Lord of Annihilation

Chapter 103

Chapter 103: Annihilator and Void Eater. Part 2

Upon activating [Devour], the pitch-black shadows unexpectedly leaped out from the ground and materialized into thin air. Shadows which were originally scattered in the ground gathered in the air, joined together to form tentacle-like appendages.

These tentacles shot towards Olivia's body in a bid to pull her into the void. Once her body was pulled into the shadow, there would be no more chances to escape.

Olivia's fate would be to become food for the Void Eater.

Fortunately, Olivia wasn't the weak, lacking young woman she previously was. Her soul immediately sensed the danger in the approaching tentacles and promptly warned her.

Infusing soul power into her legs, Olivia jumped backward in a bid to create distance between the shadowy tentacles and her body. Her goal wasn't to defeat Lucius, but rather stall for time.

Thanks to her quick reactions and newly improved soul cultivation. Olivia was barely able to dodge the clutches of the tentacles. Having hit nothing but thin air, the tentacle begrudgingly withdrew into the void once again.

Just as Olivia was about to let out a sigh of relief her heart feezed.

"Did you forget about me?" a voice that sounded like the grating of metal was heard from behind her.

Instinctively, Oliva ducked her head. She could feel a gust of cold air blow past her head. A few strands of black hair fell from her head.

Immediately after that, Olivia detonated a part of her soul aimed towards her back to cancel her momentum. Using the rebound from this blast. she rolled towards the sides.

Rolling up onto her feet, Oliva placed her hands to her front and started to cast another spell. Knowing that [Suppress] was no longer effective on her foe, she decided to try her other spells.

In any fight, the foremost priority is to have a proper visual of your opponent. Without knowing where your opponent was and where he was going to attack, defeat would only be a matter of time.

This was also the case in Olivia's current fight. Lucius' speed was much superior to hers. If she was to only rely on her sight, Olivia's chances of staying alive would be quite grim. Knowing such, Olivia's first spell wasn't offensive in nature but was rather a buff.

[Strenghten Soul]

The casting was complete and violet light covered Olivia's figure. Her sapphire blue eyes turned deep violet in color. Oliva felt a sense of unbounded freedom envelop her body. Her senses seemed to have broken some sort of restriction as she was able to feel everything!

Her sight was clearer and faster. Her nose could pick up the tiniest of scents. Her ears were sharp as a rabbit. Her skin could feel the vibrations in the air. But most importantly,

'I can feel Lucius' presence! And right now he's....' as soon her thought was completed, Olivia twisted her head at a 45-degree angle.

A stone-grey-skinned, slender hand tore through the air, where her head had been just a moment ago. Her ears picked up the sound of the air twisting and her nose smelled a faint burning smell.

Just as Olivia was about to roll forward once more a large impact was delivered onto her sides. Pain assaulted her mind and her body was thrown forward.

"Bugs which keep running around are the most annoying." she faintly heard a dissatisfied voice.

Traveling almost 10 feet through the air in that impact, Olivia's body landed on the ground with a heavy thud. She threw up a large amount of red blood. The pain threatened to take her consciousness.

'No!' Olivia's monstrous will forcibly held onto her consciousness.

She knew. If she were to lose consciousness here, she would unmistakenly, irrevocably die.

'..Whe-where is L-Lucius?' her addled brain tried to sense Lucius' location.

Step, Step. Step, Step.josei

The sounds of footsteps approaching were heard. Squinting with her painful eyes, Olivia saw a blurry image.

A grey-skinned humanoid figure, 1,9m in height was slowly approaching her body. The ground beneath his feet was completely dark and black tentacle-like appendages, peeked through his darkness. With each step, the darkness beneath his feet moved along with his body.

Racial skill of the Void Eaters: [Void Steps]

Present everywhere yet nowhere. Encompassing everything, yet nothing. The void surrounded the Universe and held everything within. It represents everything that ever was and everything that ever will be.

And the Void Eaters were the children of the Void.

Their ability to freely traverse through the void with each step was proof of their parentage and their authority as one belonging to the void.

And as the children of the void, it was their duty to return everything to it. To devour all matter and return to become a part of the void.

At this moment, Lucius had already reached Olivia's body which was groaning in pain. He stopped a few inches away from her body and spoke.

"Such a delicious soul. Yet, when I think about eating it my instincts warn me of instant peril." his tone contained hints of desire and confusion.

"Such being the case, you must be destroyed." saying so, Lucius shot a black tentacle towards Olivia's head. He intended to crush her head, thus ending her life.

Just as the black tentacle rose and was about to crush her head, Olivia's body exploded with a violet-colored light. Standing in such close range, the violet light struck Lucius' body. His entire body was dyed in bright violet light.

"ARGH!!" a loud scream escaped from his mouth,

The tentacles surrounding his body disappeared and his connection to the void was forcibly cut off. The violet-colored energy spread throughout his body and enveloped the greyish-black energy within it.

An inordinate amount of pain was felt throughout his body as the violet light forcibly suppressed and destroyed the greyish-black energy. Grey smoke rose from Lucius' body and the scent of burning flesh spread through the air.

"AHHH!!!" his body was being purified!

The momentum of the violet light energy was too fierce and an unimaginable amount of pain flooded his body. He felt an overwhelming threat to his life.

It was then, that the slumbering soul within his mindspace finally awoke. A soul which was the product of the mutation of his [Killer] soul.

Due to the intense amounts of energy consumed during the ascension process, followed by the unlocking of his bloodline and the reconstruction of his body. Lucius' energy reserves were at an all-time low.

Apart from being awake for a brief period of time after the completion of the ascension. Lucius's consciousness was in a state of slumber. The period when he had woken up in the medical facility and had threatened Oliva into bringing him here was the result of his subconscious mind.

Lucius belonged to the race of the Void Eaters. A species that had the ability to travel through the void and evolve endlessly through consuming matter.

With his body being in excess lack of energy earlier, his body had subconsciously relied on this trait and had devoured all the bodies.

That followed by the attack on Alex and Olivia was the result of his subconscious trying to instinctively hunt for better food. After all, freshly ascended souls not to mention such rare ones were a true delicacy.

What was unexpected was the first attack from Olivia. Seemingly having triggered some kind of taboo of the Void Eaters he had finally lost his mind to the madness and attacked her with all his might.

Just as he was about to succeed Olivia's soul landed a successful attack on his body, which finally awakened his slumbering soul.

Lucius' body which had been releasing painful roars gradually started to calm down. The stone-grey color on his skin started to fade, restoring its previous state of pristine whiteness. The colors in his eyes also faded, restoring its previous state of inky blackness.

Lucius' maddened expression also disappeared. The previous look of absolute indifference returned.

"Livia! I brought Ka'lor'ah!" an enlivened voice was heard preceded by the sound of the door opening.

Reyna had a worried expression on her face and her hand was holding onto a dark-gold crystal. Her eyes swept across the scene on the inside. She was shocked.



Two voices each belonging to a different person was heard.

Reyna dropped the crystal in her hand and rushed towards the injured Olivia. Ka'lor'ah who was released from Reyna's grasp flew towards Lucius.

"Olivia! What happened?!" Reyna screamed. She tightly held onto Olivia's body and scanned through her injuries. Tears brimmed within her eyes and her heart was filled with worry.

She scanned Olivia's body with a machine on her wrist. After seeing that none were life-threatening, she finally let out a sigh of relief.

Ka'lor'ah on the other side also scanned Lucius with her senses. Her scans were even more through, due to the bond between their souls.

Seeing the results of her scan, Ka'lor'ah let out a deep sigh.

'My senses weren't wrong. Lucius is indeed a Void Eater. My natural enemy.' she calmly concluded. Her mind was filled with complex feelings and thoughts.

'How should I proceed?' this was the chief question within her heart.

Should she kill him right now, when he is currently weak? Or should she continue with her plans and risk the possibility of Lucius killing her?

Ka'lor'ah was in a dilemma.

Letting out another sigh, she finally made up her mind.

'There is no point in thinking alone. I must discuss this with him after he wakes up. If he wants to kill me and consume my soul, then so be it.' she let out a bitter laugh.

It was then that Lucius' body finally moved. His abyssal black pupils opened and his devilishly handsome face radiated indifference.

His mouth moved as he spoke in a bland voice.

"My soul has mutated to what is called the [Annihilator]. An evolution in the [Killer] path? Or is it something entirely different?"

He paused for a second before saying.

"Interesting. Very Interesting."

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