Lord of the Truth

Chapter 156

Chapter 156

Chapter 156 – I Need Your Help

"The all-seeing god??!" Robin quickly stood up when he saw the humanoid light in front of him, and then began to look around him, narrowing his eyes trying to see if something changed, until he saw a fly buzzing freely, he returned to look at the humanoid light in front of him, "Why didn't the law of time stop with this visit too?"

the all-seeing god figure started chuckling, "Hahaha, do you know how many thousand years of cultivation effort has that little bit of time stopping act took from me? I did it back then because that law of Death has already started ita effect on you and I wanted to extend your life till I decide what to do with you, do you think I would do it every time as a kind of show?"

"Really? Oh… By the way, you are welcome in my humble place, what can I do for you?" Robin replied at a slow pace, his eyes not moving from the humanoid Light even for a moment

"…Would you stop using the Eye of Truth on me? You will only tire yourself out for nothing, you still have many years of practice before you can see through something of this level." The Hulk shook his head with a smile

then he continued, "It has been a few years… Why didn't you try to communicate with me all this time? Since I told you to contact me when you needed me that day I expected you to ask me about something every two or three days…"

Robin returned to his seat and closed his eyes, trying to discover the truth of that light exhausted him so much and he did not understand anything… 

While he was in this state, he replied, "If I try to rely on you for everything, how can I develop myself… Also, I was afraid to ask you about anything, I didn't want the course of my world's development to change, in the end, I am the one responsible for the direction the world is taking, not you…"

The all-seeing god figure nodded, "Good answer, but not a complete one… Indeed, the holder of the law of truth is responsible for the direction his world takes, but you are not like most of them…"

Robin opened his eyes, "What do you mean? There are people like us on all the planets, right?"

The all-seeing god figure shook his head, "Not exactly, The law of truth cannot be written in a technique form and passed on, you cannot forcibly open someone's eyes to the truth, this is something that cannot be bought, one must figure it out himself, the best you can do is conveying everything you know to your chosen successor and spent enough time and resources on him, and pray that the Truth will choose him in the end.

there are also who discover The Path Of The Truth when they are old men at the top of their planets in terms of strength and cultivation level, and they take advantage of it as a side plaything, But they never really master it… the most discoverers of the truth in the universe are of this type.

 if you were one of those two, I would not have come to visit you… 

Those who discover the truth all on their own and then build their training systems using it, in your case – building the knighthood pillars – those are the true inheritors of The Truth… Like me and Like you! those like us are extremely rare even among the countless plants, little brother! So don't bound your self too much with this planet and think you are serving it.. it should be the other way around, this nascent planet does not deserve you"

"Oh… it's good to know how cool I am, sorry for asking… but you are not here just to cheer me up, right?"

"…. I see that you are researching the law of life? If you tried to research it alone, it will ask you for thousands of years, and there is a big chance that you might never reach it. The best solution is to find a key to the law of death first and use it to define the life law technique using it, there is no definition of the term Life without Death… 

Finding a key to the law of death will take a great deal of time and effort from you, you might waste a few centuries chasing after it, but at least it is your best option… if I were you, I would have found another goal and left these two laws, for now, do not waste your life on them while you have more accessible areas to look at." The clairvoyant god examined the stack of books in front of Robin

"Oh? I really thought about this a few times, but I was trying to avoid the major death law, I didn't want to think about that horrible feeling again… Wait did you just change the subject again?! You're starting to worry me! What do you want?" Robin furrowed his eyebrows

"…Your body is too weak for a knight, your stored energy and the amount of energy you can use pet attack is very little as well, your tender bone hasn't known many battles since the last time I saw you… What are you thinking? 

I know you are following the path of truth and you think the direction of the world is depending on you, but this is miserable, you still need to get more fighting opportunities to strengthen yourself and expand your horizons, if you keep yourself between the walls looking at this pattern and writing that technique, you will not live long… 

you should not rely on others to protect you, you have to be strong yourself, you will never know from which side Betrayal will come to bite you, nor who is your next enemy.." advised the all-seeing God as he walked back and forth

"Well this is officially getting annoying, what are you doing here? Speak directly or get out." Robin stood up and spoke, eyebrows frowned

"…Heh~ I want you to help me with something." The all-seeing God sighed and replied, clearly the words were heavy on him

"Me? I help you?! With what…?" Robin was very surprised, he is just a being from a *nascent* planet. What can he even do to someone like that?josei

After a few seconds, the all-seeing god replied, "…In the last few tens of years, one of my enemies was making suspicious moves and gathering armies in one of his young planets.

When I did my investigations, I knew that he intended to attack another young planet called Nihari, The first energy cultivation system age there is about 400,000 years. There is not much left before it becomes a middle age planet.

The most prominent feature of this planet is the presence of strange high-density and purity energy stones that can form an energy link between themselves, those particular stones if they fall into the hands of that person's followers.. let's say that the long enmity between us will come to an end."

"If he's mobilizing his forces to attack that planet, why don't you do the same?! Didn't you say you are a ruler of a few plants too?" Robin replied.

"All the planets under my control are medium-aged and their inhabitants are strong. Planet Nihari will resist opening space channels with one of my planets… To enter a planet, the place you came from must be within the range of young planets as well, and that ranges from zero to 500,000 years only."

"How the hell is a half-million-year-old planet can be called young, how can mine be in the same category?!" Robin shouted

"it's young enough! The speed of advancement of the planets in the first half a million years is not the same, do you think all the planets have monsters like you? here in a 60,000 aged planed, you have already discovered the first stage of a few major laws, many of the plants that have a cultivation history of 300,000 haven't got to that point yet! tell me which planet is more wronged here?

So what would you do if you knew that the middle age group of the planets ranges from half a million to a hundred million of years of cultivation history! …In any case, the planets have their own weak consciousness and will not allow beings from planets much older than them to enter and destroy their creatures… That enemy of mine, unfortunately, has planets in the young age group that Nehari is in, but I don't…"

Robin chuckled, "It looks like your opponent is a step ahead of you…"

"he is just a lazy evildoer who destroys the young planets before they are fully grown!" The all-seeing god shouted, "He is taking advantage of the fact that the inhabitants of young planets can enter the older planets, and he mentally communicates with beings from the younger planets – as I am with you now – and give a faction of them information, cultivation advice, and even techniques, over thousands of years to become stronger And unite their planet under his service, 

then he opens gates for them to other young plants to massacre the locals and plunder its resources and leave it in ruins, then his followers send what they looted to under his feet on a golden plate.

those who manipulate to destroy the young planets in this way are trash with no honor!"

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