Lord of the People: My Explosion Rate is 100%

Chapter 991

Chapter 991: Alien alliance! 3000 divine court apertures!

Chapter 991 Alliance with Alien Races! 3000 divine court apertures!

Zhou Zheng did not hesitate for too long and directly printed the seal of "approval" on this government document.

After printing it, Zhou Zheng looked at the document and said to himself:

“With the lord’s talent of Peace and Prosperity, these aliens who surrender to me will basically not have any dissatisfaction.”

“As for the aliens who seek alliances, as long as I maintain my peak strength and become stronger and stronger, and let the aliens in these alliances see the benefits of following me, this alliance will be the most stable alliance.”

“Even if the power of my territory drops significantly, I already have enemies all over the world, so it doesn’t matter if I have more enemies.”

Zhou Zheng was calculating in his mind.

As for these alliances and surrendered foreign races, it is naturally beneficial to his overlords.

Mutual help is the most basic requirement.


If you feel that the enemy provoked by the other party is not something that you and others can deal with together, and not only have you not been able to help in the past, but you may also suffer disaster, then there is no compulsion in this alliance.

Seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages is the instinct of all spirits.

Stop talking about these alien races.

Even Zhou Zheng, if he knew that a foreigner from the alliance was arrogant and arrogant due to the alliance relationship, and ended up provoking more than a dozen divine kingdom-level lords, and then wanted to rely on the alliance relationship for refuge, Zhou Zhou would not pay attention to the other party's request for help.

“There are more than 15,000 alien races. Even if each alien race provides one billion troops to assist my army in fighting, we can still make up 15 trillion soldiers.”

Zhou Zheng thought.

But military strength is not calculated in this way.

First of all, they are an alliance, not a subordinate relationship.

You can help each other.

But if He wanted to let the alien forces in the alliance send troops to help in the process of conquering other alien races, that would be another matter.

If someone sends troops to help you, it is a favor and you will have to pay it back later.

If they didn't send troops to watch with cold eyes, Zhou Zhou wouldn't be able to say anything.

Secondly, any race has more or less enemies from other races due to various reasons such as territorial conflicts.

For example, the alien enemies encountered by the human race when they retreated to the prehistoric world were all hostile racial forces of the human race.

The human race is like this.

The same goes for these more than 15,000 alien races, and they may even have bigger troubles than the human race.

If He dares to use these more than 15,000 foreigners to help him conquer the territory, I am afraid that there will be more than 105,000 foreign forces or even more foreign forces the next day, and they have reason to dare to jointly attack Him!

That is a proper way to give someone a handle!

Zhou Zheng does not have the ability to fight so many enemies yet, so he will definitely not do such a stupid thing.

“Although the power of these alliance aliens is very powerful, they cannot be used easily.”

“Otherwise, at the beginning, we may achieve some victories that are unimaginable at the current stage.”

“But then there was endless trouble.”

"If I want to use it, I must carefully screen the origins of the aliens I am allied with to avoid getting angry."

“Only when the situation is irreversible can we use the power of all alien races. After all, there should be nothing to worry about at that time.”

Zhou Zhou thought.

As for the one hundred and four foreigners who accepted the letter of surrender, they didn’t have so many scruples.

Zheng Yuanqi directly ordered the other party to send one billion alien soldiers. They should all come to the Kingdom of the Sun by the day after tomorrow at the latest and join the legion of all races to serve the Kingdom of the Sun and Zhou Zhou!

One alien race has one billion alien soldiers. One hundred and four alien races add up to 104 billion soldiers!

When all these foreign soldiers arrive in the Capital of the Sun, the total number of soldiers under Zhou Zhou will directly exceed 200 billion!josei

It has doubled directly!

In addition, the number of 1 billion alien soldiers set by Zheng Yuanqi is also very subtle. This number can not only replenish the troops of the Sun Kingdom, but also not affect the foreign races that have already lost a lot of troops, allowing them to leave enough soldiers to guard the territory of their own race.

In addition to soldiers, these surrendered aliens will also deliver a large amount of Mist Heart, materials, medicines, secrets, skill books, equipment and other resources to the Sun Kingdom.

These resources are naturally what the defeated + surrendering party should do.

The key is:

These one hundred and four alien races will send ten gods ranging from the subordinates of lower gods to the superiors of upper gods to join the Kingdom of the Sun!

One hundred and four alien races, which add up to a total of 1,040 gods!

They will arrive together with the soldiers by the evening of the day after tomorrow at the latest.

By the time they arrive, the total number of gods under Zhou Zhou’s command will reach at least two thousand!

Zhou Zheng nodded with satisfaction.

Conquering racial-level forces, and not just one or two racial-level forces, but hundreds of racial-level forces is so cool!

1040 gods!

With this number of gods, if he relied on himself alone, if he wanted to cultivate a thousand gods by himself, he didn't know how many years and months it would take to achieve it.

Now it can be easily achieved through war.

“War is indeed the best way to enhance strength and influence.”

Zhou Zheng said with emotion.

Then move on to the next government matter.

The world of the Kingdom of God.

Cultivation Hall.

Zhou Zhou opened his eyes.

With a thought in his mind, the imperial dragon robe on his body gradually disappeared, and his perfect body like a **** emerged.

Looking at his divine body, his mind moved slightly.

I saw white vortices emitting divine light emerging from the surface of his body and moving at a constant speed. From a distance, it seemed as if a large number of galaxies appeared on Zhou Zhou's body.

If you look closely, you will find that a whole world is appearing in these whirlpools, and at the origin of the world, there is a small **** who looks very much like Zhou Zhou.

If an entire world is faintly revealed in every vortex, then there are a total of three thousand such vortexes on Zhou Zhou's body!

“3000 divine court apertures.”

“It’s just as I expected.”

“But my 3000 Shenting Boundary Apertures seem to be different from the Shenting Boundary Apertures mentioned by Yuan Chong.”

Zhou Zhou nodded slightly, then he touched his heart, and a strange color appeared on his face.

In his perception, the world in his heart that had awakened from the original spiritual race was actually ingeniously connected with the world of the Three Thousand Divine Courts that had awakened from the Mu God Clan in a way that he could not understand. together.

After the connection, both the world of Shenting's Aperture and the world in the heart are beginning to grow in a perfect direction. It seems that the world awakened by the original spirit clan bloodline and the world of Shenting's Aperture will be upgraded to a kind of 'perfect world' Degree.

And not just to the extent that they individually developed to a perfect world.

Under their influence, he felt that his already extremely powerful Chaos God Body was also beginning to become stronger.

Zhou Zhou still had a vague feeling.

When his three thousand divine court worlds, the world at the heart, and the chaotic divine body have grown to perfection, and then fill in an extremely important bloodline, they will undergo an extremely astonishing qualitative change!

(End of this chapter)

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