Lord of the Truth

Chapter 135

Chapter 135

After breaking into the Knighthood realm, Robin stayed in his room for a few more days trying to get used to his new abilities and the new world view that unfolded before him.

Also, his main path as a researcher did not prevent his curiosity from trying his new strength as a knight, but he soon became frustrated...

His strength as a cultivator had increased but not by much, it was just a little less than the ordinary increase in his previous breakthroughs... 

Breaking through in the knighthood realm takes A LOT more energy than usual, especially building the Pillars in level 11 which is the first in the knighthood realm, it takes much more energy than the basic 10 energy foundation levels combined, where did all that energy go? 

He knows that some of that energy would be used for reshaping the body of the knight to make it able to use the heavenly law he made his pillars with.

for a human flesh able to release fireballs or adapt to extreme speed... it requires this kind of massive reshaping.

other than this, a portion of the used energy is for expanding the life force... 

and whatever energy is left after those two points will be used to expand the knight's future energy reserves, and increase the amount of usable energy in every attack... this is the true power of a knight!

As for the Law of Truth, it is something that affects the inner intuition and the eyes of its user, it is not something that the body has to be mutated for...  josei

So other than his eyes, he got out of this with no benefits for his body whatsoever, but that should have freed more energy to turn into expanded energy reserves and increased usable energy per attack!

  but that didn't happen... 

His eyes mutation has taken so much energy that it almost left nothing for anything else... whether it is physically or energy-wise, Robin found himself far below an ordinary knight.

But this did not bother Robin too much, strength is not what he was hoping for when he chose the Path of Truth... 

And he can also use the Path of Truth in many indirect ways during a life or death battle like he did with that assassin before, which is the only important aspect for strength... or that's what the weakest Knight in history told himself anyway.

After a whole week of building the Pillars, Robin finally came out of his seclusion.

The whole process took 8 months of his life, one month of them in complete isolation... this was more than he had expected when he decided to start, but at least he did it now and removed a great weight off his chest.

Immediately after getting out of the room he left his house without trying to find anyone in it, as Zara and Mila had left the house almost since the academy was built and now they spend most of their time there and don't come back unless they want to sleep...

Especially after Mila started learning higher level runes directly from Zara and started helping her prepare the monthly auction sales.

The first thing he did was that he headed directly towards the academy, smiling and nodding his head towards those he met along the road, and his smile increased when he saw the building in front of him...

The last time he got to this place was after building the first section of the Academy, But now the building is huge in every sense of the word!

It wouldn't be an exaggeration if Robin said that this was the largest building he had ever seen after the royal palace!

This place is specially equipped to contain the lives of a thousand Rune Master inside it, in terms of living, working, resting, places for chatting and exchanging ideas, and even huge lecture halls!

Robin went straight in, undisturbed by the guards, and began examining every little detail in the academy alone and nodded with satisfaction at what he saw.

"Robin! The guards just told me that you came to the academy, when did you leave? And why didn't you summon us?...hmm? You are a knight!!" Mila's voice came from behind Robin as he was inspecting one of the large lecture halls

Robin turns and finds Mila standing with a brush with her hands stained with dark green ink, and there are a few spots on her clothes as well, and he bursts into laughter, "Haha, looks like I made the right decision not to summon you two, I see that you started practicing Vitality Rune now?"

"Hmph, stop making fun of me or else.." Mila takes a few steps, picking up the brush and moving it in the air.

Robin quickly took a couple of steps back, fearing the ink would come on his clothes, "Woah alright alright, you win I will stop, why did you think I was making fun of you? you look better when you work hard and not lazing around all day... I'm going to Uncle Tim's restaurant, do you want to come? And where is Zara?"

"Who was lazing around all day?! ...Zara is currently busy teaching the elite class about the Vitality Rune, I already understood everything and made two Vitality talismans so far, but I expect she still has to spend some more time with them, Wait I'll wash up and go get her with us." And she was about to turn around and leave... 

looking very excited, not every day Robin comes and asks her to go out with him...

"No need, work is more important, I will make it up for her with another dinner later.. As for you, if you finished you lectures and work for today then come with me, I will wait for you outside the academy in half an hour."

"Okay!" Then Mila turned and walked away, and Robin went back into roaming the academy, examining his heritage...


"COME, COME HERE, I HAVE THE BEST CLOTHES AND ..oh! good morning sir Robin..E, COME!"

"Hello, Uncle Robin."

"thank you, sir"

"My family and I are praying for you!"

"Haha, how are you, Robin!"

"thank you... Thank you so much.."

Walking in the city streets with Mila is not as noisy as it was at first, for the past year Robin used to go out and walk with her around the city until everyone got used to it...

Just as the city itself has become crowded with saints coming from all over the kingdom to follow the auctions... so seeing strong saints like Mila in the streets is no longer a strange thing.

But what made Robin amazed is the *thank you* that is repeated by many of those he meets on the streets...

This phenomenon has been going on for a while and Robin never thought of it, but it appears that it increases significantly with every time he gets out which made his suspicion increase this time. 

Today, out of every ten people who greet him, about 7 of them thank him... for what?! No one of the commoners or even his weak relatives are supposed to know about his innovations!

Even after he finished his meal and paid the 50 gold coins, Jack told him that *he will make many people thankful for this today*... which made Robin look at Mila and find her stifling her laugh by his side.

And after his first step in the street after leaving the restaurant, the strange phenomenon came back

"He came to the restaurant again, what a great man!"

"Thank you!!"

After walking for about two hundred meters and the phenomenon continuing, Robin couldn't hold himself anymore and grabbed Mila's arm, "Okay that's enough, what do you know and don't tell me? What are all these people thanking me for? Is there any news leaking out about what I'm really doing?!"

"Hahahaha, you finally can't stand it anymore, you bid smart man? I was expecting your facade of indifference to last for another two months!"

"Mila..." His voice got colder

"Hehe alright I will answer, but talking won't help, come with me." Mila put her hand on his shoulder and wrapped him in energy, then quickly sped towards the north of the city.

After about a minute, they both landed on a tall building overlooking a large open piece of land, where there was nothing but a large tent with a sign * Robin Burton's charity *, and in front of the tent, a large number of women and children were sitting...

Robin was extremely surprised by the sign and looked at Mila, "What is going on here? how are those people? and what charity is this?! I know nothing of it, why are they using my name?"

"Don't you remember what I said to Jack Burton about what he does with your money? *use it to feed the poor*... Do you know how much food can those 50 gold coins buy for ordinary mortals?"

" ....what!?" Robin didn't expect this answer, "they took my words seriously that day?!"

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