Lord Of Succubi:Transmigrated As A Dual Cultivator In Isekai Of Magic

Chapter 180 180 Worried

Chapter 180 180 Worried

Chapter 180 Chapter 180 Worried

Feeling the rapid swelling on the massive cock against her naked ass, her muscles screamed in horror as she pictured the days of torment that awaited her. Even if she managed to live through it- she knew a part of her would die here.

She had to give them up..

Nothing was worth it.


Sighing, she closed her eyes, and she drew a deep breath. Fighting mentally, she tried to focus on anything else but the feel of his long cock throbbing through his trousers;

"His name is Leonard," she said in defeat; "He's the one who contacted me. . ."

A dark look streaked across Nexus' face.

Leonard? He didn't recognize that name.

"Who's he?" he rasped impatiently; "Why does he want Selina dead?"

"Leonard is the chief of staff for the Howard family. He's the one who personally requested for my service. He gave me her name, her home and office address. a pencil sketch of her picture, as well as a detailed description of her daily routine. . ."

Still trembling, she paused;

"He told me to make it look like an accident. . .but he also told me to send a personal message in the corpse. . ."

Nexus swallowed. Dreading the answer, he still went ahead to ask;

"What message?"

She answered in one breath;

"He wanted her pussy cut out. . .and the flesh be brought to him. . ."

Nexus body crawled in disgust. These sick fucks! These bloody sick fucks! He had been right all along then! The Howards were truly behind this attack. His face paled. If that was true, then the entire Russell family was in serious danger!

Quickly, his eyes began to dart back and forth- plotting his next move.

His eyes rested on Stacy, and his voice came again;

"Are you the only one? Were there any other assassins with the same contract?"

She shook her head;

"No. Those were the terms of our agreement- I would be the exclusive handler of not just Selina's death- but the rest of their enemies."

"The rest of their enemies?" Nexus blurted out. Anxiously, he asked; "What enemies?"

She dropped the bomb- causing his head to explode;

"The Russell family. . .they were to come next. . ."

The information struck Nexus like lightning.

His lower jaw- normally tight in a grimace- unclenched and dropped- parting his mouth with an 'o.' Standing still, definitely paralyzed by this bit of confounding news, his chest rose up and fell back in slow heaves.

In his head, synaptic nerves fired off lightning sparks- connecting his thundering thoughts together in a web;

'Mrs. Russell. . .Monica. . .Nora. . .' he chanted their names- recalling their faces; 'They have no idea what's coming. . .this Leonard dude has a tombstone ready for each their names!!'

Nexus gasped; 'If they had faced off with Stacy, they'd all be dead by now. . .'

If he hadn't been here- at this time, with Stacy. . .if he intercepted this bit of information. . .he would have woken up to the news of the deaths of Selina and the Russells- in one day! josei

The light went out in both his eyes.

He staggered backwards- trying to keep a lid on his raging thoughts.

"This isn't personal. . ." the girl defended herself; "This was strictly business! I have no idea who any of these people are, I don't even know what they're involved in! I was paid to do a job, and I–"

"QUIET!!" Nexus thundered- splitting the air around them.

It was the only time he had truly shouted.

Stacy- still bound, still half naked, and still unsure of her fate, fell into a state of forced silence- watching the mysterious master- noting his wild eyes, and pulsing chest.

She knew that look.

He was worried.

Nexus turned his back on her. Placing his right hand under his chin- he began to pace up and down- bending his head over, and tugging at the soft undergrowth of facial hair;

'Damn it Monica, did you really have to kill that Paul boy!' he cursed; 'I knew Lord Fitch wasn't going to take this lying down. . .but who knew he was going to go full scorched earth on them?!'

He kicked himself for being so naive.

So, far, all he had done was underestimate the extent to which this rivalries could go.

Madeline didn't have to make the poor boy fuck the pig. And yet, she had gone ahead to do just that!

Nexus paused. His eyes flickered- he could already picture Lord Fitch in his mind's eye- howling in the night, sneaking out into the back- digging under the moonlight, as he prepared a grave for each of the Russell women!!

A cold blast of insanity traveled up his spine as he shuddered.

'Shit!' he cursed again; 'Shit!'

Folding his arms across his broad chest- he began to plan;

'Great. . .guess there's no staying out of this one now. . .Crystal is going to be so damn mad. . .'

The image of the succubus suddenly flooded his mind- giving him a disappointing look. He quickly shook it off;

'First things first, how do I get ontop of things?! Old man Fitch definitely has to die. . .but damn, he's probably surrounded by an army of mercenaries right now. . .there's no way I can kill every single Howard thug. . .not at once!!'

He dropped his folded hands- returning them behind him in a soft clasp;

'Flying sword requires my full concentration- but it's one hundred percent an attacking measure. My back would be exposed the whole time! All it would take is just one careless arrow- or one fireball on target. . .'

His eyes flickered;

'And if I do use a blast of Heavenly Flame to level down the estate- there's no guaranteeing that women and children won't get caught in the crossfire. . .'

Illusion wasn't even an option. There's no way he could trap dozens of minds at once. That was god-level manipulation.

Feeling the pressure on his back- he sighed tiredly- sending his shoulders slumping downwards in a slouch;

'. . .if I go in half-cocked and unprepared, I might end up exhausting every single card before I get to the boss man himself!'

His eyebrows dropped- furrowing together in a hairy curve;

'That would be suicide. . .all for nothing!'

As he turned, the image of the red girl- bound, and subdued- came into the orbit of his sight. At once, Nexus' eyes lit up once again.

'Of course!' he thought excitedly; 'Of course!!!'

Stacy- who had been observing him, lifted up her head, and narrowed her eyes. She saw the sudden flicker of hope in his eyes, and she gazed at him suspiciously- waiting for the other shoe to drop.

"What?" she asked; "Why are you staring at me like that?"

Fighting to suppress the smile budding at the corner of his mouth, Nexus squared his shoulders, and began to inch towards her. He began;

"You know," He announced with an air of generosity; "I just might spare your life after all. . ."

Stacy's squinted eyes narrowed even further.

". . .you're pretty young. So, I guess I stupidity and recklessness come along with this particular stage in life. . ."

Once again- she had to bite her tongue to keep herself from blurting; 'WE'RE LITERALLY THE SAME AGE!'

Her eyebrows piqued...

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