Lord of Annihilation

Chapter 53

Chapter 53: Alex Hellwig. Part 2

"But why? Am I not already Half a Step into Stage 1. Didn't you already say, I might be the strongest human, currently." Alex grumbled.

Hearing his words, Ka'lor'ah hesitated. She could not exactly tell him that Lucius had 300 years of experience with his combat capability being at a monsterous level. Not to mention, he had reached Stage 7 once already.

Picking her words carefully, Ka'lor'ah spoke, "He is very talented in combat. Someone who cannot be judged by common standards."

Hearing her, Alex got all the more excited, "That just makes me want to fight him, even more!"

If Ka'lor'ah had a head, she would be shaking it. Inwardly she wondered, 'How did such a rash guy become the Great Commander? Did I seek out the wrong person?'

Dispersing her thoughts, she spoke in a serious tone, "You can fight him later. Remember what we came here to accomplish. If we meet him before our work is done, all our preparation will be for naught."

"Fine.", Alex admitted and started to head towards a specific direction. Although he wasn't sure, why Ka'lor'ah asked him to head this way, he knew better than to question this mysterious person.

Her instructions always seemed random, with each step not being related to the other or in some cases, even making sense. Still, he understood she wasn't telling him the entire truth nor did Alex particularly care about it.

in fact, upon hearing of her request for the first time, Alex had unhesitantly refused her. After all who would accept when a crystal suddenly started talking and asked that person to save mankind. Actually, if someone did immediately accept. Alex firmly believed that something was wrong in their head.

Still once sentence spoke by her changed his stance, "Well it's a shame I guess. After all your family is also at risk."

Just this one statement was enough for Alex to dive into action.

As they continued to head in the direction which Ka'lor'ah was pointing, Alex suddenly became curious and asked.

"I have to ask, why did you panic when you realised he knew?"

Ka'lor'ah inwardly let out a bitter smile. Thinking about Lucius' character and the threat he had given her on their first night in this world, she honestly spoke out her thoughts, " He does not like being lied to. Now that I have deceived him to such an extent, I wouldn't be surprised if he directly crushed me on the spot." her voice carried a faint trace of sorrow.

'Afterall, i am but a mere tool, in his mind. Nothing more and nothing less.' she did not speak this part out loud.

Although Ka'lor'ah did not show it, she was deeply hurt every time Lucius, simply referred to her as a means to accomplish his goals. Although she had taught him and lived with him for 30 years before crossing over to progress with their plan, Lucius did not place any importance in her. Truth is, her womanly pride had been greatly hurt at his complete lack of interest towards her.

'Am I that lacking in charm?' she had wondered countless times.

Giving put a demeaning laughter directed at herself, she continued 'Then again he never really cared about anything or anyone.'

Just as she was about to sink into her memories Alex's loud but deep voice woke her up, "Doesn't that mean you will die?!' His voice was filled with obvious surprise.

"Yeah, so?"

"Then I absolutely cannot hand over you to him! " Alex declared.

Pushing back her depressing thoughts, Ka'lor'ah humoured him. Looking at this naive kid, her teasing personality had resurfaced once again, "Oh, then are you going to protect this lowly one, from the clutches of that villain. To think I would have my own white knight in shining armor standing up for me. Ah, I truly am blessed."

Hearing her remarks spoken to him in a coy voice, Alex's face reddened to a certain extent. His contact with women had been abysmally low with his only focus being the military and his family.

"You! What nonsense are you speaking? I'm no knight in shining armor."

A awkward silence filled the space between them, before Ka'lor'ah broke into a thunderous laughter.

"Hahahaha! Were you actually moved by those words? You really are more naive than I thought. Do you have no experience with women?" she was huffing and puffing, struggling to talk.

Alex turned his face in shame. She had accurately hit him in his weak point. As of late, even his own parents were urging him to look for a wife. Alas, Alex had no idea on how to proceed in the matter between a man and a woman. He had continuously been dodging their questions with vague and evasive answers.

Seeing his reaction, Ka'lor'ah continued to push on, "Oh, so it indeed is so. Don't worry, big sister here will teach you everything."

Just as Alex was about to rebuke her, he suddenly slowed his footsteps and dived into the nearest hiding spot. Hiding his body behind a large crate, Alex cautiously watched the surrounding.

'Someone's here.' he spoke within his mind.josei

'it's not Lucius, I cannot feel our soul link.' Ka'lor'ah immediately replied.

Alex nodded his head and watched towards the direction where he heard the footsteps coming from. Closing his eyes, he focused his soul power to flow towards his ears to enhance his hearing.

'One, two,...., five people. Four of them seem to be walking normally, while one of them is being dragged?' Alex questioned within his mind.

He could clearly make out the footsteps of four people, whereas the last one did not have firm steps. A dragging sound combined with struggles could be faintly heard.

Alex opened his eyes and slowly peaked from his hiding place. Using his soul power to enhance his vision, he stared ahead.

In the distance, 4 men covered in black robes were dragging another person with his head covered. Focusing his senses, Alex recognised the person being dragged to be female. Her mouth had been stuffed, preventing her from screaming for help.

The four men with the woman in tow, were heading towards one of the warehouses. Seeing this sight, Alex was infuriated.

'These beasts!' he cursed in his head.

Ka'lor'ah however was not moved. Instead she was quite worried.

'That warehouse that they are heading to is where 'Causality' is being gathered. I have to lead Lucius in there!'

Taking note of Alex's mental state, Ka'lor'ah spoke.

"Carefully follow them. We have to head to the same warehouse, where they are headed." she instructed.

Alex nodded his head and waited for the group to pass. Taking care to not be exposed, he slowly made his way in that direction.

Alex noticed the group heading into one of the warehouses. There was nothing special about this specific building, as it was the same as the rest of the buildings in this place.

The group entered the warehouse, with one of the men staying back to carefully inspect the surrounding. Alex had expected this and had hidden himself in advance.

Seeing that no one was present in the surrounding and no traces of them being followed, the man retreated into the warehouse and a loud of a metal bar being used to block the door was heard.

"This is bad!" Alex spoke grimly.

"Not necessarily." Ka'lor'ah spoke.

"Them being this cautious means something important is going in there. Since they have just entered into the premises their wariness would be lowest at this point. This is our chance to infiltrate!"

Agreeing with her statement, Alex then started looking around for possible entries. Going through the front door was not an option. He carefully circled around the warehouse, before he finally spotted a part of the wall broken a few meters in the air, revealing a small gap, just enough for him to fit in.

If this was Alex of before, entering through this gap would be impossible considering it's height. Fortunately, he could now use his soul power. Covering this distance was too easy.

Getting a running start, Alex dashed off at his top speed and powerfully kicked off the ground. His body rose, 5 metres off the ground in the single jump, allowing him to cover just enough distance to reach for the gap.

Holding onto the ledge with his powerful arms, Alex dragged his body up in one swoop and entered into the warehouse through the gap.

Entering in, Alex landed onto a metal platform, usually used for the maintenance of the roof. No lights were present in the immediate surrounding, providing a perfect vantage point for him. He crouched near the edge of the platform and focused his eyes and ears to get a clear picture on what was happening.

He was not bot-blooded enough to rashly rush into his enemies without getting a clear idea about their numbers and positions. Though he was vastly stronger than an average human, his body was still made of flesh and blood after all.

Ka'lor'ah also joined her senses into that of Alex's and the both of them stared at the centre of the warehouse, where a group of people had gathered.

Looking at the hostage, who had her head cover taken off, Both Alex and Ka'lor'ah gasped.

Kneeling in the centre was the most beautiful lady, Alex had ever seen. He was literally rendered speechless and his brain failed to keep up with his emotions.

Ka'lor'ah however was surprised for an entirely different reason.

' 'Causality' is gathering towards her? Another focal point is forming for humanity! How is this possible!!?'

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