lean on his broad shoulders, thinking that this guy was a little muscular.

Of course, occasionally, Chen Xiao went to Gu MengYang’s home for dinner. In the other person’s words, “my own house isn’t very active anymore, let’s also make it lively.” But Chen Xiao knew Gu MengYang was afraid of his gas bill being too expensive, so he didn’t fuss, just ran to the other person’s house with a thump and, taking off his shoes, ran all over the house. If it wasn’t a basic matter of etiquette, he would have wanted to jump straight into Gu MengYang’s bed, grabbing his quilt he slept on and rolling up in it twice.

“Put some slippers on, it’s cold, your footprints are all over the floor.” Gu MengYang gave Chen Xiao a funny look, taking his slippers out of the shoe cabinet.

Chen Xiao looked back. He sure had left a series of footprints where he ran. He smiled in embarrassment. After putting on the slippers, he put a hand on Gu MengYang’s shoulder and joked: “This young man is very virtuous (chaste).”

Sure enough, Gu MengYang’s ears were red again. After becoming familiar with Chen Xiao, he knew that the other was touchy-feely. But every time he was still “teased” by the other person, he would flush. He was no match at all.

“Hey, Gu MengYang, look at me when I talk.”

“Oh…..” Gu MengYang glanced at Chen Xiao for barely two seconds before his gaze fluttered away.

“…..Do you always blush when you look at people?”

Gu MengYang nodded shyly.

Chen Xiao thought, it’s good you have this problem otherwise how many girls are you going to get hooked on you!

“Then you try looking at me, it’s rude to talk to people without looking in their eyes.”

Gu MengYang nodded again. As if he had made a great decision, he raised his head and stared at Chen Xiao to look but before even five seconds passed, he laughed with a “pfft”.

“……hey, what are you laughing at?!” It was hard to have a chance to lure him without tricks, how could he laugh at this stage?! He had even used his own killer line, ayo!

“Oh……your eyes are round like the hamster I raised once……haha…..”


“Hey, hey, Chen Xiao, don’t go, I was wrong, okay?……you’re much cuter than a hamster! Ah, come back, my food’s all cooked -”

Repulsive little slag man! Chen Xiao thought with a red face.

After dinner, the two men sat on a bamboo chair and watched TV. Gu MengYang didn’t have a couch in his place, there was only a bamboo chair and a few simple chairs. And the TV was still a CRT set, with an electric fan buzzing on one side with only hot air blowing out.

Chen Xiao stuck his tongue out and panted, gasping for breath and “wheezing” over there. His t-shirt lifted up in a few places, revealing a white belly.

“Why don’t you go back, it’s just too hot here.” Gu MengYang picked up one half of the watermelon, handing it to Chen Xiao.

“Sweating is good for your health. Besides, this episode just started, it’s too addictive.” Chen Xiao took a few bites of the watermelon and bit some off, wishing he could bury his whole face in a cold watermelon. He was so hot he couldn’t watch the TV, but he just wanted to see Gu MengYang more.

“Okay……” Gu MengYang nodded dully, then reached out and switch the fan to an alternating mode, “Don’t blow it on your face, your head will hurt.”

Chen Xiao’s heart was so hot that it melted, that one sentence made him so happy that he was going to spit out bubbles.

After waiting for the show to finish, Chen Xiao could barely stand it. He staggered back to his own house, covered in sweat like a flood. All his clothes would probably let out water when twisted.

No way, have to get Gu MengYang to buy an a/c sooner. On such days, it’s not good to heat a person up.

After he turned on the a/c and lay on his bed, Chen Xiao finally breathed a sigh of relief at the comfort. But he hadn’t laid down for too long before he heard someone knocking on the door. When he pricked his ears up, the sound was already gone and he suddenly felt cautiously nervous.

Chen Xiao lay in bed for a few seconds then suddenly thought of something so he got up and ran to open the door. Sure enough, Gu MengYang was standing at the opposite door, about to go in.

“Hey! Why did you go back again?!” Afraid of bothering others in the building, Chen Xiao lowered his voice and asked angrily.

“Ah?! I….I didn’t want to wake you up……” Gu MengYang replied, also in a low voice. josei

The two stood on their own doorsteps like thieves, looking at each other’s blurry figure in the dark.

“Wake up what! I never fell asleep! What did you want from me?”

“I’m saying – it’s too hot – to think of you sleeping all night -”

“Then you come over here! And why did you run back over there?!”

“I-I was afraid you couldn’t asleep!”

“Sleep my ass! I didn’t fall sleep – wait, why did I circle around again?! Hey, why don’t you come over here and talk to me?!”

“……Oh……you can’t come here?……”


Chen Xiao didn’t care that he was wearing his home slippers on his feet. He took a few strides over to Gu MengYang and elbowed him: “Idiot! Get in there and get your bedding! Come to my house to sleep!”

When the two people finally laid down again, they were covered in sweat again but it was soon evaporated by the cool breeze of the a/c. Chen Xiao was still lying on his bed, while Gu MengYang had insisted on bunking on the floor.

Chen Xiao couldn’t calm his heart’s excitement, hoping his bad performance wasn’t too obvious. He listened to Gu MengYang ramble about random things without saying a word. At last, when Gu MengYang fell asleep, he was still very clear-headed, using his thoughts to fill in all kinds of pornographic fantasies.

He was afraid of waking Gu MengYang up, so he didn’t dare to toss and turn. He listened to the other man’s breathing. He could only heard the “thump thump” in his chest in the silence of the room. Ah, what should he do? Clearly in the past, he would feel sour and bitter but what was with this feeling of overflowing sweetness in his heart instead? He wasn’t some 17 or 18 year old boy who had never been in love!

Chen Xiao saw his member rising high in the darkness, it was impossible for him to sleep after all!

He didn’t know whether he finally fell asleep or not. Every time he opened his eyes in a half-asleep state, he glanced subconsciously at Gu MengYang. He saw the thick profile below and closed his eyes in relief.

When he woke up again, he looked at the phone next to his pillow. It had been a long night. He got up in a daze and went to the bathroom. When he came back and saw the figure on the floor, his mind suddenly became clear again.

What, what to do? Am I really not going to do anything?!

Chen Xiao gulped hard. In his mind, two little men, one perverted and one pure, began to fight between virtues and passion.

– Little Perverted Man: Coward! Do you want to give up such a good chance?! We can at least do that to him. If you miss this opportunity, there won’t be another chance. Hurry up, it’s time to start. Hurry up and strike to take advantage of him, ah, be rash and hurry, *cough* it’s not wrong……Anyway, quickly pounce on him!

– Little Pure Man: No, no, Chen Xiao! It’s shameful for a gentleman to take advantage of another’s vulnerability to sneak attack! Be not afraid, live justly and honorably!!

Finally, the little pure man defeated the little perverted man. Chen Xiao took a deep breath and squatted down quietly beside Gu MengYang.

Just, just a kiss was okay……

Gu MengYang was lying on his back. Chen Xiao leaned down and put both hands on either side of his head. Then he slowly lowered his head, holding his breath. With the sound of his heart racing in his ears, he touched the other man’s slightly dry lips lightly.

What bad luck…..I can’t stop myself…..

The clean fragrance of soap on the other man was like a strong male’s charm, which got Chen Xiao worked up. Instead of moving away immediately, he slipped his tongue out, licking those dry lips until they were damp, and then slowly pushed in.

Gu MengYang’s mouth was slightly open and his teeth weren’t clenched, so Chen Xiao easily reached the tip of his tongue. The touch of that wet flesh almost made him lose control. He wanted to stick his tongue in and swirl it all around.

In the silent dark night, secretly doing shameful things with the fear of being discovered made people feel all the more excited. Though the a/c was obviously set very low, his whole body was so hot as if he were about to catch on fire. Such a good mood, it probably wouldn’t appear again in the future, right?

Chen Xiao buried his face in Gu MengYang’s neck and took a deep breath of the other man’s scent.

It seems that I really like this man.

Just as he was about to move away, the man beneath him suddenly moved, raising his hand to rub at this eyes.

“Mmm….who….Chen Xiao…..?”

It. Is. Over.

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