Lord of Annihilation

Chapter 15

Chapter 15: Reyna's Dilemma- Part 1

Lucius, was currently at the gym training his body. After some preliminary warming exercises, he moved onto High intensity interval training. After doing a few sets of that, Lucius noticed his body already feeling weak. He had been doing all these sets, without using any soul power. The difference between using soul power and not doing so, was clearly seen.

While using soul power does bring out significant results from a person's body, having a weaker body means the efficacy of soul power is weakened. Having a stronger body enables the user to draw out more of their soul power at a time and use it more effectively.josei

Drawing a sharp breath. Lucius paused his workout and moved towards a nearby bench. He then reached into his bag and grabbed a vial of Nutrient Fluid. Drowning its contents, Lucius immediately felt a change in his body. His originally overtaxed cells, felt a fresh rush of energy entering them. He instantly felt a refreshing and comforting feeling wash over his body. It felt similar to coming out of a steam bath.

Currently looking at Lucius' body, one could see faint muscle outlines already forming. When Lucius' was ingesting the the Nutrient Fluids, he also circulated his soul power throughout his body, to increase the efficiency of his cells absorbing the contents. Combined with sufficient nourishment and his almost Hell like training program, Lucius' body was rapidly strengthening.

'Although I knew my body would strengthen rapidly, this speed is just too much!', even Lucius' himself was dumbfounded at the speed of his advancement. A human body, in the end was still a human body. No matter what supplements are provided there are still natural limits. If it should have originally taken Lucius' 1 week of effort to reach such a stage, it had only taken him 1 day's effort to get there.

As Lucius was thinking over this matter, a voice interrupted him as always, "It seems my guess was correct after all!", it confidently stated.

Ka'lor'ah who was watching him train, continued to present her thoughts, "I always thought something was weird about you. When I first found you back then, you were giving me an odd feeling. Although your body seems quite normal on the outside. Deep down something feels different."

Lucius then asked her, his voice a little strange,"You think I am not human?"

"Maybe, maybe not. We better prepare for that as well. Whatever you are, we will know during 'that'.", she replied and became silent.

'Maybe not,huh?", Lucius thought to himself and continued his training.


Meanwhile, Keith was currently outside the academy. Some students hailing from some very powerful families did not stay inside the campus. Of course, students who preferred it inside the campus could remain in it.

Surrounding the academy was a large city. Many influential families and corporations of the Alliance, had their main headquarters or homes, stationed in this city. It could be said the majority of the Alliance's influence was centered in this city. One could find various celebrities, business men or even important scientists walking through the streets. All these people held significant power in their hands and are not to be underestimated.

The city was filled with large, tall skyrise buildings, floating structures, mag-lev trains, warp stations and even space ports just outside the atmosphere. At the very centre one could also see a space elevator leading up and out into the 'Space Gathering Hub' situated in the earth's orbit.

Keith was also standing in front of one such glass covered building. The entire city was filled with the latest of scientific creations, yet the building currently before him was undoubtedly the most advanced among them. It could be said, in the entire city or the alliance for that matter, this building contained the most amount of scientists and the latest of technology. This was the home of numerous scientific breakthroughs that changed Humanity's fate in the universe.

The Snowden Corporation.

And Reyna was it's only heir. Just from this it can be understood, why so many young men tried to win her favor and court her. Yet the girl showed no interest in such things. The only thing that filled her head was science and how to improve her research. And Keith currently held the key that might help him enter her heart.

Just thinking about this, Keith's head felt giddy from excitement. He could not wait to hand this drive to Reyna and get into her good books. Upon confirming the contents of the drive, Keith immediately dressed himself and rushed over here. He was waiting for Reyna to comeback from the academy, so that he could personally hand it over to her.

While the Cline family was influential anywhere else in the Alliance, before the Snowden Corporation, it wasn't even worth mentioning. None of the other families were worth something for that matter. The corporation was simply to great and it's authority too vast. This corporation was also the one responsible for pushing humanity into the interstellar age. Just from this point alone, it's tremendous value can be assessed.

As Keith was fantasizing about his future, he saw a large horde of cars heading in his direction. Seeing this Keith immediately straightened up, he adjusted his clothes and put on his best smile.

'This is my time to shine.', he thought to himself.


Reyna Snowden. She is a 18 year old young woman and the only heir of the Snowden Corporation. Ever since a young age, Reyna was very smart. She was an absolute prodigy when it came to the art of science and mechanics.

She built her first machine at age 7. Published her first research at age 13. Became the youngest to win the 'Build the Future Alliance', competition at age 17. The competition focused on new technological innovations that could improve the lives of ordinary alliance citizens. The competition takes place once every decade, and she is it's youngest winner.

A genius, that had a loving father and hundreds of caring scientist uncles and aunts. She was tutored personally by top alliance scientists and even her father, who was a famous scientist himself. She had never attended schools or interacted often with other people her age, until she joined the 'Earth Alliance Academy'. In Reyna's eyes the world is a bright place filled with smart people and constant innovation. Suffering and hunger of the common people were things of the past and everyone is currently happy. This was how Reyna saw the world, until the incident today.

On her way to lunch at her favourite spot, she noticed that a couple of people were already there. At first Reyna was a little angry that others had found her secret spot. But when she saw what was happening she was shocked.

Four large boys were beating up a smaller boy and snatched his research. They did not hold regard for the rules of the academy and directly used their power to steal another's property.

'How could they do something like that? Isn't it wrong to steal from others. Father used to tell me that one's knowledge is theirs own, until they are willing to share it.', This was her current thought process.

After the big and scary boys left, she hurried forward to help the other boy, Yet upon a simple question from him she was stunned.

'Indeed he is right. Why did I not help him?'. Reyna couldn't be exactly blamed for her actions since this was the first time in her life that she came across something like this. Her thoughts were confused since the beginning and became even more confused upon hearing the scary boys speak Keith's name.

'Is he also like them. No, that couldn't be. I've seen Keith and even talked with him before, He is a kind and polite young man who even treats the lesser with care.'

"Young Lady, we have reached." , a voice extracted her from her thoughts.

Looking up, Reyna saw that they had already arrived to her father's office and her home. She slightly hit her cheeks and told herself, 'No point in thinking about this, Reyna. Maybe that Lucius guy did something wrong.'

She then got of her car and started heading towards the building. As she was walking she noticed a young man with a bright smile heading towards her. 'Isn't that Keith, why is he here?', she wondered.

Keith approached Reyna and spoke up in a polite voice, "Miss Reyna, fancy meeting you here."

"Good to meet you to, Young master Keith.", she replied

"Haha, I don't deserve such words Miss Reyna. I just came here to give you something.", he said and reached into his pocket to retrieve the drive. He then carefully handed it to her.

Reyna had her curiosity piqued and asked, "This is?"

Keith gave a light smile and replied, "Something I believe might help you with your research. I hope to share my latest research results with you Miss Reyna. Since I have given it to you, I'll take my leave" Saying this Keith immediately left. He didn't stay to make small talk since he knew it wasn't effective and was simply a waste of time. Plus, Reyna liked when people were straightforward to her.

Receiving the drive, Reyna was stunned. Before she could come to her thoughts and thank him, she noticed that he had already left. Looking at the drive in her hand Reyna, thought back to that poor boy being bullied and threatened.

'It can't be, right?', Reyna thought to herself in disbelief.

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