Lord Of Succubi:Transmigrated As A Dual Cultivator In Isekai Of Magic

Chapter 204 204 Crystal Who Is Waiting

Chapter 204 204 Crystal Who Is Waiting

Chapter 204 Chapter 204 Crystal Who Is Waiting

A thundering crack followed, and a pile of papers flew upwards- scattering around in a chaotic mess!

Leonard winced. That's gotta hurt.

But it didn't. No at that moment though.

The old man's face was as dark as midnight. His shoulders trembled, and his black eyes glistened in their sockets. Anger, frustration, and hate tore at him from the insides- reflecting his in bulging eyes.

He jerked his head upwards;

"So," the terrible coolness had returned; "Basically, we can't touch that white-haired witch. . .?"

Leonard answered flatly; "Yes sir."

"And does he know?"

The man's eyes shot up questioningly; "Know what m'lord?"

He answered impatiently; "Does he know we're the ones after her?"

"Of course not m'lord. The York girl might have caved, but she's still very much a professional. She didn't breathe any word of the Howard name."

His shoulders slumped- as he heaved a deep sigh of relief;

"You better make damn sure about that Leonard. . .for both your sakes and this family. . ."

The man nodded stiffly;

"I assure you my lord, she knows snitching is a death sentence. Not just from us, but from other colleagues in the trade as well. They don't take too kindly to snitches."

But Fitch had already stopped listening after the first five words.

His shoulders quaked slightly as he leaned his weight on his arms- flattening his palms upon the big table. josei

'How am I losing?' he thought; 'How am I losing to a bloody widow and an unmarried wench?! I'm Lord Fitch for heaven's sakes!'

The vain man continued to toot his own horn

'I'm the Warden of the woods! The Master of the guild! How can I be losin' to a bunch of women?!'

He closed his eyes- trying to gain control.

But, in his mind's eyes, the image of Madelina and Selina taunted him in the dark. There- they were laughing at him, mocking him, asking how it was that he could call himself a man!

He forced his eyes open immediately;

"This mysterious man, what else did he say?"

"He said not to fuck with Selina from now henceforth."

Pain streaked across his eyes;

"Of course he did," he chanted; "Of course. . ."

Fitch didn't realize it, but he was right back at square one.

The plan had been perfect. The asset has been equally perfect. If not for the mysterious master, he would have been celebrating by now.

His eyes squinted;

"You know what this mean don't you Leonard?"

He didn't wait for an answer;

". . .pretty soon, word will spread about this mysterious new master. That much is certain."

The other man paled;

"No other assassin would dare to go up against Selina again. . ."

"Not just her, Madeline, Nora, and the bastard step-daughter. They will all be too afraid of this entity's retaliation. . .too afraid even for the sake of gold. . ."

Leonard's face went deathly white. This was his screw up- a colossal fuck up!

"This is your fuck up boy," the old man chided; "You fucked around with this assignment, and you fuckin' blundered it! If it weren't for your late father's sake, I would have had you buried alive–"

He added chillingly;

"–along with those dead useless bodyguards."

Leonard began; "My lord, I promise, I'm goin–"

"Get the fuck out-" he spat dismissively; "–before I have you thrown in a cell."


Fitch stood alone in the room.

The cackling sound of the fireplace echoed in the distant background.

The cool summer night did nothing to lift his spirits. His white beard shimmered in the candlelight, and his tight hands clasped over each other- thinking;

'Revenge is still mine. . .don't worry Paul. . .I'm gonna get them. . .I'm gonna get every single one of them!. . .there's always a way. . .no matter what. . .I'm gonna find one. . .'

He lifted his head upwards- towards the newly completed portrait hanging on the left wall. It was his son. And he wasn't smiling at all.


The next day, at the crack of dawn, Nexus pulled himself out of Selina's bed.

After whispering words of affirmation into her ears, he slipped on his clothes, and spilled out of the small estate- pouring into the lonely streets of Southern Castra.

The lush greenery, and majestic homes breezed past him as he forced his horse into a full gallop. The previous night had been magical. After making love twice in the mid afternoon, he and Selina had fucked six more times between late evening and early this morning.

He had barely caught four hours of sleep.

And yet, his face was glowing dreamily, while his eyes shone like twin stars in the late night sky.

About three quarters of an hour passed before Nexus realized he was less than five minutes away from 'home.' So, he quickly- at the flick of his finger, he reverted his looks- switching from dark gloomy Ni Yang, to a less dark, but definitely broody Nexus K. Ackerman.

Just as the sun was rising, his shadow darkened the earth as he entered Selia's main estate. In silent thuds, he willed the horse to edge all the way towards the back- where his current home was. Without the coat flapping in the wind, Nexus felt kind of naked. Maybe he-

He stopped dead in his tracks.

Right there, at the door way, was a huddled woman- huddled up against the door. The entity was wrapped in a blanket. She sat on the small pavement- at the entrance, leaning her head against the door- eyes closed.

Carefully, Nexus slipped down from his horse.

His boots crunched against the gravel stones- and he walked over in the dim twilight. He tapped the figure huddled in the blanket- and the woman's eyes flipped open immediately. Shrugging the big blanket off her head and shoulders, the outline of the succubus' voluptuous body came into view.

"Master Nexus!" she called out excitedly- jumping to her feet with an energetic spring.

Nexus' eyebrows joined in surprise;

"Crystal?!" he echoed; "What are you doing outsi– wait, don't tell me you slept outside?"

Eyes red, and hair matted from the lack of sleep, Crystal skipped towards him gaily.

"Morning m'lord!" she chirped excitedly; "Sorry for falling asleep, it must have been sometime within the last hour."

"You waited up all night? OUTSIDE?" he asked in surprise.

Crystal nodded energetically;

"Yes m'lord. I waited all day for you. And when evening came, I lit a candle and came outside. Hoping you'd see it, and let it guide you home. . ."

Pangs of guilt struck Nexus' soul- rippling through him.

"C-c-come on Crystal. . ." he stuttered in disbelief; ". . .you really didn't have to do all of that."

But she shrugged her shoulders innocently;

"It's nothing lord Nexus, I just wanted to make sure you were okay." dancing on her feet, she chimed; "Oh pardon me! I shouldn't keep you outside and on your feet. . ."

She got out of his way- and walked him in;

". . .I laid the bed for you, and oh! I also plucked a few fresh flowers to lighten up the room. Heavens, do you know that this place is filled with beautiful flowers! The boss lady must be obsessed with them, because I saw the way the landscaper looked at me while I picked up a bunch of liles- and he looked at me like he was going to kill me–"

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