Lord of Annihilation

Chapter 72

Chapter 72: Investigation

The person in question, was currently running through the corridors of the spaceship. Technically speaking, it could not be considered 'running', since he was not displaying his actual speed.

After undergoing his advancement into Mid level or Stage 1, Lucius' body had undergone another round of improvement. Naturally, this meant that Lucius' forte-speed, had also improved once again. If he started running casually, his speed would match that of a 40 km/hr vehicle.

Since it wasn't time yet, Lucius could not expose his abilities to the normal, 'unawakened' humans. (those who hadn't connected their Body-Soul).

While running Lucius asked Ka'lor'ah, who was consuming his soul energy to recover from her earlier exertion.

"Why did you awaken her soul?"

"That little girl's mind is too naive and her mental resilience is non-existent. If not for me awaken her soul and pulling her conscious mind into the surface, her mind would have definitely collapsed. We can't have our focal point becoming a vegetable, can we?" Ka'lor'ah blandly explained.

As she said, Ka'lor'ah did not want to awaken Reyna's soul prematurely. It was something that was supposed to naturally happen during 'that event'. However, in order to save Reyna's life earlier, she had no choice but to connect her Body and Soul.

Truth is, awakening the soul prematurely, that is, before 'that event' did have it's benefits. With the accumulated experience one would have with the discovery of their soul, a possibility existed that one would awaken a Soul Type of a higher rarity. The soul type they would awaken, would also be more suitable for the individual.

This is the reason, Ka'lor'ah awakened Alex's and Olivia's souls prematurely. However, in Reyna's case, it was different.

"Now, we can only pray that the girl awakens the [Machinery Life] soul type. If it doesn't happen, then all our plans will be rendered useless." Ka'lor'ah spoke with a hint of worry in her voice.

"Do you really think her soul type would change? There is only two more months before 'that' happens." Lucius asked in confusion.

"Well, normally there would not be any change. But as I mentioned, it is entirely dependent on one's experiences. Due to that earlier dance with death, her psyche was badly affected. That's why I'm worried about changes occurring."

Hearing this, Lucius' did not show any type of reaction.

"I see." he simply spoke.

His movement speed accelerated, as he headed towards the Viewing Room.

'Time to seek out the one behind this mess.'


The corridors were mostly deserted, save for the few of students who were walking together in groups of five. Their faces were filled with fear and worry, as they nervously proceeded along their activities. The absence of their private guards only served to increase their worry. After all, who was expecting a student to suddenly go on a murder rampage.

Watching Lucius travel alone, most of them sneered and called him an idiot seeking death. Of course, he couldn't care less about the opinions of mere 'worms'.

Making his way towards the viewing platform without pause, Lucius noticed that the area had been blocked with a teacher being there. A group of 5 students were standing next to the teacher requesting permission to enter the crime scene.

The group of 5 consisted of three men and two woman, all the men wearing red and the two woman wearing white and black respectively. Unlike the groups from before, none of their faces were filled with fear, but were instead filled with excitement.

Upon hearing of a murder taking place on the ship, these friends grouped up together and headed to the various locations to investigate, before finally ending up here.

"Professor, please let us enter the area. We might be able to help with the investigation." the black wearing young woman asked.

The professor directly shook his head and told them off sternly.

"This will be the last time I'm telling you. No students are allowed to enter. Go back to your rooms!"

Listening to his stern threat, the group simply clicked their tongues and walked off to the side. They seemed to temporarily give up.

"What do we do now? This old fogey isn't allowing us in!" the woman wearing white spoke.

"Do we just knock him out?" one of the men spoke.

"Then what? Get expelled. Use your brain a little." the woman wearing black rolled his eyes.

Just then they noticed another student approach this area. It was young man with a very handsome face. His face was cold as ice and his black eyes were filled with indifference.

"Isn't that the boy who got into a fight with Alex?" one of the girls questioned.

"Ha! He's a fool. He provoked every single student in this ship. He will not be living a good life once he steps off the ship." the men mocked him.

Perhaps due to Lucius' handsome face or maybe because she was simply trying to help him, the girl in black raised her voice and addressed Lucius.

"The teacher isn't allowing anyone to enter that place. You are simply wasting your time here." she spoke, her cheeks slightly turning red.

The men watched with envy and jealousy as they saw the girl behave like this.

Meanwhile Lucius, who heard this warning simply ignored it.

"What a fool." one of the boys spoke and the girl's expression also turned sour.

Walking up to the teacher, Lucius looked him right in the eyes and activated his [Charm]. A hint of red spread into his eyes, as he spoke.

"Let me in."

"Of course." the teacher nodded as he moved to allow Lucius to pass.

Watching this scene the group standing nearby were completely dumbfounded. Their jaws hung wide as they saw Lucius casually speak a line and then be allowed entry. Hell, he wasn't even polite to the teacher!

"Wha-what just happened?" the girl wearing white asked in shock, to which she received no reply.

Ignoring this commotion outside, Lucius entered the Viewing room. Stepping inside, he could immediately smell the scent of blood in the air.

Rather than feel unbearable due to that horrible smell, Lucius took in a deep breath. This was a scent which was very familiar to him. A scent that said to be homely.

"Victim was killed 6-8 hours ago." just from the smell Lucius deduced the time of death.

Over the passage of time, the blood exposed to air would begin to decay. Due to this, the smell of the blood would be different at different frames of time. Unless one was very familiar with such matters, they would not be able to identify the time of death, just based of the scent. Lucius could be considered an abnormality.

He then walked towards the area where the smell was coming from.

Making his way there, Lucius finally stumbled upon the body laying on the ground. Leaning on the ground, he studied wound on the body.

"Stabbed with a sharp object. Not a knife, but something that is longer and wider. Possibly a pipe."

"Victim died due to excessive blood loss. Killer did not aim for the heart or any other vital organ, rather aiming to the chest. A crude attempt. Suggests inexperience. Possibly a student."

"Judging from the skin and position of the body, there was no struggle. Suggests that the victim was caught unaware. Victim knew the murderer. Possibly a friend."

"Contraction of muscles in the throat. Victim's mouth was stuffed with something to prevent screaming. Suggests that the killer was cautious and cunning. He was prepared for all eventualities."

Studying all that there was on the body, Lucius then stood up. Controlling his soul power to his eyes, he activated his [Killer Vision].

The colorful world that had previously filled his vision, completely turned red. Looking down at the body Lucius noticed a small amount of black miasma floating around the body.

'Looks like I'm not late.' Lucius thought to himself.josei

'Is that curse energy?' Ka'lor'ah sounded unsure.

'Indeed. The Victim died with extreme hatred, therefore turning a part of his soul into curse energy, sticking it into the killer. Follow the curse energy and we find the killer.' Lucius explained to her.

Curse energy. It was special type of energy which might manifest upon a person's death. It cannot be seen normally and can only be noticed under special visions like Lucius' [Killer Vision].

When a person dyes with extreme hatred or grievances, a part of their soul is directly converted into curse energy which does not leave the body, like the soul. It usually sticks on the dead body of the person and infects the area around it. In cases such as this, a part of the energy also sticks onto the killer providing vague discomfort to them.

At small amounts, curse energy is harmless. But if large amounts of this energy gather in a small place, it leads to strange phenomena. Wraiths, Ghouls and other such undead creatures are usually produced to this energy.

This is one of the reasons why a body is burned upon death. Burning a body usually dispels the curse energy gathered.

The [Killer] Soul Type upon reaching Stage 3 could be able to freely manipulate curse energy.

Moving his gaze away from the dead body, Lucius stared into the empty air in the direction of the door. A small thin black line vaguely appeared in his sight.

'Found the tracks.' he immediately followed it.

Making it outside the room, Lucius once again used charm and ordered the teacher.

"You can close the room now." saying so he immediately took off in that direction.

Staring at this young man, suddenly exit the room and start running in the opposite direction. The girl wearing the black overalls, bit her lips before instructing her group.

"Seems like he's got some kind of a clue. Follow him!"

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