Lord of the Truth

Chapter 150

Chapter 150

Chapter 150 – Go Back To Work!

*Only a guard to escort the weapons caravan*

What escorts would that need an entire army of 150,000 soldiers armed with categorized weapons and the talismans output of 50 rune masters!

But they all understood what he really means… This was not actually an escort force, but a sweeper…

a sweeper that is ready to remove any obstacle in front of it, Robin certainly did not intend any good with this move…

"This…" the Patriarch muttered and looked at Billy and Mila with the side of his eye, this wasn't a direct declaration of war on the Duchy of Evren but it was undoubtedly very close to being so!

"There is no need to think too much… In addition to the factors we discussed earlier, I believe that this man hates us because we took his borders and his chances of expansion along with it, he now has an inner duchy with no borders with foreign lands, that would make his lands more safe but I don't think Donald Evren is the kind of man who wants to be *safe* 

he also knows this will make his importance to the Royal family will see a decline as well in the future, as he no longer holds off Dolivar as he used to, he will just be one more duchy as time goes by… 

As for now, Donald Evren believes that the royal family still remember his glory, and will not allow such a great internal war and that is why he is trying to test his luck with us… but I believe that with some show of force on our side, I am sure he will realize his position and back off 

I didn't meet the guy personally but I already have a good idea about his personality in mind, he is a dog that will run after any benefit he can get his hands on, when the time comes, he will see that he wouldn't benefit anything if a war erupted between us and will know how to behave in the future… Well, enough with this conversation…

What else can I do to support the family's army? I have fixed the issue of the categorized weapons with the factories, I fixed the issue of providing the army with talismans by opening the academy and training the rune masters, I fixed the size of the army by providing the family with enough money for expanding it, and I fixed the issue of our lack of elite troops and the production of more knights for the family today with the three special forces… Is there something that still makes our army less than that of a duke?"

"…" The room went silent for a while, with everything mentioned, the Burtons army actually needs almost nothing but time

any one of these factors that Robin mentioned could make the army a force to be reckoned with in any field in the eight kingdoms, and now Robin asks for more…

Caesar was the first to speak, "There are two things that are missing from the army in particular… The first is the war horses, strong war horses make a big difference with the cavalry troops, if everything is the same in the two armies, the number of war horses is what determines the balance.

The second and most important factor is not the crime itself, but the saints… We are so sorely lacking in saints in the family, we can win lands with armies, but we need upper class figures to keep those lands with peace of mind… I heard from uncle Billy that you intend to exterminate two Marquess families in the incoming war? Well, that wouldn't be happening without powerful Saints on our side… very powerful ones!"

The Patriarch and Mila nodded, this was the best response and the best analysis they could say, Caesar gained a lot of experience while he was with the army last period…

Robin nodded proudly, "You have a good foresight, it's good that we have the key to both problems right here with us… what do you think of this, Your Highness Prince Alfred??"

Everyone turned to Alfred, who was sitting in a chair relatively out of sight, and found him with his eyes closed, he looked as if he is in another realm.

In fact, he had entered this state since he passed his spiritual sense into the Energy Cultivation Technique scroll, but no one noticed him due to the sensitivity of the topic they were discussing.

"Alfred!!" Robin shouted again

"What?! who did what..?!" Alfred replied in awe

"you soul must have regained its balance a while ago, why are you still meditating? You will have enough time later to practice… Now I want you to do something."

"Of course, no problem, Your Excellency, how can I help you?" Alfred regained his calm and asked him

Robin scratched his head after hearing the word *Your Excellency* again, it's very strange when it comes from a prince, "Listen, we want war horses.. a lot of them… I want you to mediate for us with your family and close acquaintances, we can buy as much of them as there is as long as the prices are reasonable…"

Alfred thought for a moment and then replied, "This… War horses are beasts that are difficult to find in nature, they take too much time and resources to reach adulthood and their females give birth very slowly, all families that have a war horse breed are trying to maintain their purity and increase their numbers, I didn't know of any family that is selling war horses for a business! 

That is why buying war horses is even more difficult than buying categorized weapons.. a family will not sell them unless they need something else that is equal scarcity, and I don't think the nobles would value gold more than their war horses…"

"Oh, is that so? …Okay we'll buy the war horses with a number of runes that is equal to their market value, is that good enough?" Robin rubbed his head and answered

Alfred nodded with a smile, "Much better, I can find buyers for you, and the royal family too can contribute a good number of horses."

"Excellent!" The Patriarch shouted, Most of their war horses were killed during the last wars, and most of what they have now has been captured from the Dolivar wars, yet they only have a little less than 500 war horses.

"One more thing, Alfred." Robin added, "When you get back to your family and talk to them about the horses, tell them that Robin wants to buy the heads of the Tawi and Rufus, and the saints in their families that are above level 25… When you know the price, contact me ."

"this..?!" Alfred was shocked by Robin's words, "You… I mean, Your Excellency… you want us to kill the saints of our kingdom? This… my uncle Albert wouldn't agree, and certainly, my dad wouldn't agree either!!"josei

A harsh smile appeared on Robin's face, "Everything has a price, deliver the message to them as it is to your uncle and he will know what to do, tell him to speak to me through a sound ring when he thinks of the price."

Although the patriarch had suspected that this would be what he would resort to since he heard about the attack on these two families, he nevertheless felt a shiver in his spine when he heard Robin say it…

"Billy." Robin turned to him

"Wh-, ahem.. what do you want..?"

"After you cross the border with General Edward and the Rune Masters and rest assured that everything is in place, I want you to gather all our knights that are at level 19 and 20 of the New Lands, and our Three Saints as well, bring them with you and come back to Jura… during the four coming years, the new lands will remain entirely under the Bradley family's administration."

"What?! Why? The rebellion has been largely wiped out but there are still outposts to deal with, ask Caesar yourself, every month he kills a few enemy knights in there! It wouldn't be wise to bring the centers of power and leave it to destiny.." Billy objected.

"Just do it, I want you all to do something extremely important here in Jura, as for the new lands, I have no fear as long as General Edward is there and has the help of our new army… just be sure to introduce our nobles there to General Edward and command them to obey him before you return."

"This…" Billy didn't know what to say, handing over lands this big entirely to the Bradley family doesn't make much sense.

Mila happily spoke, "Thank you for your trust, Robin, my Uncle Edward won't let you down!"

"I know," Robin smiled and stood up, "Everyone, I think everything is in place, for now at least, please do your assigned work, and I'll go back to my own…."

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