Lord of Flames

Chapter 176

Chapter 176: Great nobles rise! A stroke of God!

Chapter 176: Great nobles rise! A stroke of God!

Chapter 176: Great nobles rise! A stroke of God!

The day after Meng Ying gave the order, a great?noble in the northeast region of the Xi Ling Kingdom suddenly led an attack on the Churches in the northeast region, in all the cities.

It was?surprising that this great noble armed five thousand warriors to go to war.

Those 5,000 warriors swooped in and caught the Church in the northeast region by surprise.

And at that?time, there was not much defensive force left in the Church at all.

In just one day, all the church forces in the northeast region were uprooted!

And the other five thousand warriors sent by that?great noble to fight in the war, surprisingly, did not go to the front line.

Instead, they suddenly appeared in the eastern region, and in the same way, uprooted all the eastern region’s Church forces!

The actions of that?great noble stunned many people!

In the Continent of the Gods, no one dared to strike against the Church…

If anyone dared that means no life!

For a while, the great nobles of these two regions, including other regions, bet their eyes on each other.

Many nobles thought that?the great noble had defected to the enemy!

That was, voted to the side of the Horton Kingdom!

“The God of our Kingdom has been defeated in the Divine war, but this God, to?preserve his power, has sent down his consciousness to kill our king, and the body of our king is now the consciousness of this evil God, who also killed all the princes?of the King, including the eldest prince, who was?the most beloved by you.”

After uprooting the churches in both regions, this great noble gathered tens of thousands of commoners and a large number of nobles in his territory and spoke out brazenly.

“Even Princess Luo Ying and the eldest Princess were almost killed by them. If not for the help of the great flame lord of the Yan Nation, our Royal family would cease to exist and the whole Kingdom?would have fallen into the hands of this evil God.

Now, the evil God presumes to take the lives of our gate warriors to preserve power for it, it is no longer a God that can bring us shelter, but a thing that brings us disaster, tell me aloud that such a God is not even one ten-thousandth?of the great Lord of Flame, do you still believe in it?”

That great noble let out a hiss!

And at the same time, two-winged?men flew over a city in the Xi Ling Kingdom.

“You go to the east side, I’ll be on the west side, be careful to spread it evenly, there are tens of thousands of people in this city, make each area have the same amount of paper so that each of them can see it. ”

Hope?for humanity


The other winged man.

The two-winged?men split up and the one-winged?man flew to the other side of the?city.

Then the two started working almost simultaneously.

The work they were doing was?simple.

Each person took out a small magic bag.

Then they pulled out stacks of paper from their magic bags and began to scatter them downwards.

The paper was small and light, floating?down with the wind.

In the city, people come and go.

On a street, suddenly, a large amount of paper floated down.

“Huh, what’s this?”

A small child curiously picked up, only to see that the paper, written on the big star,?could not read the text.

But immediately, those words he could not read seemed to turn into a set of pictures, so that small child who could not read and write understood the meaning.

“Great, great, great, God has killed the King!”

This little child took the paper and shouted.

“What are you shouting blindly for?”

An old man tapped that?child on the head, but immediately, another piece of paper fell into the old man’s hand.

The old man took a look at it.?His?eyes were?very dim.?He could not see the size of the text, and he actually couldn’t?read, but he still understood the meaning of the paper.

“What? God lost the fight, so they killed the King, and killed the eldest?prince, who was known for his benevolence, and almost killed even Princess Luo Ying?”

That?old man’s mouth was wide open.

“Show me quickly.”

A middle-aged man snatched up the paper and soon understood what it meant as well.

“My God, before the Church said that God had defeated it. Is this true? But even Earl Walding has raised troops and killed all the Churches in the two areas. It shouldn’t be false, right? ”

The middle-aged man muttered.

In his neighborhood, many?people got that?piece of paper.

The magic of that?paper was?that, whether one could?read or not, as long as one sees it, one could?understand the meaning inside.

Those were?the magic words on the golden paper that Princess Luo Ying brought to the Fox Girl Qing Ling.

Such magical writing was?not easy to write and required?a lot of magic and Divine?power, so each of such magical letters was?quite expensive.

Last time, Princess Luo Ying?was in fact on a state visit, which was the reason?why she used the gold paper to write the magic words.

And that?time, all the paper in the whole city?were?the magic words!

That?would be amazing!

For Lin Yan, there was?nothing that lava fire couldn’t solve.

Lin Yan combined the lava fire and ice flame so that the lava fire?would?burn without temperature, the paper out, and then through a transformation, everything was?done.

The cost was?just energy points.

Lin Yan spent?tens of billions of energy points to please them!

And those papers then?said?only a few things.

One was?the great noble in the northeast, the Earl of Virden, who rose to power.

Count Valdin wanted to avenge the Royal family of the Xi Ling Kingdom, so he raised an army and uprooted the Church power in the northeast region and the eastern region.

What he said was also engraved in the original on those papers.

With the efforts of two winged men, it didn’t take long for everyone in that?city of tens of thousands to learn about it through a large number of letters with magical writing!

That?was just the first day of the public opinion offensive!

That?was a public opinion offensive that had?never been seen before on the Continent of the Gods!

Before Lin Yan crossed over, during the second war, some Kingdoms used?air-dropped propaganda leaflets, and the effect was not generally good.

And in the Continent of the Gods, Lin Yan used a few thousand winged people, to a wave of airdrops, and was?full coverage of airdrops, or the use of a look to understand the meaning of the magic text, the effect?was?simply good to burst!

Such a tactic, those civilians in the Xi Ling Kingdom had?never seen!

The letter fell from the sky, and the words on it were still readable at first sight.

Many civilians believed it on the spot.

Even some nobles believed it on the spot.

Among them, the?great noble Earl Veldin who started the war?played an important role.

As Earl Veldin?occupied?more than one-third of the land in the northeast region, his family’s assets were?counted in tens of millions of gold coins.

Such a high ranking and very prestigious Earl, if the?fact?was?not true, why would he suddenly rise?


He?was?not sick.

Even if he was fully armed, he could only arm a force of 20,000 people out, and the Church sent a great magister to solve the problem directly.

With the Earl’s armed forces, as the thought of a middle-aged man, even an Earl’s armed forces. Things shouldn’t be false?

So, that?wave of public opinion propaganda, the effect was?simply not ordinary!

That?wave of public opinion offensive was?not just taking place in one or two cities.

Rather, it covered?all the cities in the Kingdom of Xi Ling!

In all the cities of the Xi Ling Kingdom, including the King’s City, a dense paper shower fell! Thousands of winged warriors went out in unison, basically managing to cover all the cities of the Xi Ling Kingdom! The number of those papers was so large that the ratio to the population even reached one to ten.

If there were?100,000 people in a city

The number of such papers was?not less than 10,000!

If there were?200,000 people in a city, the number of such papers would?also not be less than 20,000! It could?be said that in a city, everyone from children to the elderly knows that!

“Look, Earl?Valdin had?set up an army to rebel against the Church and avenge the Royal family!”

“My God, my country

The king was killed, and the eldest?Prince who was so good to the common people was also killed, and God has to take the lives of our warriors to fight with the Horton Kingdom, it’s over!”

On that?day, all the people in every city in the Xi Ling?Kingdom were talking about that?matter.

“Earl?Valdin only has 10,000 people, how could?he fight against the Church? The Church can send a powerful magister?to kill all his little people.”

Many people were subconsciously worried?about Earl?Valdin!

That?was also the key point in Lin Yan’s revelation to Meng Ying to keep her in control. josei

Not much could?be revealed on the first day.

On the first day, let Earl?Valdin be the main character!

An old northern count, an old man over sixty years of age, wanted?to avenge the crown and rose?brazenly with ten thousand men against the whole Church!

That?thing, how to look, how sad!

And the sad story was?the easiest to infect the people!

So some people subconsciously worried?about Count Valdin!

And didn’t doubt the truth of the matter!

That?was?the beauty of that?step!

Of course, that?matter was?originally true; there was?no deception of public feelings.

But the Church of the Xi Ling Kingdom was huge.?The common people had?believed in the Gods for decades, without some means.?They?were?more real than gold and were?not a bit useful.

People just didn’t believe it. What?would?it?do?

Jumping up was?useless.

And through the?Earl?Valdin, an elderly Earl, a tragic rise to avenge the Royal family of that?matter would?be able to easily dissolve the hearts of the people of the first line of defense!

So, that?wave of airborne public opinion offensive was?sent by God!

The effect was?simply too good to be true!

On the first day of the public opinion campaign alone, eighty percent of the people in the Kingdom of Xi Ling believed it!

That?wave of airborne magic letters was?to play the effect.?They were afraid it was?unprecedented!

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