Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 492 - The Dirty Deeds

Chapter 492 - The Dirty Deeds


Chapter 492: The Dirty Deeds

The military strength of the fourth cavalry legion came from Baron Harry. Kendy and the other five noble families that he had to compensate.

Baron Harry. Kendy looked awful. Not only did his family lose the most private army of his family, but they also lost a grand knight. In the end, they had to pay for the losses of the other five noble families. The fortune that they lost made him heartache just by thinking about it.

However, Baron Harry. Kendy finally nodded in agreement and accepted the ruling. He signed his name on the five compensation contracts that Viscount Kemil had handed over and stamped the badge of the Kemil family.

Under the witness of many noble families, Viscount Kemil handed the compensation contracts that Baron Harry. Kendy had signed over to the other five noble families one by one.

Baron Harry. Kendy did not hate the five noble families that needed compensation, but he was a little worried about the future of his family.

Perhaps the six of them would still form an alliance after the noble families of the South County had divided up the North County, because they had already lost most of their army. After the war was over and they had distributed the cake, they would soon be targeted by the other ally noble families. At that time, what awaited him and the other five noble families might be a series of conspiracies.

On the surface, the noble families would naturally maintain their proper dignity and gentlemanly behavior. However, in the dark, when faced with other noble families who did not have the ability to protect their own interests, they were even more vicious and greedy than tigers and wolves.

Everything was for the sake of interests.

This was the code of conduct between the noble families, and also the rule between the noble families.

After Viscount Kemil had completed the arbitration of Baron Harry. Kendy, they moved on to the next topic.

“Our losses in the South County are irreparable. It’s too late to turn around and destroy those lowly rebels of the South County.”

“The only way to make up for it is to go all out to defeat the North County noble alliance army, take over the land of the North County, occupy the homes of the noble families of the North County, and rebuild the foundation of our families. After we stabilize, we will join forces to attack the South County, and take back our destroyed homes from the hands of the rebellion army of the South County!”

Facing the sudden change, Viscount Kemil quickly thought of specific measures to deal with it, and he directly brought it up.

Actually, the noble families did not have any real idiots, or else they would have been eaten clean by the other noble families.

Therefore, after a brief discussion, all the noble members of the commanding group agreed to Viscount Kemil’s suggestion.

After the next strategic direction was set, the noble families began to come up with ideas for the upcoming war.

The member of the commanding group who was responsible for the logistics of the army was a baron named Kozmo. Henry, the baron of the South County.

He was the first to speak, letting all the noble families of the South County understand the current dire situation.

“From the looks of it, the supplies in Seria Castle are only enough to support our troops for two weeks. “Ever since the rebellion army wiped out our 4th cavalry legion, they became even more vicious. The supplies sent from Lionheart City were all intercepted by them.”

Baron Kozmo. Henry’s voice paused for a moment, then, he continued, “Count Rowan. Reese sent a grand knight to deliver the news. Unless we give them 30% of the North County’s estate, only will they send the elite Lionheart City garrison to escort the supplies. Otherwise, in order to prevent the supplies from being intercepted by the South County rebellion army, they will stop supplying us! Now, you can discuss this matter and make a final decision.”

Although Baron Kozmo. Henry said so, he already had an answer in his heart.

It was related to their own interests. There was no doubt as to what these small noble families in the South County would choose.

Sure enough, after a short and intense discussion, all the members of the command group said that they could not give up the North County’s estate, which they regarded as food on their plates.

This meant that the South County noble alliance army in Seria Castle had to capture Maas Castle within two weeks.

Lionheart City was the most prosperous city in the entire Dukedom of Leo. It was controlled by the Grand Duke of Leo, Cameron, and the four counts of the South County. These four counts were all top-notch noble families in the Dukedom of Leo, and their strength was abnormally strong. The history of their family was even longer than that of the Dukedom of Leo.

Count Rowan. Reese was one of them.

The four counts were also top-notch nobles in the Dukedom of Leo. There were also two viscounts in the South County. Their main strength was placed in their own manors. They had once wanted to get their hands on Lionheart City but were refuted by the four counts at the same time.

The two viscounts who had reached the top-notch noble’s strength were only slightly weaker than the four counts. If they were allowed to extend their hands into Lionheart City, the four counts were worried that the two viscount’s strength would soon catch up to them.

The Dukedom of Leo was only so big, but the total amount of benefits was limited. If the two viscounts got more, the four counts would get less.

As for the four counts, to be able to split the benefits of Lionheart City with the Grand Duke of Leo, Cameron, one could imagine how powerful they were.

Whether it was the four counts or the two viscounts who were qualified to become the top-tier noble of the Dukedom of Leo, their strength was only slightly inferior to that of the Grand Duke of Leo, Cameron.

This was due to the invasion of the Dukedom of Leo by the Silver Platter Kingdom ten years ago. That battle had caused the strength of the Cameron, Grand Duke of Leo’s family to be greatly reduced. In addition to that, the invasion of the Jackalans in the Nahrin Desert had been pacified. Once again, it had weakened the strength of the Cameron, Duke of Leo’s family.

In the two wars, the family that had contributed the most had always been the Cameron, Grand Duke of Leo’s family.

If not for the sect of the God of War, Edmund, who supported the Cameron’s family, the current Cameron would have lost the right to command the six top-tier noble families in the South County.

Cameron still retained the right to command the six top-tier noble families in the South County. On the surface, the six top-tier noble families were loyal to him, but in reality, Grand Duke Cameron could no longer command the six top noble families of South County. It was a far cry from when the Cameron’s family was at their peak ten years ago.

This time, to resist the alliance army of North County, the Grand Duke of Leo had initially given orders to the six top noble families of South County, but the six top noble families claimed that their family’s army needed to be stationed in Lionheart City and could not be transferred. It seemed to be tactful, but in fact, it was a blatant rejection of Grand Duke Cameron’s order.

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