Lord of the Truth

Chapter 171

Chapter 171

Chapter 171 – Towards North

"Hah? wasn't I clear enough? You also can leave with them, I'm an open minded guy and wouldn't stop you from participating with your family in such a glorious event that will go down in your history" Robin got puzzled by her reply

But Milla did not reply, but rose, smiling as she was, and approached Robin, then grabbed his ear and whispered, "My love, a woman's family is her husband and her home is his side… I am still mad at you that you did not take me with you to the battle against Duke Donald Evren, and got even more mad when I heard the details of what happened and how much those who have seen it glorify you…

but you want to keep me away from you again before such a big War? I want to see you fighting for once and not swimming in your books!!"

"Ahhh okay you can stay, you can do whatever you want!!" Robin replied quickly, trying to get rid of her hand, then muttered in a low voice, "Tigeress…"

"What did you say?!" 

"Nothing!!" Robin replied with a shout, then came back to mutter, "Just you wait till I get stronger…"

"What did you say now?! …Nevermind, put some befitting clothes on you, and let's go to see the patriarch…"

" Argh… Alright, wait for me outside till I'm done changing… or would you like you to see my little General??" Robin got up and put his two hands on the side of his pants with a chuckle, ready to take it off

" do it," Mila went back to her seat with a lewd smile, " who do you think got you and your little General into those pajamas?"

"..?!" feeling defeated, he moved with a word towards his room's bathroom where he got dressed


Patriarch's manor- Half an hour later

"Finally, you are up! haha, thank the heavens" The patriarch stood to greet Robin who was coming towards him, "How are you now?"

"feeling good~ how are the preparations? When can we move?" Robin asked as he entered the office

"All is well, after leaving 50,000 to protect the new lands and lands in the Duchy of Evren, we have a total of 300,000 soldiers here in Jura… About a quarter of them were armed with rated weapons or armor, and the three special legions are armed from their teeth with a fair middle categorized full armor, and a middle categorized weapon as well. 

We also have about 100,000 Fire Runes left after in stoke and at least 5 thousand of each of the other types of talismans… everything is ready for a month now and just some minor orders needed to be issued before we move, We can launch the invasion tomorrow if you want!" The patriarch opened his hand in welcome

Although Mila had general information about this, hearing the frightening numbers from the patriarch's mouth has another taste… even leaving the ridiculous amount of the talismans aside, was this an army a Marquess family should have?!

Robin nodded, "Good, we are late already… Gather the whole army, we will set out tomorrow morning."

Mila interjected, "Gathering the whole army? Did you hear those numbers? Half of them would be enough to deal with a Marquess family!"

"The purpose is not only to win and take a piece of land, but to crush them completely and irreversibly, and this conquest should be an example for everyone so that no one else like the smart-ass Donald Evren, would show up and try to test us… Gather them all, Uncle Brian, we will march towards a bigger show tomorrow!"


Next morning


The horn was blown at the military camps, but it was heard all over Jura City, and all its people went out to see what was going on


They found that again, after their return from a strong confrontation with the Evren family, their majestic Burton family's army is on the move.

" May heavens be with you!!"

"Our hearts are with you, you are our pride!"

"Kill a few bastards, son, and don't be afraid, you are with a pack of brave lions!!"

"… where are they going thou… It looks like we are going to go to war with the lying water kingdom alongside Duke Alton?"

"This March of our great army means the annihilation of the Lying Water Kingdom, hahaha."

Cheers resounded from over the city walls and in front of it as people rushed to bid their sons and fathers farewell, but this time with pride and joy, not fear…

With every move this army of theirs made recently, it brought them more lands… with every strike this army has blown, it brought them more Glory!

But enthusiasm and encouragement did not overwhelm everyone, some of them narrowed their eyes, and the envoys of the nobles brought out their sound talismans, all sending about the same thing… 

The direction in which Burton's army was heading… was not the direction of the Kingdom of Lying Water.


A day later – tens of miles north of Jura City

*Klopp Klopp Klopp*

The movement of the army, numbering a huge 300,000 soldiers, is carried out at such a pace that it does not even scare the little animals and birds… it can be said that they are moving extremely slowly.

At the forefront of the army, different formations of war horses moving like they are taking a stroll, it was Robin and the saints in the first row next to each other, and behind them the old Knights and then the fire Legion

While everyone else is having small talk and looking at the beautiful nature around, Billy's ring fades and his eyes narrow, then he looks in Robin's direction. "Maybe we should move faster," he said.

"How much time is left for us to reach our goal?" Robin replied without caring

" three days if we continue at this speed, if we go a little faster, we may arrive tomorrow," Billy replied

Robin nodded, "Let's move as we are then… why the hurry…"

Billy narrowed his eyes and spoke, "I have news that Marquess Tawi knew our marching line and gathered an army of 100,000 soldiers and is currently summoning all his helpers and every man capable of fighting in his lands, even Marquess Rufus for some reason felt the danger and began to gather his army.."

"Good!" Robin chuckled, "Maybe we should go camping for a day or two on the way too to give them extra time so it wouldn't be said we have attacked them when they weren't prepared and bullied them.What do you think, Uncle Brian?"

The Patriarch nodded, "As long as you say that these invasions are primarily to frighten our enemies in the future, we should really wait for them to gather a little bit more of their strength," then looked at Billy and added, "Look behind you, who can defeat us? Let them gather what they want… That won't change fate."

Although he knows the view well, since every few minutes he checks it with a smile… he looks behind it again.

A huge army consisting of 270,000 infantry soldiers, a quarter of them armed with classified weapons, preceded by 30,000 ordinary cavalries, and in front of them were 2,000 Knights of the Flame Legion, all clad in full white armor and holding white halberds, their shape sufficient to strike fear in everyone's chest

That not even counting the one thousand knight of the Darkness and Wind legions that were traveling ahead of the army and in the shadows to gather information and kill any spies!

Everywhere he looked he smiled.. what he sees now compared to what the family had 15 years ago, as the difference between mud and full moon…

Then he came back to look in front of him smiling and shook his head, but he suddenly remembered something and looked in the direction of Robin, "If you see that this war is about killing a duck using a halberd, why did YOU come with us?!"

"Sightseeing," Robin replied smilingly, causing Billy to chuckle and press no more

But the truth was more than this… since the all-seeing god told him that he would take him to another alien planet after this war, he became worried and is trying to think of things to increase his strength quickly

Just like the accident of personally rushing to aid General Edward, fully knowing the danger, he could have taken the patriarch, or at least saint David Burton with him… 

but he was trying to increase the danger to himself to see what he would do with the little forces available to him against odds that were not in his favor.josei

Although he failed in the end and needed to be rescued by the Saints of the Royal Family, he still benefited greatly from the experience.

Perhaps watching this war from the side also will give him something of the actual battle experience that he is sorely missing

Freeing his imagination and thinking about what's to come, the new ring on his hand began to vibrate lightly, "Hmm?"

This was a ring based on the new soul imprint cards system, during his unconsciousness Billy had specially prepared it for him by putting all the soul imprint cards of the important people in it

Robin passed his soul into it to hear the incoming message, "Robin, can you hear me?! Please be there…"

"Duke Galan?" Robin knew right away who was talking to him and replied seriously, "What can I do for you?"

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