Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 577 - The Troops That Continued Their Crusade

Chapter 577 - The Troops That Continued Their Crusade

Chapter 577: The Troops That Continued Their Crusade


At this moment, from Kant’s perspective, the world had undergone an extremely astonishing change. It was completely constructed from countless chains of rules of various colors. At the very center of the world, there was a ball of light that was emitting silver-gray light — it was the world will called Isai.

Kant’s current figure was a dark red phantom, and a section on the chain of rules of war beneath his feet was his real name. An extremely thin line extended out from this section of the rules of war named “Lannister”. It directly sank into the void and connected to an unknown place.

However, Kant could clearly know that this thin line connected his real name to the goshawk. After Kant met the goshawk’s request, this line began to form. After Kant raised the goshawk’s power to its strongest, this line stabilized.

Waves of the power of the rules of war seemed to appear on the goshawk’s body. In fact, they flowed through the thin line. At this point, the goshawk that suddenly submitted to Kant had the similar characteristics to the holy spirits of the gods except for immortality.

However, the holy spirits of the gods were all intelligent beings, but Kant’s goshawk was just a simple bird. The difference was still very obvious

Kant himself did not know much about the holy spirits, but he had already understood that his goshawk was almost no different from the holy spirits. It could also bear the power of rules that was no weaker than divine power, and they could also communicate with each other through thoughts. It could also be controlled it with his mind.

Then, Kant retreated from the view of the rules, and his view returned to the North Main Road of Lionheart City. At this time, it was not far from the north gate.

Chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp…

The goshawk hovered over the army cheerfully, and its mind was full of happy emotions.

“From now on, you will be called Blitz!” Kant decided the name of the goshawk in his mind. This made the goshawk, Blitz very happy. It kept dancing in the sky.

Kant was also very happy. At this time, he did not need to activate the special effect Nature’s Favor to maintain the connection with Blitz. At the same time, he could give Blitz extraordinary power.

Of course, Kant would not be so happy just because of that. Instead, the appearance of Blitz meant that Kant could even use Blitz as an example to create an air force, as long as Blitz was not a special case. This had always been Kant’s shortcoming. In the demiplane that Kant had explored in the Nahrin Desert, there were some birdmen with wings, so there was an air force.

It was still a long-term plan. As soon as Kant thought of it, he immediately shared Blitz’s perspective. From a hundred meters above the ground, he could see the entire Lionheart City. At this moment, besides on the North Main Road of Lionheart City, Kant was leading 3000 soldiers with extraordinary powers. On the East Main Road, West Main Road, and South Main Road, there were also troops advancing. They were the garrison troops from the east city gate, west city gate and south city gate.

Each of the three troops had 1,000 soldiers. Each army had 200 Rhodok Sergeants, 200 Swadian Sergeants, 200 Vaegir Marksmen, 200 Ravenstern Rangers, and 200 Rhodok Sharpshooters. In fact, at the north city gate, there was a similar army waiting. They were all defending the city, so there was no cavalry.

Hence, in this attack, Kant sent a total of 7,000 soldiers.

After Kant led the army to the north city gate barracks, he reorganized the army and waited for the other three city gate soldiers to arrive. At the same time, he sent Blitz out to scout. At the same time, he wanted to test if there was any distance limit to his control and connection with Blitz under the current situation. Under the special effects of Nature’s Favor, Kant had a 100-kilometer distance limit to his proximity and control of animals.

One of Kant’s special conveniences for his own army was that he did not need to hold a pledging conference. The troops that came from the world of “Mount and Blade” were absolutely loyal to Kant, and the blood-red cape that was slowly swaying behind his back, “Glorious, Bright Red movement” allowed Kant to not worry about the morale of his troops. Therefore, there was no need to hold a troop class meeting that was specially held to raise morale.

When the other soldiers at the three city gates arrived, Kant sent the soldiers to check that the warhorse, weapons, armor, and arrows were in good condition. He also confirmed that the soldiers brought sufficient rations, and finally arranged for the follow-up supplies, then, he led his army out of Lionheart City and headed for Lion Fort.

When Kant’s army set off, the entire eastern region of Lionheart City was shaken.

The Eastern District of Lionheart City was a noble region, and the people living there were all the upper-class noble families of the Dukedom of Leo. Their estate was either on the east and west sides of Lionheart City, or on the north side of Lionheart City. As for Kant sending troops from the north side of Lionheart City, in the eyes of the noble families in the Eastern District of Lionheart City, he had only one goal, which was to finally take over the entire South County.

In the eyes of all the upper-class nobles in the South County, Baron Kant was too powerful. They were shocked and even terrified of Baron Kant’s strength. Portion of his power in Lionheart City alone was enough to suppress the combined forces of all the upper-class nobles. Therefore, in the one-year Kant had stayed in Lionheart City, the upper-class noble no longer dared to be arrogant and despotic.

This was not only because they were afraid of Baron Kant’s power, but also because there were many civilians in Lionheart City. These civilians looked no different from ordinary civilians, but they all belonged to Baron Kant. As long as they dared to bully those civilians, it would be like poking a hornet’s nest, which would attract the strong suppression of Baron Kant’s subordinates.

At that time, they were still glad that Baron Kant had such great power, but he showed no signs of plotting against the remaining half of the South County, nor did he accept any noble’s allegiance. This was probably because Baron Kant felt that his power was enough to become an archduke, and he was preparing to become an archduke. When Baron Kant became the new archduke of the Dukedom of Leo, he might accept their allegiance.

After all, the benefits that Baron Kant had to give up were completely different from the nobles he had accepted before he opened the border and after.

However, now that Baron Kant had directly sent troops from the north city gate of Lionheart City, it had shattered the rumors. This made the upper-class noble families of the South County, who were still in Lionheart City, feel a little flustered. They were afraid that Baron Kant wanted to flatten the remaining South County. Their castles and manors were all there.

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