Lord Of Succubi:Transmigrated As A Dual Cultivator In Isekai Of Magic

Chapter 334 334 Continue

Chapter 334 334 Continue

Chapter 334 334 Continue

"We will both be taking what we need and do not owe each other anything else," Nexus concluded.

Dracula attempted to argue, his gratitude evident, but Nexus was adamant. "No," Nexus asserted, cutting him off. "I am fine with the stones," he declared, effectively closing the topic of payment.

Dracula smiled appreciatively at Nexus, accepting the terms they had set. Together, they decided to leave the passage. Abby took charge, rolling Dracula out of the underground room to the one where Nexus had first entered. Nexus followed behind, and as they walked, the imposing stone door closed behind them.

"So, Dracula, I will be coming frequently to damage the seal, and when the seal is finally broken, I will take the stones for my furnace," Nexus informed Dracula as they moved.

"Sure, Nexus, that sounds great," Dracula responded. "I am just happy I found you," he expressed with genuine appreciation.

Abby, wearing a blank expression, observed the exchange. After a while, she reached into her robe and extended an apple to Nexus. He looked at it, then at her.

"Take it," she insisted. "It is your reward for making Papa so happy," she said, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

Nexus could only chuckle lightly as he accepted the apple. Shaking his head helplessly, he found himself at a loss for words in the face of the playful and unpredictable young girl.


In the following days, Nexus became a regular visitor to Dracula's mysterious abode. The routine was established: Nexus would arrive, Abby would greet him, and Dracula, excited about their progress, would eagerly lead them to the secret underground chamber where the stone book lay.

Nexus, fueled by determination, would unleash his heavenly flame upon the stone book, each time pushing the limits of his abilities to weaken the ancient seal.

The mystical flames danced around the book, creating an ethereal spectacle that fascinated even Abby, who had seen it numerous times. Dracula, with each visit, grew more hopeful and thankful for Nexus's extraordinary talent.

As Nexus relentlessly worked to break the seal, the stone book began to show signs of surrender.

Hairline cracks marred its once-impenetrable surface, a testament to the power of Nexus's unique alchemical abilities.

These cracks, though small, represented a significant triumph over the resilient seal that had thwarted Dracula's efforts for so long.

Abby, inspired by Nexus's dedication, took it upon herself to prepare lunch for him during his visits.

She would bring him a simple yet hearty meal, showcasing her culinary skills. The act of kindness further solidified the bond between them. Nexus, appreciative of Abby's gestures, found solace in the warm meals she provided.

After the sessions with the stone book, Nexus would bid farewell to the enigmatic underground realm, promising to return the next day.

He'd then make his way back to the Russell family, careful not to disclose the exact location or nature of his activities. Nexus had made a promise to Dracula not to tell anyone the details of the place, and he intended to keep it.

Evenings were spent with the Russell family, and Nexus, though exhausted from his alchemical endeavors, managed to keep the details of his mysterious visits a secret.

Dinners with the Russell family were filled with laughter, casual conversations, and the warmth of a welcoming home.

Crystal was always there to welcome him with a well deserving massage after a stressful day, Nora and Crystal made sure to provide him with a sumptuous dinner.

The days rolled by, and Nexus found himself in the lively company of Madeline, Nora, Crystal, Monica, and Selina during an evening dinner.

The atmosphere was warm, laughter resonating through the room as they enjoyed their meals.

As Nexus joined the lively gathering, the curiosity in their eyes was palpable. They knew he had met with Dracula, and they were eager to learn of the progress. Nexus, with a sense of mystery, skillfully navigated the conversations.

Madeline, her eyes sparkling with interest, couldn't help but inquire, "Nexus, how did your meeting with Dracula go today? Any breakthroughs?"

Nexus, taking a sip of his drink, smiled knowingly. "Ah, you know, Madeline, alchemical discussions can be quite intricate. Dracula is a wise man with a wealth of knowledge. We've made progress, but there's still much work to be done."

Nora, always the inquisitive one, leaned forward. "Details, Nexus, we need details. What kind of progress?" josei

Nexus chuckled, enjoying the banter. "Nora, you know how secretive these alchemical matters can be. Let's just say we're on the right path. Dracula has some unique insights that will be invaluable."

Crystal, her eyes gleaming with curiosity, chimed in, "And the alchemy furnace? Did you discuss its construction?"

Nexus nodded. "Absolutely, Crystal. Dracula has given me some pointers. We're working on perfecting the design. It's a delicate process, but we're getting there."

Monica, with a playful grin, teased, "Come on, Nexus, you can't leave us hanging like this. We're all partners in this venture. Share a little more."

Nexus, maintaining his air of mystery, replied, "Patience, Monica. Great things take time. I promise you'll be the first to know when we make a significant breakthrough."

Selina, the voice of reason, added, "We trust your judgment, Nexus. Just keep us informed enough so we can prepare for the next steps."

Throughout the dinner, Nexus skillfully danced around the specifics, sharing tidbits of information without revealing too much. The group, understanding the intricacies of alchemy, respected Nexus's approach.


Days melted into weeks, the passage of time marked by Nexus's unyielding dedication to breaking the seal. The underground chamber became a realm of ceaseless effort, Nexus repeatedly exerting his heavenly flame on the Stone Book. Cracks deepened, a visual testament to the gradual but steady progression he achieved.

In the subterranean space, Nexus continued his ritual, the flames dancing and casting an ethereal glow. The cracks on the stone book widened with each surge of power, signaling the impending liberation from the stubborn seal. Abby, Dracula's granddaughter, stood by Nexus's side, her eyes carefully following the intricate dance of fire.

"Don't strain too much," Abby advised, her voice cutting through the tumultuous symphony of burning flames and crackling energy. She was the sole witness to Nexus's relentless pursuit, as Dracula had retired to rest, needing respite from his endeavors. Abby, the young guardian of the underground passage, observed with a mix of concern and fascination.

"What did you say?" Nexus inquired, struggling to discern her words amid the fiery spectacle.

"I said take it easy!" Abby shouted, her voice rising above the blaze. "You don't need to exert yourself too much today. Papa is not here," she reminded him, her eyes reflecting genuine care.

"Oh, I want to," Nexus responded, his voice resilient against the fervor of the flames. "I will unleash the flames until it runs out," he declared with determination.

And so, Nexus continued, pouring his qi into the heavenly flame until he reached the threshold of his endurance. With a deliberate drop of his hand, the flame subsided, and the room began to clear from the dissipating smoke.

"That's it for today," Nexus announced, his gaze fixed on the new, intricate cracks etched on the stone surface. "We go harder tomorrow," he added, a glint of satisfaction in his eyes.

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