Lord Chu's Wife is Wild

Chapter 61

Chapter 61: Could It Be Her?

Chapter 61: Could It Be Her?

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios josei

Lu Sheng blushed, but she did not retract her gaze immediately.

Through the veil, she could still see the man’s strong body. Although she could only see his silhouette and not his skin tone, she was already blushing furiously.

She retraced her gaze guiltily and patted her steaming hot face, forcing herself to forget the earlier scene.

Hearing the rippling sound of water, she guessed that Chu Sihan was already taking a bath.

However, after an hour, there was still no movement inside.

She frowned in confusion.

It was already autumn, and the weather was getting colder. After an hour of hot water, it should be cold by now.

Did he fall asleep accidentally?

Then, she waited for another hour. There was no movement in the bathroom, and Chu Yun was nowhere to be seen.

She frowned and decided to check out what happened in the bathroom.

However, when she entered, she realized that Chu Sihan was lying in the bathtub. His eyes were closed and his breathing sounded like he was deeply asleep.

“Chu Sihan?”

Lu Sheng called out tentatively.

Then, she called him a few more times and even patted his face. However, he did not seem like he wanted to wake up.

Suddenly, sounds of fighting could be heard from outside.

Alarmed, Lu Sheng scooped up the water and sniffed it. Her expression changed drastically.

There was a sleeping pill in the water.

Regardless of how skilled one was in martial arts, one would fall into a deep sleep after soaking in this medicated water.

To put it simply, it would cause one to lose consciousness temporarily.

Lu Sheng gritted her teeth. Ignoring the differences between men and women, she dragged Chu Sihan out of the bathtub.

She picked up the clothes by the side and carelessly put them on for him. Then, she hid him somewhere safe before rushing out of the room to check on the situation.

After she stepped out, Chu Sihan, who left the bathtub, started to regain his consciousness.

When Lu Sheng came out, she realized that Chu Yun had a cut on his shoulder and his body was covered in blood.

She drew her sword and flew forward, kicking the men in black who surrounded Chu Yun away.

Then, she continued fighting with the other men in black.

Seeing that they were no match for her, the men in black teamed up and pounced on her.

Lu Sheng did not retreat but advanced, sending a few men in black flying.

When Chu Yun regained his senses from the shock, he realized that the men in black who were still fighting the white-shirted lady earlier had changed their direction and started fighting their companions.

When Chu Sihan came out after getting dressed, he only saw a white flash before disappearing.

“Could it be her?”

Chu Yun clutched his shoulders and mumbled.

“What happened?”

Chu Sihan frowned and asked.

“Lord, are you alright?”

Chu Yun asked worriedly.

Seeing such a large commotion outside and Chu Sihan not coming out, he faintly felt that something was amiss. He wanted to go in and check, but he was restrained by the men in black and could not escape.

Chu Sihan’s expression was cold as he said, “I accidentally fell into their trap and they tampered with my bath water.”

“What?” Chu Yun became anxious and could not care less about his injury. He hurried forward to examine Chu Sihan.

“I’m fine now.” He stared in the direction where the white figure disappeared and frowned. “That was...”

He seemed to have heard Lu Sheng’s voice.

“I’m not sure if it was Miss Lu,” Chu Yun said in a low voice. “She just came out of your room and saved me. That’s right, the woman in white also knows the Skill of Puppetry like Miss Lu.”

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