Lord of the Secret Art!

Chapter 525

Chapter 525: against Nikolai Rezanov

Chapter 525 Battle with Nikolai Rezanov

"Is he really...?"

Turning over in embarrassment and getting up from the ground, Eve Burns looked at Felin, who was moving quickly in the direction of the extraordinary attack, with surprise on his face.

Practice the secret technique, the Mystic Spear, and her combat power has reached the extraordinary level. Apart from the newly promoted extraordinary Felin Sox, she can't think of anyone else who fits this characteristic.

"No wonder Princess Emilia prefers him to follow and protect."

Eve Burns' complexion became bewildered, and he was able to figure out what he couldn't figure out before.

Although she and Mavis Catherine are not weak in strength, they are both twelve-ring mystics, but compared with the extraordinary Felin, they are far inferior.

Princess Emilia is more willing to follow and protect Feilin because she knows the identity of Feilin.

"It is His Majesty the Pope who came to save us!"

Seeing the huge black feathers that shot like javelins, the twelve-ring cultists bound by vines were excited.

This attack method is exactly the Pope's attack method. It must be that the Pope came to rescue them after receiving their call for help.

However, his surprise didn't last long.

Soon, someone intercepted the pope's attack and took the initiative to greet the pope.

"Extraordinary, there is an extraordinary hidden among the mystics protecting Emilia Diamuteni!"

There was no surprise on his face, but deep despair.

Among the mystics of the Kingdom of Heidelberg, there is a hidden extraordinary. With the strength of this extraordinary, it is enough to block the Pope and prevent the Pope from rescuing them.

The pope did come to the rescue, but the situation has not changed.

Hundreds of meters away, Flynn met a man wearing black clothes with gold trim.

"Nikolai Legarov, it really is you!"

Blocking the man's way, Flynn said coldly.

There is only one Transcendence left in the Shadow of Darkness, and the only one who will rescue the Shadow of Darkness is the current Pope of the Shadow of Darkness, Nikolai Rezanov.

So when he arrived, he had already guessed the identity of the person who attacked just now.

"Flynn Sox..."

Looking at Felin who blocked his way, Nikolai Rezanov's eyes were cold.

Although Flynn Sox wore a mask to disguise himself, he could guess from the type of secret technique that the person who came was Flynn Sox, an extraordinary member of the Security Bureau.

Three extraordinary people died in the hands of the Security Bureau, one can imagine his hatred for the Security Bureau.

Of course he wouldn't think about it because the Shadow of Darkness besieged and killed the extraordinary Craig Newmark of the Security Bureau.

Whoo, whoo, whoo!

His subordinates were still in danger. Nikolai Rezanov didn't say much, and took the lead in attacking Felin.

Want to break through Feilin's interception and save the besieged Shadow of Darkness believers.

Today's Shadow of Darkness has suffered a great loss, and can no longer afford such a loss.

The shadow under him changed rapidly, swelled and turned into a giant bird.

The giant bird flapped its wings, and the wind howled, like a typhoon of magnitude 12.

The black feathers on both wings were all detached, and they shot out along with the strong wind, like a rain of arrows falling from the sky, attacking Felin.

"Rifle form."

The mysterious gun in Flynn's hand turned into a rifle and fired a series of bullets.

Each bullet split into dozens of bullets, intercepting the many black feathers coming towards the attack.

Boom, boom, boom!

All the black feathers were blocked, and none of the black feathers could get close to Flynn.

The surrounding ground was exploded due to the collision, the trees and grass disappeared, and potholes appeared one after another.

There are dense craters everywhere, and it looks like the surface of the moon that has been hit by meteorites for a long time.


A black giant bird with a size of more than ten meters soared into the sky and flew into the sky.

On the back of the giant black bird, Nikolai Rezanov is inlaid in it, only the upper body is exposed.

He intends to break through from the air, break through Flynn's blockade, and rush to rescue the followers of the Shadow of Darkness.

"Sniper rifle form."

Seeing Nikolai Rezanov wanting to break through the air, Flynn snorted coldly.

He can't fly, but it doesn't mean he has nothing to do with flying "enemies".

Practicing the secret technique of the mysterious gun, he is not afraid of dealing with enemies that have the ability to fly.

The mysterious gun in his hand quickly changed into a sniper rifle, aiming at Nikolai Rezanov flying in the air and pulling the trigger.


Accompanied by an explosive roar, a sniper bullet sprayed out from the barrel.

At an extremely exaggerated terrifying speed exceeding twenty times the speed of sound, it attacked the giant black bird in the sky at extreme speed.

General extraordinary attacks can reach more than ten times the speed of sound, and extraordinary attacks with faster attack speeds can reach twenty times the speed of sound.

And attacks that can exceed twenty times the speed of sound are rare even among the extraordinary.


Flying in the sky, Nikolai Rezanov sensed the danger and quickly controlled the giant black bird to avoid it.

As a product of extraordinary level abilities, the giant black bird moves extremely fast.

Extremely thrilling, the giant black bird escaped the sniper bullets and passed by the sniper bullets.

However, this is obviously useless, because the bullets fired by Flynn have automatic tracking capabilities.

I saw the bullet that had been dodged by the giant black bird draw a semicircular arc, turn around in the air, and attack the giant black bird again.

"It's tracking extraordinary abilities!"

Seeing that the bullet turned around and came in pursuit again, Nikolai Rezanov immediately realized that Ferrin had endowed the bullet with an extraordinary ability to track, which was an attack that could not be avoided.

Whoo, whoo, whoo!

A large number of black feathers appeared, entangled with each other.

turned into a tornado made of feathers, trying to intercept the sniper bullets.

However, it was too late.

Before he intercepted it, the sniper bullet had already hit the giant black bird.


There was a violent explosion in the sky, and the huge sound was like thunder.

The cultists and mystics who were fighting not far away were shocked, and the battle paused for a moment.

Under the violent explosion, the giant black bird with a size of more than ten meters was torn apart.

And Nikolai Tizanov, who was embedded in it, was wrapped in a part of the shadow and fell from the sky.

"Rifle form."

The third secret technique, silver mirror, reached the twelfth ring, which gave Feilin a faster reaction than the general twelve ring.

The mysterious gun in the form of a sniper rifle in his hand changed into a rifle form again, launching an attack on Nikolai Rezanov who was falling from the sky surrounded by a shadow.

The bullet was guided, and the attack that could never miss was aimed at Nikolai Rezanov who was falling from the sky.

Puff puff!

Holes appeared one after another on the surface of the shadow enveloping Nikolai Rezanov. Nikolai Rezanov fell to the ground, making a pothole on the ground.


Flynn looked at Nikolai Rezanov who fell to the ground.

No blood flowed out from the hole shot out by the bullet.

This is not normal, he suspected that Nikolai Rezanov should have blocked the shot.

The next moment, his premonition came true.

The shadow that was already full of holes wrapped around Nikolai Rezanov's body disappeared, and the figure of Nikolai Rezanov was revealed.

There were no wounds on his body, not even the black gold-studded clothes on his body were not damaged.

"No, it was the clothes on his body that protected him. That clothes should be a very high-level Extraordinary item!"

Ferring makes a judgment call.

It wasn't because the clothes blocked the attack that the clothes were not damaged, but because the clothes blocked the attacks, Nicholas Garov was not injured.

"The mysterious gun of the secret technique is really a troublesome secret technique."

After failing to break through Flynn's interception, Nikolai Rezanov looked at Flynn with a gloomy expression.

Mysterious Art The Mystic Spear is one of the top ten most powerful secret arts, even if it is advanced to extraordinary, it is still quite a tricky secret art.josei

The reason why he was able to block Flynn's attack was because of the clothes he was wearing at this time.

As the Pope of the Shadow of Darkness, he naturally has a Type V Extraordinary Item in his hands, and this set of clothes on his body is a Type V Extraordinary Item of Defense.

It was because of this V-type defensive Extraordinary item that he managed to escape under the siege of the two Extraordinary.

Whoo, whoo, whoo!

Nikola Rezanov stretched out his hand towards Felin, and the shadow under him squirmed and turned into a large number of black feathers, entangled with each other and turned into a black tornado, attacking Felin.

Boom, boom, boom!

Flynn used the mysterious gun in the form of a rifle to shoot out one after another bullets engraved with the extraordinary ability of bursting. Each bullet will explode after hitting the black tornado.

Under continuous explosions, the black tornado shattered, collapsed and disappeared.


A group of black shadows sputtered not far from Felin. From the shadows, Nikolai Rezanov suddenly emerged.

Using the black tornado as a cover, Nikolai Rezanov unexpectedly approached Feilin.


In Nikolai Rezanov's hands, a crescent-shaped weapon condensed by shadows appeared, and it slashed at Flynn.

"When in contact with mystery, add 821 to the mystery point."

"When in contact with mystery, add 752 to the mystery point."

Words appeared and disappeared quickly in front of Feilin's eyes.

One mysterious point should belong to Nikolai Rezanov, and the other mysterious point should belong to the Type V extraordinary item on Nikolai Rezanov.

"Think I'm not good at close combat?"

Facing Nikolai Rezanov approaching, Felin didn't panic.

Nikolai Rezanov thought that he was not good at melee combat after practicing the Eye of Appraisal and Mystic Spear, but this was not the case.

He has reached the master level in both weapon fighting and unarmed fighting. He is not only good at it, but also very good at it.

In terms of skills, he is not weaker than Chaofan who is good at melee combat. The only thing he lacks is that he does not have the physical fitness comparable to Chaofan in melee combat, and his destructive power cannot be compared with Chaofan in melee combat.


Flynn leaned back, dodging the menacing crescent-shaped weapon.

kicked out, and kicked Nikolai Rezanov in the abdomen, causing Nikolai Rezanov to stagger back, and slightly opened the distance.

Bang, bang, bang!

The mysterious gun in the form of a rifle in his hand fired, and a series of bullets flew out and landed on Nikolai Rezanov.

(end of this chapter)

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