Lord Of Succubi:Transmigrated As A Dual Cultivator In Isekai Of Magic

Chapter 182 182 Student?

Chapter 182 182 Student?

Chapter 182 Chapter 182 Student?

"There, there. . ." he stroked her hair- softy smoothing down the creases; "There's no need to be sad. . .I understand. . ."

She continued to whimper like a puppy- letting the emotions flow through her tears- as she unburdened her soul.

Nexus' voice- soft and comforting, came once again. This time, bearing hope;

"I think I may able to be of help to you though. . .so cheer up. . .you're alive ain't you? There's still hope. . ."

"Hope?" she lifted up her mascara-stained face; "Hope?" she echoed again; "There's blood on my hands master. . ."

"You don't get to go very far in life without staining your hands Stacy- trust me. It's either you do it, or someone else sheds the blood for you. . .it's the way of the world. . .one way or the other, it has to happen. . .so you're not alone in this. . ."

Through the veil of sloped red hair, she stared at him wide eyed- drinking in his words.

". . .like I said," his fingers snaked into her dark red hair, stretching it out in long stroking movements;

". . there's a lot of untapped talent in you Stacy. You're a genius- like a real actual genius. I can see it clearly- bright as the day. And I know for certain that there's still room for a lot of growth. . .you just gotta believe in yourself. . ."

His fingers trailed down to her face- all the way down to her chin. He pulled her face upwards to meet his gaze;

"I don't want to see you mired in the muck, so promise me you'll at least try?"

She looked into his soft eyes- and under the shadow of his hat, right there- she saw empathy like never before. It melted her insides- making her purr like a well-fed kitten. Too emotional to utter a word, she simply nodded- feeling her chin scratch along his fingers;

"Good. . ." he replied tenderly.

In a tapping motion- barely moving his forefinger, he curled it, and twisted twice. Automatically, the shredded fabrics of her undergarments began to come together- like pieces of a puzzle.

Hovering in the air, with the glaring whiteness in the background, he began to join them at the hems, marrying each broken piece of fiber together- both panties and skirt- till they were basically as good as new.

Then, with a single flick of his wrist, the cotton white panties flew through the white void- suddenly encasing her supple naked bum in a tight squeeze- covering her small hairless pussy. There was a slight breeze, and then the skirt followed- immediately appearing on her body- and shrouding her fleshy thighs, and slender long legs.

It was all over in a single breath.

Just as soon as her organ, and skin felt the comfort of her undergarment and skirt, her eyes flashed in surprise.

And then, suddenly, without warning, the invisible chains let go of her arms and legs- instantly setting her free. Caught off guard- she fell forward, right into Nexus' arms.

Her pale face tautened in surprise when she realized he had actually set her free. And when she saw that he had stretched out his arms to break her fall, her eyebrows piqued even higher- blood flowed to her cheeks as she blushed in embarassment.

"It's alright. . .I got you. . ." he echoed again; "I got you."

With her eyes widened in astonishment- reflecting the whiteness of the world in both her irises.

As he gently pushed her forward- carefully helping her stand on her feet- she looked on dreamily, hearing his encouraging kind words in her ears, as he carefully avoided touching her small waist.

His kindness streaked through her soul- sending chords of appreciation ringing through her. She remembered standing before him- only a few minutes ago- at the herb garden, trying to roast him alive with a destructive ball of fire.

She also remembered the terrifying power of his counter-flames, and she swallowed hard- she should have been dead, raped bloody, or worse!

At the back of her throat, she felt a choking sob rising. Ovewhelmed, her knees suddenly gave way beneath her- sending her down- towards the earth- on her knees in a kneeling position!

Surprise crept across Nexus' face as guilt tore him up from the insides. Immediately, he swooped down- bending low, and arms stretched out to help her up;

'Fuck. . .' he thought; 'Did I go too hard with the chains?!'

But much to Nexus' surprise, the girl resisted his help.

Shaking her head- down on one knee, and both palms pressed flat against the ground by her sides, a lump of emotion cradled the back of her throat as she spoke;;

"Master," her voice was breaking; "Please, forgive me for trying to kill you. . .it was totally from a place of negligence. . .you could have easily killed me- but you didn't. . ."

Slightly nervous, Nexus tried to cut in;

"There's really no nee–"

Her head dipped further down;

"No sir. . .you're obviously a true master. . .you looked beyond my blood rage, and you were able to see me as no one ever has. . ."

Her dark red hair fluttered as her shoulders heaved;

"So please, I beg you, allow me to be your student!"

Nexus gasped inaudibly;

"You want to be- my student?"

Her head bobbed up and down- nodding assiduously;

"Yes," she said affirmatively; "I would like to learn your ways. . .to be able to walk in your steps. . .the York clan isn't really big on justice these days. . .hopefully, I can get to learn all that. . and more. . ."

Towering above her kneeling form, Nexus' stomach dropped. In a sick twist of events, he had gotten the best possible result from this situation. Actually, he supposed that this kind of made sense in a funny way. In his mind, he couldn't exactly picture what it meant to have a disciple.

But he knew it definitely wasn't all Sunday park walks, and picnics.

His eyes twinkled and he found himself nodding with glee. The familiar feeling of exhilaration washed over him- stretching out a smile on his face, and goosebumps creeping along his skin.

Bending forward a bit- he lowered himself towards her, took her by the chin, and pulled her face upwards to him- once again, staring into those peculiar red eyes of hers. They were moist- glittering like shimmering crystals.

The ball in his throat moved- sending out sturdy vibrations in words;

"Stacy," he called; "It's one thing to be an assassin, but it's a whole other thing to be a disciple."

Her gaze- intense, and burning with eagerness, replied him in look and in words;

"I understand," her eyes shone; "I'm willing to do whatever it takes! I can get around my stifling work. . .I can lay low. . .oh I promise to put in the work! I can begin immediately. . ."

Nexus didn't doubt her.

Her round eyes were glossy and packed full with passion- passion for good. josei

He withdrew his hand;

"Oh but why rush? All we have is time. . ."

That was a lie.

Nexus was pressed for time. Things had accelerated- and they had accelerated fast! Whoever this Leonard guy was, it sounded like he was playing Nexus' position on the other side. Events were already in play, and he needed her in line right away for the battle ahead.

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