Lord of the Truth

Chapter 126

Chapter 126

The same long week passed by Robin as well, although it was much quieter in Jura City, it was no less important and no less intense...

During the week Robin did nothing but go out with Mila... have long walks in the city's streets, relax in the gardens, visit his favorite restaurant, and also visit his mother's grave.

It is like he got tired of the house and didn't want to come back again through out the whole week

While Zara would have loved to join him, she got busy with her responsibilities towards making talismans for the auction house, cultivating in her free time, and using the Soul replenishing Technique

to get back the soul power she lost while making the talismans... and of course, teaching the new rune masters on the techniques of strengthening and replenishing the soul.

Everything went smoothly and without problems, during the 7 days, Jura City gained many new Soul power experts.josei

But the eighth day did not pass with the same ease.

It was the day of the second obligatory gathering at the conference hall,  today Zara would start giving lectures on how to draw a level 6 Fire talisman, but of the 27 who took the oath, only 23 of them attended...

One of the Burtons' knights went to Robin at Zara's request to tell him what's going on, and his reply was calmer than it should be, "Oh, only four did not show up? That is better than I expected... Tell Zara to bring all her students and come over here, and you also call a few guards and get here within the appointed time, we'll be heading out in half an hour."

The knight did not understand where they were going, but he nodded and did as he was commanded, in half an hour Zara and the 23 potential rune masters arrived, and soon a dozen guards of the tenth level also arrived

Robin nodded when he saw everyone, then asked the students, "Do you know your four classmates who didn't show up today?"

They looked at each other and then nodded at Robin, they have been living in Jura City for a long time and some simple relations have developed between them, especially during the past week the relations between everyone have been strengthened... that and not mentioning they gathered at the conference hall just a week ago and sat a few hours with each other until Robin finished his lecture!

"Good, let's go to the nearest one then," Robin announced and started moving ahead of the confused crowd...

But their confusion did not last long, after breaking the door of the apartment of the first absent person, they quickly found him lying still on his desk, his features seemed as if he saw a monster, he looked terrified, and in his hand was a pen dipped with dry ink, and an awful smell was coming out of his body... it was clear that he was dead since a few days.

"Ahh!!" Some of the girls among the students screamed at the horrible sight

As for Robin, he ignored them and went to the desk directly, took the two booklets that were still on it, and then spoke calmly towards the students, "Come examine the body and find out the cause of death for yourselves... Don't be shy, Today is a good day to learn, you will see with your own eyes the fate of those who dare to defy the oath."

Then he moved aside...

All the students stiffened, they were already taking the oath seriously, they wouldn't have dared to mess around and try it out, but seeing the consequences with their own eyes...

After a few seconds, one of the old men among them moved and pulled the hair of the rotting corpse and throw it to the ground then began to examine everything in his body, 

but after some minutes he shook his head... "Nothing, there is no sign of how this guy to die, every organ in his body is perfectly fine... even if the cause of the death was from a normal heart attack I would have noticed it, but this..."

"Look over there!" One of the students pointed towards the table, after the corpse was removed everything at the table was clear now

everyone was focused on the corpse and was examining it with their soul sense, they looked at the desk surprised at first when they heard the cry, but they quickly understood...

There was a scroll that was flattened and was ready to write on, with one dot on it...

A dot... the dead guy could not even write the first letter!

Even Robin was dazzled by the results and nodded with a smile, ignoring the students' terror, and then shouted, "Haha Good! Let's go have a look at the other three!"

"Father, please excuse me from this... I don't want to go to the rest.." Zara spoke, and the girls among the students started to nod as well.

The old man who was examining the corpse stood at last and bowed a little toward Robin, "Sir Robin, The message is clear and everyone here has learned the lesson, I think we'd better go back and continue our first lecture with little miss Zara."

The old man seemed firm and solemn in his words, but with the eyes of the truth, Robin could see that he was trembling all over his body.

Robin nodded with a smile, "That's fine too, you can all go away, stay obedient to Zara and study hard!"

"Yes!" Everyone responded and ran away from the house one by one

After they left, Robin stayed in his place, examining the corpse again more carefully and seeing what was the effect of the punishment and how it was carried out and what was different about the corpse now

Robin has made it that the struck on the soul would make death inevitable, so it was not a surprise that there was no harm done on the body.... but still this was the first time he actually saw the punishment effect after it was carried out and was extremely interested to see if there any connection between the soul damage and the body...

  then after half an hour he finally stood up and gave orders to two guards to take the body to the front of the patriarch's office, then he signaled to the rest of the guards to follow him as he took the two soul booklets under his armpit and walked out in silence towards the other three...

Two of them were in an almost similar situation, one was also intending to write a letter, and the other seemed to be about to leave the house to do something... Probably intending to hand the soul booklets to someone.

But The fourth one was the problem... He was lying on the ground dead in the same clean and horrifying way, but the two soul booklets were not near him as the other three guys, Robin ordered to search the entire house and the turned it upside down with Robin him self helping.. but to no avail, the two booklets ware gone.

after some time they got the help of someone who works in the investigation, and he concluded that there were traces of the presence of other people in the house on the day of the death.

It didn't a genius to figure out what happened at this stage, this guy was a spy and was about to give the information to these guys who entered his house but died before he can, those guys must have been terrified at the sight as they left clear evidence of their presence... after their spy died they must have quickly searched the house and took whatever looked worthy and left

Huge loophole.

What Robin was most afraid of has happened, the two soul techniques he spent about 6 months creating them got leaked, even after activating the punishment!!

"DAMN IT!!" Robin kicked the corpse with all his might causing it to hit the wall, then shouted to the guards, "Get me all the available and unavailable  about this bastard, I want a full report on him, his family, and any party he worked with all his life, even his damn childhood friends!!"

"YES!!" One by one, the guards rushed out of the house to convey the new orders to the relevant parties

Robin was left alone in the room, his anger completely overtaking him...

At this moment he realized something that he didn't think of before...

For someone to take an oath to protect something, he has to have the ability to protect it first...

such scenarios are unavoidable, a dead man can't protect a tangible item... the pills, weapons, and talisman he makes are unimportant, but the law, soul, rune techniques.. those are his everything!

As long as the techniques are transmitted in a tangible matter through books and scrolls, nothing can be truly protected....

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