Lord of the Secret Art!

Chapter 398

Chapter 398: Three categories

Chapter 398 Three categories

"Find a place to live first."

Walking out of Fort Conant Railway Station, Felin did not immediately go to the General Administration to apply to the Great Elder Diamutney to learn the advanced transcendent method.

It is already afternoon, and the Great Elder Diamutni may not be still in the headquarters, and he is not in a hurry.

Next, he will stay in the capital for a long time. The first thing to do is to find a place to live.

"Go to a hotel, a higher class one."

Ferring boarded a rental carriage and let the rental carriage drive him to a higher-grade hotel.

His current salary is already extremely impressive, so naturally he will not treat himself badly.

Half an hour later, the carriage stopped in front of a hotel. Flynn got off the carriage and looked at the hotel.

The hotel has a total of three floors. The decoration is not luxurious, but it is not bad, giving people a low-key and restrained feeling.

There is a huge plaque in front of the door that reads "Iris Hotel.

"Sir, the Iris Hotel is a high-end hotel even in the entire capital, and should be able to meet your requirements."

The carriage driver introduced Flynn.


Flynn nodded, and after paying the fare and tip, he walked towards the Iris Hotel with his luggage.

Seeing Feilin who arrived, the waiter of the hotel immediately greeted him, took the luggage and checked in for Feilin.

Soon after, Flynn checked into a VIP room on the third floor of the hotel.

"The last time I came to the capital, I was taken care of by the Harlowin family. Now that I have come to the capital, I naturally have to pay a visit."

Leaving the unimportant luggage in the hotel, Flynn left the hotel.

He first went to a wine store and bought two bottles of high-end red wine produced by the famous winery Russell Winery as gifts, and then took a rented carriage to Harrowen Villa in the Tulip District.

After revealing their identities, the Duke of Harlowin, Yueti Harrowen, and his husband Rob Harrowin warmly received Flynn.

Both of them knew that Felin and Lindy had a close relationship, and even knew the identity of Felin's extraordinary seed, so they naturally treated Felin with great enthusiasm.

"Socks, when did you come to the capital?"

Yueti Harlowin looked at Flynn and asked with a smile.

She has brown hair rolled up, wearing a gorgeous dress, and her body is extremely majestic.

"I just arrived in the capital today."

Flynn said respectfully but not nervously.

Although the other party is a powerful duke, he is also an extraordinary person who can be expected in the future. He respects them more because they are Miss Lindy's parents.

"I just arrived in the capital today, so I probably don't have a place to live yet, right? During the time in the capital, why don't you just stay at Villa Harowin?"

Yueti Harlowin said with a smile.

In the past few months, she is naturally aware of Feilin's astonishing growth rate and achievements.

The other party is worthy of the name of the extraordinary seed, and even surpasses it.

The extraordinary Nadja Hallowin is her own sister, and she is quite familiar with Nadja Hallowin's growth experience.

But even Nadja Hallowin's growth rate is not as fast as that of Feilin today.josei

"Thank you, Duke Harlowin, for your kindness. Before coming here, I already stayed at the Iris Hotel."

Flynn said.

"How can I do that? How can I let you stay in a hotel when I come to the capital? If Lindy finds out, wouldn't it be blaming the two of us?"

Yueti Harlowin said with a slight frown.

"I appreciate your kindness, but I have already checked in at the Iris Hotel, so I won't bother you."

Flynn refused to say.

"Socks, you and Lindy are very good friends. Since you have come to the capital, you should naturally live in Harlowen Villa. Don't shirk it."

Rob Harrowen said enthusiastically.

"But I have already checked in at the Iris Hotel."

Ferring was a little embarrassed.

He didn't resist staying at Harrowen Villa. With his relationship with Lindy, he didn't need to be too ostentatious.

"This is easy to handle. I'll send someone to the Iris Hotel to check you out and get your luggage. Okay, that's the deal."

Yueti Harlowin's attitude was a bit tough, but it was not annoying.

Unable to resist the Harlowin couple, Flynn had to check out of the Iris Hotel and live in the Harlowin Villa.

In the evening, he contacted Lindy through the elder's coat of arms and told Lindy about it, and Lindy told him to stay as long as he wanted.

Seeing what Lindy said, he stopped worrying.

Next, he will stay in the capital for a long time. Compared with staying in a hotel, it is obviously more appropriate to find a fixed place to live.

The next day, Flynn took the Harlowin family's carriage to the Land and Resources Coordination Office, which was disguised by the Headquarters of the Constant City Security Bureau.

Showing his credentials, he entered the General Administration.

As he entered the headquarters, many mystics of the headquarters recognized him and looked at him.

Among them, there are curious eyes and envious eyes.

Compared to the last time he came to the capital, Felin is now more famous.

Not only has the identity of the extraordinary seed, but also has the record of killing the twelve-ring cultists alone, defeating two twelve-ring cultists and letting the two twelve-ring cultists die and escape.

Such a record made Flynn's reputation on the mysterious side, especially within the Security Bureau.

Bang, bang, bang!

Taking the steam elevator, Felin arrived at the tallest building, and rang the office of Great Elder Diamutni.

The door of the office of the Great Elder Diamutni was opened, and the person who opened the door was a very capable woman in professional attire. It was Cathy Lockhart, the secret technique of the Great Elder Diamutni.

Seeing Flynn, she said with a smile.

"Elder Solas, are you here to find Great Elder Diamuten? What a coincidence that you came, Great Elder Diamuten just happened to be in the office today."

Whilst speaking, she got out of the way and led Flynn into the office.

In the suite-style office, the white-haired Great Elder Diamuturi sat on the sofa and said with a smile when he saw Flynn coming.

"Socks, you are here, come and sit."

As the Great Elder, he doesn't need to go to work on time every day, so he doesn't come to the office every day.

The reason why he came to the office today is because he knew that Flynn had arrived at Fort Conant yesterday, and he should come today.

With Flynn not covering up his whereabouts, if the Intelligence Department of the Security Bureau is still unable to know the whereabouts of Flynn, then the Intelligence Department of the Security Bureau is a bit useless.

Flynn sat down on the sofa, and Cathy quickly stepped forward to pour him a cup of tea.

Ferring took a sip of tea, looked at Suleiman Diamutni and said.

"Elder Diamutni, you said earlier that the Orr transfer method and the Ross resonance method are more suitable for me."

"I wonder if you can introduce to me the respective characteristics of these two advanced and extraordinary methods."

He didn't avoid Cathy. As the secretary of the Great Elder Diamutney, the other party was a person that the Great Elder Diamuten trusted, so there was no need to hide it.

"Advanced extraordinary method?!"

Casey couldn't help but glanced at Flynn, a look of shock flashed in his eyes.

As the secretary of the Great Elder Diamutni, she naturally knows what the advanced extraordinary method is, and also knows that the advanced extraordinary method is a secret technique that can only be practiced if both of the two secret arts have reached the twelfth ring.

Flynn Sox is already considering the method of advanced transcendence, that is to say, both of Flynn Sox's secret techniques must have reached the twelfth ring.

"Cathy, I heard it today, remember not to spread it."

After the Great Elder Diamuten gave Cathy instructions, he said to Flynn.

"There are more than ten kinds of advanced extraordinary methods mastered by various large-scale secret arts organizations. However, these more than ten advanced extraordinary methods can be classified into three categories."

"Is it the three types of fusion, transfer, and resonance?"

Ferring thought of the naming of the three advanced transcendental methods mastered by the Security Bureau, and couldn't help guessing.

"That's right, these three categories."

Suleiman nodded, and then said.

"Among these three types, the fusion method is characterized by the ability to achieve the fusion of secret organs."

"The fusion of secret organs?"

Felin was puzzled.

Roland once said that the key to extraordinary achievement lies in the fusion of secret organs.

However, this kind of fusion is just a metaphor. It is not really about combining the two mystic organs into one, but about fusing the extraordinary power contained in the mystic organs.

However, he keenly heard from Suleiman's words that the fusion here is definitely not the fusion of extraordinary power that Roland said.

"The fusion here does not just refer to the fusion of extraordinary power, but refers to the mutual fusion of secret organs including extraordinary power."

"To give an example, an extraordinary seed who practices the two mystic techniques of split hair and parasitic tree. His secret organs are his hair and the tree species parasitic on his body."

"If this extraordinary seed uses the fusion method to advance to extraordinary, then his hair and the two mystical organs of the tree species will fuse with each other and become one, and they will no longer be separated from each other."

It seemed that he understood what Felin was thinking, Suleiman explained.

"It really refers to the fusion of secret organs."

Hearing Suleiman's explanation, Flynn's mind flashed as expected.

"You must be aware of the shortcomings of this advanced extraordinary method. Not all mystic organs can be fused with each other, and some mystic organs cannot be fused with each other. For example, the two kinds of mystic organs are body parts."

"At this time, we need to use two other advanced and extraordinary methods."

Suleiman paused and continued.

"Let's talk about the transfer method first. The essence of the transfer method is to transfer the extraordinary power contained in one of the secret organs to another secret organ, so as to achieve the effect of extraordinary power fusion."

"For example, if a person who practices super vision and alchemy hand two kinds of secret arts, the secret organ is the extraordinary seed of eyes and hands, then he can use the transfer method to transfer the extraordinary power from the eyes to the hands, or from the hands to the eyes, Thereby achieving the fusion of extraordinary power."

"Transfer the extraordinary power? What will happen to the secret organ that has been transferred from the extraordinary power?"

Flynn asked with a frown.

"It will become ordinary and lose the corresponding extraordinary ability."

Suleiman said.

"Lost the corresponding Extraordinary ability?"

Ferring couldn't help being surprised.

(end of this chapter)

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