Lord of Flames

Chapter 120

Chapter 120: Immortal Fire! The role of the title!

Chapter 120: Immortal Fire! The role of the title!

Chapter 120: Immortal Fire! The role of the title!

The temple of the Birdmen clan was built on the bank of a river.

Below was the rushing river.

The river had been widened a lot.

This river flowed from the misty mountains and was the main source of water for irrigation of the miraculous wasteland.

Looking down from the temple of the Birdmen clan, you could see the city of miracles, and you could also see the lush green miraculous wasteland!

Because the climate in this area did not change much throughout the year, the growth of crops was also exceptionally rapid.

There were several main plants in the miraculous wasteland today.

The largest planting area was still occupied by potatoes.

Next was sweet potatoes.

Then there was corn.

These three crops had greatly enriched the food sources of the City of Miracles.

Looking down from the temple of the Birdmen Race, the land on the miraculous wasteland was very neat and tidy.

On the ground, you could see the working orcs from time to time.

There were also some magicians wearing long robes walking between the land, using their own magic to grow crops!

The growth of crops with the help of magical power would not have a negative effect. Before Lin Yan had crossed over, some people used hormones to promote the growth of the crops which had a negative effect on crops.

But there was no negative effect on crops if they were grown with magic.

Many magic apprentices would discover that in this process their magic power had actually achieved a breakthrough without knowing it.

Now there were more and more magicians in the fox clan.

There were already three magician groups belonging to the temple.

These three magician groups were made up of fox girls.

They were the best fox girls of the fox clan.

In the fox tribe and cat tribe, the status of females was far greater than that of males. In terms of mental power, female foxes also had a natural advantage.

The earliest magician group, with about 100 magicians, was basically composed of first-order magicians!

In the repeated battles, these magicians had made great progress!

The second magician group was composed of all magic apprentices above level 5!

The third magician group was newly formed. Although the magic apprentices in it were weaker, they were also making rapid progress.

In the miraculous wasteland, hundreds of magic apprentices used magic to grow crops every day.

In the lush green wasteland, a magician in a white robe walked. This scene looked harmonious and beautiful!

This was also the favorite scenery of Winged Maiden Mia!

She felt that her choice was not wrong!

She kind of liked this kind of life.

After the Birdmen tribe submitted, the number of saints that worshipped Lin Yan was six.

At this time, Lin Yan had left the extreme cold abyss and entered the next level of the abyss, a dark abyss with dim light.

The area of ??the extreme cold Abyss was not too big. The strongest in it was the seventh-order spider demon Lord.

And the next level of the Abyss, the Dark Abyss, had a much larger area.

Now that there was only a day left before the abyss crack closed, Lin Yan was also ready to return.

Every twenty years, as soon as the cracks in the abyss were closed, the abyss demon gods would scan the abyss levels one by one. It would not be fun to stay in the abyss at that time.

Lin Yan was not yet ready to fight in the abyss with the abyss demon gods!

In the dark abyss, after burning another seventh-order abyss lord to death, Lin Yan leveled up!

This time, Lin Yan spent hundreds of thousands of evolution points, and rose to the next stage of the Eternal Skyfire.

That was the immortal fire.

Immortal fire!

Lin Yan looked at his panel.

【Host: Lin Yan

Flame core level: Level 1 immortal fire

Flame layer number: thirty-two layers

Maximum temperature: 1.5W degrees

Evolution points: 586

Energy point: 1895KW

Current income: 0W points/second (floating)

Current consumption: 0W points/sec (floating)

Skills: Furiously burning, sound-detecting eyes, continuously burning, healing…

Different fire characteristics: lava fire, cold flame, white flame, burst flame, ice flame, bone cold flame, abyss magic flame, black flame

Resistance: water resistance 100%, ice resistance 69%, lightning resistance 65%

Title: The Fire of Civilization

Item: Virtual Godhead

Other: Nothing】

“Hey, the title is activated!”

Lin Yan found that his title of Civilization Fire had been activated.

[Title: Fire of Civilization lv1

Kingdom: 1

Reputation: 187W/187W_

Honor: 1285/1285]

Lin Yan clicked on the title. This time, Lin Yan learned the purpose of the title of Fire of Civilization.

After the title was activated, every time the country belonging to Lin Yan gained a certain civilization process, it would contribute a certain amount of honor to this title.

And after receiving the bonus of this title, Lin Yan’s country would become more favorable, with fewer pests, faster crop growth, and so on.

However, this was not the main thing about it.

The most important thing was that after this title reached the highest level, Lin Yan could use this title to obtain a Law!


Lin Yan whispered.

Law, that was a very distant thing for him.

Even for many gods, it was a very distant word. josei

Because the law was something that only the main god could touch!

If a main god mastered the law, then he would become the Lord God.

The main gods had basically got rid of their dependence on the power of faith. Of course, the power of faith was still useful to them, but they would not be like many other gods. For whom without the power of faith, there was no way to supplement their power.

Lin Yan didn’t expect that if this title of Fire of Civilization reached the highest level, there would still be such benefits.

This made Lin Yan pay more attention to the orcish kingdom that the Fox Girl, Qing Ling, was about to establish.

After thinking about it, Lin Yan gave the fox girl Qing Ling a revelation to complete the unification of the orcish kingdom as soon as possible.

In the orcish kingdom now, only the snake tribe and the wolf tribe were left who had not submitted.

These were two relatively powerful races.

The snake tribe was situated south of the orcish kingdom.

The wolf clan was on the prairie north of the orcish kingdom.

The population of these two tribes was quite large. The wolf tribe had more than 300,000 werewolves, and the snake tribe also had more than 300,000 snakemen.

Adding up these populations, the entire orcish kingdom’s total population in such a vast area should be more than two million.

If it’s the human kingdom, there would be tens of millions of people living in such a large area.

This was the difference that productivity brought!

“The immortal fire, how far is it from the realm of the gods?”

After giving the fox girl Qing Ling a revelation, Lin Yan began to think about this question again.

Lin Yan’s current temperature had reached about 15,000 degrees.

This was his normal temperature!

This was already three times higher than the surface temperature of the sun!

This temperature was sufficient to melt most substances.

If Lin Yan burned violently, his temperature would be higher, and it would not be a problem to double it several times.

If Lin Yan used his divine power to initiate violent burning, his flame temperature could even double dozens of times!

With Lin Yan’s full exertion, his temperature could reach hundreds of thousands of degrees.

However, Lin Yan’s current flames were not purely lethal by temperature.

It was difficult for a flame with only pure temperature to burn supernatural power.

But Lin Yan could!

And Lin Yan’s life form was also special.

Most attacks were ineffective against Lin Yan.

However, Lin Yan hadn’t officially fought against the gods yet, and he didn’t know what kind of methods the gods had.

The previous cutting of leeks was just burning the power transmitted by the Demon God of the Abyss, and it was not a fight at all.

Even the collision with the abyss demon god who carried 20 drops of divine power was not a fight.

Even if the 20 drops of divine power cooperated with the Abyss demon god, it was still far from the complete strength of the Abyss Demon God!

Since there was no reference, Lin Yan decided to put this matter aside.

He was not noticed now, which was just right!

After rising to the immortal fire, Lin Yan continued to move around in the dark abyss.

A few hours later, Lin Yan showed joy.

His luck was indeed good enough.

He found a new kind of abyss flame.

This abyss flame was still black.

When it burned, the effect was very special. While burning, it could turn the surroundings into darkness.

Simply put, when it burned, it could absorb light, just like a black hole.

Lin Yan unceremoniously swallowed it, and then transformed his twelfth layer of flame into the characteristic of this flame.

Lin Yan named this kind of flame the darkness flame!

Although this effect did not seem to be special, Lin Yan still had more than a dozen layers of useless flames, so he decided to transform it first.

In the unlikely event that Lin Yan collected dozens of special flames to fill up the empty flame layers other than the core, he could spend more evolution points to transform the useless layers back.

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