Lord of the Truth

Chapter 169

Chapter 169

Chapter 169 – Consequences


While everyone was still engraved with shock and fear knowing that this kind of high level figures are roaming around them, Robin waved his hand and threw the fire spear head towards the left group of the Evren saints

and this time… it was much faster.

"What is this heat? Wh-AAAAAhhh!!!!"


"who… screams…" The Duke slowly turned his head toward the source of the screams, but what had happened had already happened…

Three charred human corpses had fallen to the ground, and five others were shrieking as they were trying to put out themselves… 

They were unable to complete raising any energy shield in time.

"Paul… Noah… Gloria…" the Duke muttered with a dry voice as he looked at the three corpses on the ground… three of his close family members had perished, just like that.

After about a minute of looking at them with a face void of any emotions due to the initial shock, he turned to face the Burtons again with his face changed 180 degrees, 

Staring at Robin as if he is his sworn enemy of this world and the next one, then he let out a loud roar "AAAAAAAAAHH!!!!" 

…But he kept floating there with out taking another step forward, not knowing how to direct his anger…

As for Robin himself, who had blood spurting from his eyes, ears, and mouth, started laughing hysterically, "Hehehe… HAHAHA, you still dare look at me like that, Donald? Good.. very good… it seems that you still don't know who are you facing… Caesar, come to my side! FIRE LEGION!!"

"No… no, NO!!" Hearing those two damn words again, the Duke regained his clarity of mind and began to shout, then started to mutter in a low voice while gritting his teeth, "Wait, I understand now… I understand very well.. what.. do you want…?"

Robin smiled and lowered his hand, "Now that is better.. did we have to kill a few saints for you to understand? …We want all the lands between this point and the Duchy of Alton, every single Inch you had as a border with Dolivar, is mine now.

Your time is up, old man, step back and watch the new rising star making his legend… starting today the Duchy of Burton will be The one and only frontier duchy with the Kingdom of Dolivar."

Upon hearing Robin's demands and the words 'duchy of Burton' all the knights and saints of the Burton family sank in their fantasies for a moment… 

currently, in the new lands included, the Burtons control a huge piece of land that can already be described as a small Duchy, But they still need another piece at the size of a standard Earldom for them to rightfully claim that they have a Duchy!

land-wise the Duchy of Evren is the largest duchy in the kingdom, and if they took all these lands from them they would have more than enough to declare a duchy of their own!

But Duke Donald had another reaction, " what did you say? Are you crazy?! You killed 6 saints from my family and seriously injured 5 more, and now you are saying that you lot want to take away a quarter of my lands?! THE most important quarter at that?! Who the hell do you think the Evren family are?"

"You started this and you must bear the consequences, if you want to blame someone, blame yourself!" Robin reached out to wipe the blood from the side of his mouth, then continued, "If you refuse, we will continue today's battle and wipe your army off the face of the earth, 

and in a few days, you will find my Uncle Brian with our main army standing at the gates of The proud city of Evra to destroy it over your family's heads!"

" No! not the main army.. no…" The Duke went absent minded at those words, but quickly he realized he spoke those imparting words out loud and said nothing else as he gritted his teeth… instead, he scanned his surroundings with the edges of his eyes.

Robin's condition is too apparent, even if he can support such an attack again, he wouldn't make it a fourth time

He currently has 600 knights with many of them above level 15, this is the number that he was able to quickly gather to stop Edward's army.. 

this number, in addition to the presence of himself and the rest of his Saints, will be able to stand up to the Fire legion of 2500 knights and the Nine Burton Saints and potentially wipe them out, he believes that he alone will be able to kill at least a thousand of those new knights…

But also the losses on his side would be too heavy, during the battle more than half of the Saints and knights on his side would surely die

And this is regardless of Edward Bradley who is waiting for a chance to wipe out the 250,000 soldiers standing behind him… 

Assuming that a miracle occurred and he was able to defeat and kill them all today, despite the huge losses he would incur.. he would have to face another army bigger and stronger than this one at the capital of his duchy?!

One last look he cast toward the nine Saints of the Burton family, 8 of them were new level 21 Saints but the pressure coming from them outweighed even all the Saints by his side, not because of their strength… but because of what their presence meant.

The appearance of this number of new saints in one family is certainly not a coincidence, if this is measured by the words of Sage Albert, then… even time was not by his side

Not now… Not in the future… he finally realized that he chose to kick a metal wall.

Reaching this point after about two minutes, he sighed, then looked at Robin, "You… who are you exactly?"

Robin smiled, "Robin Burton, just extra son to this family… You don't have to remember my name."

"Just an extra son being protected by level 30 Saints? Haha~ Well done extra son, you win… but remember what happened today!" Then he turned to face his army and shouted, "Move to the side!"

"Haha, of course, I will remember such a glorious day!" Robin laughed, then looked around and shouted, " Senior Gusta, I hope you have heard this agreement and will bear witness to his words!"josei

No one else uttered a word as they all stood and watched Evren's invincible army, retreating…

The retreating operation took about an hour until the last soldier of the Avren family's army disappeared from sight

"I can't believe you did it, Robin!" Billy draw out a breath of cold air seeing what is happening in front of him, " but I don't understand why he sounded so afraid of our main army? most of those above the knighthood realm are here, the main army is just a bunch of inexperienced kids that wouldn't stand chance against Evra City defenses! hey, what did you tell Sage Albert to do Exa-.."


"Father!!" Caesar panicked and jumped towards Robin…

With the departure of the last enemy soldier, Robin fell off his horse

"Robin?!" Billy also went down quickly to see his condition, he knew full well how much pressure was put under with those two attacks

"It's okay… it's okay… I'm fine…" Robin replied in a weak voice, as Caesar put his head on his knee and wiped the blood from all over his face.

Billy sighed, "Whoever saw you swimming among your books and scrolls just a few days ago wouldn't believe that you are the same person now, you really are a bizarre person, my friend… Relax now, you deserve your rest."

But Robin did not listen to his advice as he kept speaking after a few coughs, "Go and coordinate with General Edward… leave here a garrison of 50,000 soldiers with 500 fire knights and 3 saints of our family… they must stay until we finish taking over our new lands here… And to protect the eastern lands and factories in Dolivar as well… As for the rest of the army, lead them towards the city of Jura to deliver the categorized weapons to their new owners…

And tell the Patriarch to stop our main army at the border with Evren to put more pressure on them.. so that the Evrens would not be slow in clearing out their troops and handing over our lands…

Tell the former nobles who ruled these lands.. that if they want they can still rule it under us.. and if they refused or slowed the process… destroy them!! everything here must be settled.. before the war on the other fronts begin.."

"Alright, Alright, I will do as you say, you just rest for now and-…" Billy barely finished his sentence when he found Robin snoring, he fell asleep.

He smiled and shook his head and then looked at Caesar, "Put him in one of the wagons… we will go back home."

Then he flew towards General Edward to begin preparations….

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