Lord of Annihilation

Chapter 28

Chapter 28: Heartless Killer

The person in question, Lucius was now standing with furrowed eyebrows, he was staring at his bloodstained hands, with an odd expression. This bright crimson red eyes had already receded, save for the tiny bit of red in the depths of his eyes.

No injuries were present in his body both inside and out. The hunger he felt back then had also vanished.

'What is happening to me?', he thought to himself.

Taking his eyes off his hands, he stared underneath his feet. Lucius was standing in an elevated position, in comparison to the ground. Directly underneath his feet was a pile of headless bodies.

Most of them were armored and were carrying various weapons. These weapons included plasma rifles, laser knives and stun grenades.

Looking around, the ground was filled with scorch marks and knife slashes. Even the buildings in the setting, which already was broken was further smashed due to their battle.

Seeing all of this Lucius shook his head and sighed.

"Whatever happened was caused by me. Although I'm not sure what that hunger was or why I acted so irrationally, it can't be helped now.", he spoke to himself.

"Seems like I have to kill everyone present in order to cover my secrets." saying so in a nonchalant voice. He stepped down from that pile of corpses and picked certain items from the bodies.

He first picked up two rifles and checked for their ammunitions. He then grabbed a couple of sun grenades and a device which looked like the GPS.

The device showed an outline of all the settings and the remaining participants were in the form of red dots.

"Well, I guess I'll start with these guys. I must be quick, lest the ones outside start running."

Saying so he mobilized his soul power to the fullest extent. Since his body was the one that caused this mess, it was up to him to clean it up.

'Nothing can affect the events that will be taking place next February.", he thought to himself and continued towards the red dots with a calm expression.


Outside, the rains had already stopped, It was still quite dark due to the overcast sky and the fact that it was quite early in the morning.

In the corner of a nearby alley facing an ordinary shop, a dark shadow stood.

It was looking at the watch device in it's hand and looked up towards the shop. Noting that the location in the watch and the store were the same thing, it carefully surveyed the surroundings.

No one was present in the vicinity of the shop and the shop itself was closed. It was to be expected as it was still very early in the morning.

Though, this shop looked normal, it was in fact a facade. This shop was one of the entries into The Pit. Upon hearing the name most people would just run away and never mention this fact, if they looked favourably upon life that is.

Yet, this person seemed unaware of the fearsome reputation of this institution and continued towards the shopfront.

Closing in near the door, the shadow checked the locks and noticed that they were locked. Seeing no other way, the shadow moved towards the side of the building in hopes of finding another entrance. Circling around the building, it came across a small vent in the side.Checking the watch and confirming the location once again the shadow moved. The vent was just enough for a person to fit inside, the shadow crouched down and entered the vent.

'I must find him!', the shadow thought to itself as it moved further into the darkness.


inside the Pit all of hell had broken loose. The participants who had gather together in a certain area were getting slaughter one after another.

Screams and blood flew around. Bright flashes of light flew around and hit people. Upon coming into contact with flesh of the people, it simply tore them apart.

Around 40-ish people were remaining in the area and they died one after another.




Many such voices screamed and begged, but alas the originator of this slaughter did not reply. In fact upon hearing the voices, he proceeded to kill them first. Their screams exposed their locations and allowed for quick deaths.

In a few minutes all screams died down. Rather than say that the slaughterer had stopped his killing, it was safe to say that all the others had died.

Lucius stood holding the rifles and looked at the hellish landscape before him with a calm expression. There was no change nor emotional fluctuation when he was killing the others. Some people watching this scene might say he was used to such scenes. But this was a gross underestimation.

Lucius possessed the soul of a 'Killer', something that he had cultivated to the 7th stage which was also the final stage. Killing was something natural for Lucius at this point. It was the same way one would feel about breathing. There is no why? or how?, it was just natural. All organisms are born, knowing how to breathe, how to move, etc. These natural actions need not be thought to a newborn, as it was just natural.

Lucius felt similar for killing. He did not think why, how or if? He did not ask himself if what he was doing was right or whether he was evil. He did not kill because he felt like killing nor because he enjoy it.

He simply killed.

One does not question the act of breathing, it was similar for Lucius. He simply killed because he needed to kill. He did not question it.

Of course this did not mean that he would partake in mindless slaughter. 'Something like that was just to bothersome', this is how he would reply if one asked him. Although if needed he would not hesitate. Kin? Same species? Distantly related? Lucius did not care about such trivialities.

He had already killed an innumerable amount of people. A number so large and inestimable, even if one considered the almost infinite cosmos. A number so humongous that many wondered how he had done it in a mere 300 years.

He was cruel. He was heartless. His ability to feel happiness or sadness had mostly left him. Over the 300 years, his heart had mostly turned into an empty shell, one which pumps blood. Yet, he did not care about such minor issues.

This was his strength and the price he had to pay. 'The Killer' soul.


"Looks like that the last ones remaining in this area.", Lucius checked the GPS to confirm.

Seeing that no more red dots were present, he then walked in a different direction.

"I guess it's time for me to meet the 'audience'." saying so he continued to walk towards the exit.

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