Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 498 - Investigation from the Other Kingdoms

Chapter 498 - Investigation from the Other Kingdoms

Chapter 498: Investigation from the Other Kingdoms

The nobles of the South County had no intention of investigating the actual strength of the North County’s army.

Because they were in a hurry!

Because they didn’t need it!

In the meeting room of the command group in Seria Castle, Viscount Kemil signed the final battle plan that all the nobles had put on their family badges. It was quickly completed.

It was so sloppy that it was almost child’s play.

In was stated like this:

“Go beat them and kill them properly. Use your invincible charge to crush the scums of the North County noble alliance army. At the same time, try your best to retain our troops!”

After receiving such an order, the remaining three heavy cavalry legions, three grand knight commanders, and fifteen knight corps commanders of the South County did not have any doubts about this final battle plan.

Instead, they felt that this plan was very suitable.

Among them, there were people who had experienced the battlefield. three grand knights and ten knight corps commanders had experienced the battle where the Dukedom of Leo repelled the invasion of the Silver Platter Kingdom ten years ago.

Their military literacy wasn’t low.

Even the elite infantry legions of the Silver Platter Kingdom couldn’t withstand the furious charge of the heavy cavalries of Dukedom of Leo even though they had twice the number of soldiers.

Could the scums of the North County noble alliance army be more powerful than the elite infantry legion of the Silver Platter Kingdom?

The answer was obvious. As long as they had the strength of half of the elite infantry legion of the Silver Platter Kingdom, the joke of attacking the Stone Pass would not be true.

A detailed and precise battle plan was only suitable for an evenly matched opponent.

For an enemy that could be taken away with a single charge, spending a large amount of time to investigate the enemy’s detailed military strength and arrangements, and then spending a large amount of time to come up with a detailed battle plan was no different from wasting time.

Following this plan, 15,000 heavy cavalry soldiers rushed out of Seria Castle.

After that, on the flat plains outside of Seria Castle, they were neatly arranged into three phalanxes of 5,000-man heavy cavalry legion.

Each heavy cavalry legion had a grand knight as the commander, leading five knight corps.

Each knight corps was led by a peak official knight and as commander of 20 small knight squads.

Each small knight squad was led by a peak official knight or a senior official knight. They were leading four official knights and 45 knight attendants.

Each small knight squad was formed by five official knights who were gathered at the front. They were used as charging arrows to break the defense of the 45 ordinary knight attendants. After that, they would lead the charge and kill.

Moreover, each team of knights basically came from the private army of the same noble. There would not be any mistakes in their coordination.

Such a configuration was completely the same as when the Dukedom of Leo blocked the elite heavy cavalry troops of the Silver Platter Kingdom.

This was because the nobles had copied the formation of elite heavy cavalry troops that had defeated the Silver Platter Kingdom to form their own private army.

The three heavy cavalry legions moved in an orderly manner towards the center of the border between the South County and the North County.

The heavy cavalry legion could not simply waste their energy on rushing forward.


There were some spies from well-connected forces patrolling around the battlefield.

They just happened to discover the heavy cavalry legions of the South County coming out of Seria Castle and advancing towards the infantry formation of the North County alliance army that was encamped between Maas Castle and Seria Castle.

Rolf used to kill these spies without restraint because he did not care about them at all.

The nobles of the South County did not have the courage to kill these spies who had gathered from all over the world. Otherwise, they might be taken revenge.

They did not want their strength to be clearly investigated by other forces.

It was rare for the spies to encounter such a good scouting environment. The gathered spies simply stayed about a thousand meters away and advanced towards the center of the battlefield with the three heavy cavalry legions of the South County noble alliance army.

In any case, there was a vast plain between Maas Castle and Seria Castle, and the three heavy cavalry legions of the South County noble alliance army weren’t fast.

These spies from different forces around the world had already seen the infantry formation of Firentis. Now, they saw the three heavy cavalry legions of the South County noble alliance army, who were their opponents.

They could not help but discuss among themselves, exchanging their views on these two armies and evaluating their strengths and weaknesses.

“The South County is indeed the most powerful and prosperous area of the Dukedom of Leo. The heavy cavalry legions formed by some small and medium noble alliance army are actually so elite. They are even more elite than the heavy cavalry legions of our Kingdom of Daniel!”

A spy from the Kingdom of Daniel, who came from the far south, could not help but sigh when he saw the power of the heavy cavalry legions of the alliance of noble families in the South County.

“Brother, you really like to joke. Who doesn’t know that the archers of the Kingdom of Daniel are the best among the human countries? A black stone fortress forced the dwarf tribe to the desolate Bujit Desert at the southernmost point of the continent. They attempted to return to their ancestral land in the northern highlands several times, but they were all suppressed by the Iron Army of the Kingdom of Daniel!”

When the other spy heard the words of the spy from the Kingdom of Daniel, he could not help but retort.

He wanted to continue speaking, but another spy interrupted, “That’s right, your kingdom of Daniel is full of forests. What the hell do you need heavy cavalry for?”

Most of the spies were well-informed and knew many things that were not known to others. Such news that was known to the entire continent came as soon as they opened their mouths.

Another spy said, “When I saw the 30,000 infantrymen of the North County noble alliance army, they were very well-organized. They were not as weak as the rumors said! Those infantrymen who were scattered at the outermost perimeter were all looked strong. Their weapons and armors were all excellent, especially the thick tower shield that was taller than them. One look and you could tell that they were extraordinary.”

“Brother, you have also noticed this? The weapons and armors on those soldiers were even stronger than the exquisite weapons and armors that were passed down from the dwarf tribe. Just based on this, I dare to say that the strength of the North County noble alliance army is definitely not as weak as the rumors say.”

These spies from other countries who came from afar had mostly heard about the battle from rumors. They thought that those infantrymen were all the North County noble alliance army.

In fact, the soldiers that Firentis arranged at the outermost part of the infantry formation was Swadian Sergeants. They were the strongest level five infantry from the central Kingdom of Caradia, their individual strength was even stronger than the peak level official knights in the world. His defensive ability was extremely strong. josei

Otherwise, Firentis did not dare to believe that he would be able to take down the 15,000-man heavy cavalry troop of South County noble alliance army with just his 30,000 infantrymen.

“Do you think that the 15,000 heavy cavalry soldiers of the South County noble alliance army could crush the 30,000 infantrymen of the North County noble alliance army, or it’s the other way round?” Another spy threw out this topic.

This topic obviously touched the curiosity of many spies. They no longer simply analyzed the heavy cavalry legion of the South County noble alliance army or the infantry legion of the North County noble alliance army. Instead, they began to express their opinions and judge the strength of the two, they predicted the direction of the battlefield situation.

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