Lord Of Succubi:Transmigrated As A Dual Cultivator In Isekai Of Magic

Chapter 250 250 Poisoned

Chapter 250 250 Poisoned

Chapter 250 250 Poisoned

The sun soaked landscape screamed in bright green, and twinkling crystals. Hot streaks of golden light flooded the open field.

Unable to shake off the image of the octopus, he spun around- letting the tail of his coat sweep against the dew soaked grass. And peered in the distance- searching the skyline for the cap of the creature's ugly bald head.

"Damn, that was close," he exhaled again; "A few wrong moves, and I would–"

he corrected himself;

"–we would have been that monster's breakfast. By the way, I think maybe we should–"


The pain filled groan came from behind- from Stacy.

Peeling his eyes away from the landscape, Nexus spun around on his heels- darting in the direction of the girl.

Immediately, pangs of awkwardness rippled through his mind- echoing loudly on the heels of the blood rushing in his head. He had completely forgot! The girl had been naked this whole time!


She cried again.

She was bent over- with her right hand on her stomach- and left hand on her left knee. Clutching her belly, she whimpered between groans- triggering the bounce of her shoulder length hair. Her elbow squeezed out her titties- and her naked shoulders buckled wildly as she jerked and jerked her body.

"Master. . ." she whimpered softly; "I don't. . .I don't feel so. . .good. . ."

Before Nexus could answer. Another resounding howl came roaring down her throat. Her hazel round eyes throbbed as she jerked and jerked her head in pain. In two broad steps, Nexus covered the distance between them- standing awkwardly before her, wondering if it was okay to pat her back.

"What's the matter?" he asked gently- fully aware of his swelling bulge in his pants.

She howled again-

"I don't know. . ."

As Nexus shifted on his feet, wondering what the hell was wrong, the system's voice came resounding in his ears;


Nexus eyes flipped wide open as shock exploded through him;

"WHAT?" he thundered aloud;


Nexus' jaw dropped and his eyebrows shot upwards as an idiotic expression crept across his face.




Nexus' burning eyes flipped downwards- to the girl bent over before him.

'Wait a minute, is she. . .is she GOING TO DIE?'



Nexus' lungs collapsed- heaving a sigh of relief. Hovering his eyes over the landscape, he asked;

'Well then, what are you waiting for? Point me in the direction of the–'

In its usual flat tone, the system echoed into his thoughts;


For a moment, Nexus did not move. He blinked. And blinked again- then several more times. Of course! Why hadn't he seen this coming?!

'C'mon,' he protested; 'There's gotta be another way.'

Nexus was slightly turned on.

Okay, maybe a little more than 'slightly' - especially seeing the fact that she was naked, bent over before him, with her mouth- just at his dick level–

'Get a hold of yourself damn it!' he rebuked himself; 'Sleeping with your student is a bad fuckin' idea! Come on!'

But just because it was, didn't stop him from thinking about it.


Stacy's body was ablaze with searing heat as the toxic venom coursed through her veins. It was an insidious poison, a malevolent force that spread like wildfire, affecting every organ, muscle, and fiber of her being. The agony was excruciating, as if a relentless inferno raged within her.

As the venom's sinister influence tightened its grip, Stacy's body convulsed uncontrollably. It was as though an invisible force had seized control of her very being, puppeteering her movements with malicious intent.

Her hips swayed with erratic and unsettling movements, while her limbs jerked and twitched in spasmodic response to the poison's malevolent influence. Her chest heaved with each labored breath, as if struggling to draw in air tainted by the venom's relentless advance.

It was as if she had become a marionette, the poison pulling the strings of her involuntary actions. Each motion was a chaotic and disjointed dance, a macabre performance orchestrated by an unseen malevolence. Stacy thrashed about the forest floor, her frantic motions mirroring the tumultuous storm of torment that raged within her.

Nexus, witnessing this nightmarish spectacle, was seized by a profound sense of helplessness and concern for the woman he cared deeply for.

He could only watch in astonishment and dread as Stacy's body contorted and convulsed, as if the very essence of her being was under siege.

Desperation propelled Nexus into action. Ignoring the danger that the venomous creature posed, he moved closer to Stacy, determined to reach her through the delirium that held her captive.

Gently, yet firmly, he called out to her, his voice trembling with emotion, "Stacy?"

He tried to make a connection, to shake her from the nightmarish state she had fallen into. Nexus knew that reaching her in this moment was paramount, that he needed to anchor her to reality and pull her from the abyss of her suffering.

Stacy's response was unpredictable and erratic, a reflection of the poison's relentless assault on her mind and body. In her delirious state, she seemed both present and absent, her eyes glazed with an unnatural intensity.

Nexus, although physically by her side, felt worlds apart from her. He was well aware that the poison was the catalyst for this torment, but the exact nature of the reactions it elicited from Stacy remained a perplexing enigma.

The emotional maelstrom he experienced was a tumult of confusion, concern, and the agonizing helplessness of not being able to immediately alleviate her suffering.

The forest itself seemed to bear witness to this ominous transformation, its ancient trees and shadowy undergrowth standing silent witness to the torment unfolding before them.

The rustling leaves and chirping insects were mere echoes in the background as Stacy's body spiraled out of control. josei

Stacy's body temperature continued to rise, pushing the boundaries of what her mortal form could endure. Beads of sweat glistened on her fevered skin, only to evaporate in the searing heat. Her breaths came in ragged gasps, as her chest rose and fell with rapid, shallow inhales.

She felt like a furnace, her very core radiating a scorching intensity that threatened to consume her from within.

The world around her became a blur, the forest a hazy backdrop to her torment. Time lost its meaning, and the line between reality and delirium began to blur. The forest's beauty had been transformed into a nightmare, a realm of agony and chaos.

Stacy's mind, once sharp and focused, now teetered on the edge of madness.

As the poison's malevolent influence intensified, Stacy's vision began to blur, and a deluge of hallucinations overcame her.

She saw surreal images of serpents with emerald eyes, their scales shimmering in iridescent colors. They slithered through her mind, whispering sinister secrets and tantalizing her with forbidden knowledge.

Amidst the chaos, Stacy's senses seemed to merge with the very essence of the forest.

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