Lord of the Secret Art!

Chapter 370

Chapter 370: Tracking Ritual Pattern

Chapter 370 Tracking Ritual Pattern

"It's a pity that I didn't get the mysterious points on those two extraordinary cultists."

Felin felt a little regretful.

After waking up, he explored the corpses of the two extraordinary cultists.

However, it was learned that the corpse was taken away by the great elder Diamuten himself.

If the corpses of the extraordinary cultists are not properly disposed of, it is almost certain that it will cause quite a disaster.

It should be in consideration of this that the great elder Diamutni took away the corpses of the two extraordinary cultists and planned to handle them himself.

"After a day, the extraordinary power on the two corpses has probably basically dissipated. Even if you can see these two corpses, there should be very few mysterious points that can be harvested."

Felin shook his head, suppressing the regret in his heart.

"The mystery points for the mysterious gun to advance to the eleventh ring are enough. After the mysterious points that are lacking in the twelfth ring, we can find a way. The next step is to upgrade the mysterious gun to the eleventh ring as soon as possible."

Ferring closed the panel, and couldn't help but recall the situation when he encountered the cult organization Transcendence before.

Facing the attack of the cult organization Chaofan, he was almost powerless to fight back. If it hadn't been for the rescue of the great elder Nadja Hallowin, he might have died under the attack of the cult organization Chaofan.

This made him clearly realize the gap between himself and the extraordinary, giving birth to a strong desire to become stronger.

Not to mention growing up to be comparable to the extraordinary in a short period of time, at least grow to the point where even in the face of the extraordinary, one can have the power to escape.

The situation of being helpless like before must never happen again, and there may not be Chaofan from the Security Bureau next time.

"For me now, the way to become stronger is to increase the level of the mysterious gun, so that the mysterious gun can reach the twelfth ring as soon as possible."

Felin thought to himself.

The mysterious gun is the most powerful secret technique among the top ten, reaching the twelfth ring. If the most powerful sniper gun is used, it may threaten the extraordinary.

In addition, after the mysterious gun reaches the twelfth ring, his reaction should be greatly improved.

Before encountering a supernatural attack, he clearly possessed the guardian of silver, a defensive curse that can resist supernatural attacks for a short period of time, but it was too late to activate it because the reaction speed was too slow.

If the reaction speed can be improved, it will be able to activate the silver guard in time, temporarily block the extraordinary attack, and then escape with the time-space watch.

The next day, Flynn, Julie, and Essie also left West Asia and returned to Constant by train.

On the train, in the highest-grade individual VIP room, the three of Feilin were doing their own things.

There are vines in Aixi's hands that grow rapidly and then quickly wither and disappear. This is practicing the parasitic tree of secret art.

Because of her own experience, she is extremely eager to improve her strength, and she does not miss any opportunity to improve.

As soon as you have time, you will devote yourself to practice.

Julie took out a book from the space maze, and flipped it through clatteringly. While flipping it, her eyes quickly swept over, quickly memorizing the contents of the book.

With a photographic memory, her biggest hobby is to read all kinds of books to enrich her knowledge base.

Felin looked enviously at Julie, who possessed the ability of photographic memory, and flipped through the book of secret techniques for advancing the mysterious gun to the eleventh ring at a speed that could be called a tortoise compared to Julie.

"Track the Ritual Pattern."

The secret technique book has been read more than halfway through, and Felin already knows the main content involved.

The esoteric knowledge involved in the advanced eleventh ring of the mysterious gun is the tracking ritual pattern, which is similar to the armor-piercing ritual pattern, phantom clone ritual pattern, and burst ritual pattern, and has extraordinary abilities.

If this kind of pattern is engraved on the bullet, it can endow the bullet with the extraordinary ability of automatic tracking.

To put it simply, it is to allow the bullet to have an automatic tracking ability similar to the missiles of the previous life, and be able to track the enemy.

When the enemy escapes and escapes the attack of the bullet, the bullet will automatically turn and chase the enemy.

"The fact that it will turn is somewhat similar to the arc marksmanship, but it is not the same."

Ferring couldn't help but think of arc marksmanship.

The arc marksmanship is to set the turning direction in advance, while the tracking ritual pattern is to automatically follow the turning according to the enemy's moving direction.

As long as the power is not exhausted or destroyed, as long as the enemy does not escape the tracking range, the bullet will pursue the enemy until it hits the target.josei

To a certain extent, the tracking extraordinary ability of tracking ritual patterns is an advanced version of arc marksmanship.

"A very practical Extraordinary ability."

Felin thought to himself.

During the battle, sometimes you will encounter enemies who move extremely fast and have the ability to avoid bullets.

Facing such an enemy, he usually chooses arc marksmanship or phantom clone extraordinary ability to deal with.

However, these two methods have their own shortcomings.

The disadvantage of arc marksmanship is that the turning direction of the bullet is fixed when the bullet is fired, and the enemy does not necessarily move in that direction.

Even some enemies with strong insight can judge in advance which direction the bullet will turn through the trajectory of the bullet, so as to avoid it.

The disadvantage of the Phantom Clone Extraordinary is that it cannot coexist with the Burst Extraordinary ability, and cannot endow the bullet with the strongest power.

The result of this is that although the enemy cannot dodge, but because the power is not strong, the threat to the enemy is limited, and the enemy can easily block it.

"The extraordinary ability of automatic tracking does not have the shortcomings of the extraordinary ability of arc marksmanship and phantom. It is the most suitable extraordinary ability for speed extraordinary people."

Flynn believed that with the ability to automatically track the extraordinary, the speed extraordinary who was quite troublesome to him before was no longer troublesome, and he would become the nemesis of the speed extraordinary.

“The benefits don’t stop there.”

In Flynn’s view, the use of automatic tracking Beyonder abilities is not limited to dealing with speed Beyonders.

When fighting the enemy, the enemy's attack may not necessarily fall on you, but your own attack must fall on the enemy.

This is an extremely huge advantage in battle.

When the mysterious gun reaches the eleventh ring and masters the extraordinary ability of automatic tracking, even if he encounters the twelve ring head-on, he feels that it is possible to kill him alone.

"I'm really looking forward to it..."

Felin couldn't help but look forward to the mysterious gun advancing to the eleventh ring, mastering the pattern of the tracking ceremony, and gaining the extraordinary ability of automatic tracking.

At that time, my own strength will definitely be greatly improved.

West Asia City is not far from Conston City, only more than 100 kilometers away. Two hours later, the train arrived at Conston City Railway Station.

Walking out of the train station, Flynn parted ways with Julie and Essie, and returned to Villa Lindy in a rented carriage.

"Master Sox, you are back from a business trip."

Seeing Flynn returning, the head maid Hannah greeted him with the servants in the villa.

"Miss Lindy hasn't come back yet?"

Flynn asked.

"not yet."

The head maid, Hannah, shook her head.


Flynn was a little disappointed.

It has been two months since Lindy left, and I don't know what Lindy is going to do, but it will take such a long time.

"Master Sox, you probably haven't eaten lunch yet, I asked the kitchen to prepare lunch for you?"

The head maid Hannah asked.

"Okay, trouble."

More than half an hour later, in the dining room of the villa, Flynn was eating the lunch prepared in the kitchen.

Although the preparation was a bit hasty, it was still as rich as ever, with steak, sausage, beef bone soup, and vegetable salad.

"At the beginning, I moved into Lindy Villa because I was worried about being assassinated. Now I don't need to worry about being assassinated. To be precise, it's the same no matter where I live. Do you want to move back to the original place?"

"Forget it, it's a waste to live in such a big villa, just treat it as me watching for her, so as not to be destroyed."

Ferring picked up an acorn-flavored sausage that he couldn't find anywhere else, took a bite, and his mouth was immediately full of mellow aroma.

He is definitely not unwilling to move away because the villa can eat delicious food that cannot be found in other places.

The next day, Flynn came to work at the Security Bureau.

He first went to Director Dorji's office to say hello, and then returned to his office.

On the desk, there is no pile of documents.

Because he, the deputy director, and Julie, the deputy secretary of the bureau, both went on missions, and it was unknown how long it would take, so all the documents were handed over to Director Dorji for handling.

So although he has been away for several days, he has no accumulated documents.

With no documents to deal with, he took out the secret technique book of the mysterious gun and looked through it. When it was almost noon, Julie knocked on the door and walked in.

"This is what happened in Conston City these days and the major events in the mysterious book that I learned from the Ministry of Intelligence."

Julie handed several pages of paper to Flynn and said.

Flynn reached out to take it, and the first thing that came into his eyes was what happened in Constant City in the past few days.

On May 7th, the Ministry of Intelligence found traces of a cultist of the evil **** Mist Lord whose strength had reached Central.

Conston City Security Bureau sent two captains, Ivy and Ula, to successfully capture him alive.

On the evening of May 7th, some citizens witnessed a flying head, which was a strange thing derived from the head of a certain Extraordinary, and it had been dealt with by a mystic from the Security Bureau.

On May 8th, a wealthy businessman died strangely at home. The investigation found that there were cursed objects in his collection, and he died due to the side effects of the cursed objects.

Conston City is a city with a population of one million. In this city, mysterious events happen almost every day.

The reason why ordinary citizens don't know is because of the blockade of news and the timely handling of the security bureau.

Ferrin turned the page and looked at the next page.

"Well, Ivy's secret technique has reached the seventh ring..."

Seeing one of the messages, Flynn smiled.

"In today's Security Bureau, her talent for secret arts is probably second only to yours."

Julie said with some envy.

Her talent for secret arts is not good, and she is quite envious of both Felin and Ivy.

"Talent is the reason, but her own efforts are absolutely indispensable."

Flynn said.

As a noble lady of a top earl family, Ivy still joined the Security Bureau knowing the danger of the Security Bureau, and worked extremely hard. There must be a reason for it.

However, this is a private matter of the other party's family after all. Although he is curious, it is not convenient for him to inquire.

Turn to the next page, and the next page records the major events that happened on the mysterious side in recent days.

When he saw a piece of news, a look of interest appeared on his face.

"A young woman named Lisa Nora in the temple of a large force showed two secret arts of ancient scholar and musical instrument master, and all of them have reached the high ring. It is suspected that it is the extraordinary seed hidden in the temple."

(end of this chapter)

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