Lord of the Truth

Chapter 229 Display

Chapter 229 Display

The whole thing took about two hours, everyone who was with Robin in the carriage got out and performed a special show that only his kind can do

But the two hours passed on Robin as if it were two minutes... afraid that he would be called to the platform!

The possibility of this happing was extremely low for his condition, they shouldn't be too stupid to force him jump around in this state, right?

But the fear of being forced out on that platform and dancing around like a clown as these fools, was eating him from the inside out!josei

He, Rubin Burton, was not meant to entertain people in such manner!

He was hoping that the guards would come and cancel the circus at the last minute or some young master to some and crash the party, just anything dramatic like that to save him from this possible humiliation... but time passed and nothing happened

As he as drifting in his thoughts and fears, life was beaming outside...

After each show, the audience would throw black notes at the seven giants in charge of the circus, and they were gleefully collecting the black notes from the floor

Robin guessed that these things were some kind of money.

Even the crimson creature towards the end also came out with cuffs on his hands, feet, and neck, he couldn't move a single step without being guided by two giants...

Yet the audience was frightened when they saw it.

" A demon!! "

"Wow! They even have a demon with them!!"

They welcomed all the performances with laughter and applause, but this particular crimson creature was greeted with shouts and fear, some of them even involuntarily took a few steps back.

Robin furrowed his eyebrows, he could easily tell that some of the people who looked afraid or preparing to flee were in fact stronger than the *demon*, but that didn't stop them from being afraid of it anyway.

The giant in charge of the caravan laughed when he saw this and reassured his audience, then he brought a large beast bone covered with meat and started waving them in front of the crimson creature

soon he started directing his head wherever the piece of meat went as if he was hypnotizing

Then one of the giants let go of the chain that tied his neck a little, and the crimson creature rushed towards the piece of meat like an arrow, and took a huge bite crushing even the bone as if it was nothing, and almost nibbled the fingers of the giant who was holding it!


"They are really what I heard..."

"I wouldn't want to deal with those things, our men who control these things are really awesome!"

"Wretched demons, how can you sleep with those things alive around you people? I always say we should exterminate them and do the dirty work ourselves, but no one listens!!"

The crowd split about this one, some of them started side discussions and some clapped a little and some of them started throwing those black notes again

But this time, while the giants were collecting notes from the earth, one of them spoke, "You are wasting our time, isn't there anything new?"

Most of the crowd nodded, it was clear that they had seen some of these creatures before or at least heard a lot about them, what attracted them to the circus were only the dazzling performances...

"Haha don't worry everyone, we left the best for the end!" The circus chief declared, then waved to his men

They hurriedly escorted the crimson creature back to its original spot and tied it well, then one of them carried Robin on his shoulder!

'Dammit! I'm the best they left until the end?! I know I'm awesome but not in this way!!' Robin screamed inwardly, but he didn't dare say a word

The giant walked forward with confidence and a big smile under the audience's knotted eyebrows and strange gazes, until he reached half the platform and lowered Robin from his shoulder, and made him turn around to face the audience, then he grabbed Robin's hands and pulled two arms firmly on both sides while his feet were still off the ground...

In this scene, In particular, Robin looked as if he is crucified.

"Hmm? What are we watching? A slightly taller human male?" One of the spectators asked in a sarcastic tone

"Haha, please everyone, feel his body with your soul sense." The head of the caravan said confidently

Robin closed his eyes and gritted his teeth until they almost shattered...

This was undoubtedly the most humiliating moment he had faced in his entire life.

"AHH!!" The first cry came from a giant female, then she put her hand over her mouth, and then the astonishing reactions followed.

​ " Oh my God.."

"What are these bones? What is this tender meat...?"

"Look at all those broken bones!!"

"How is he alive?"

"Is this a new species?"

"You found a treasure for yourself!"

"This is definitely a rare species, he is not a human male!"

"I have opened my eyes today!"

Involuntarily the audience began to take out the black papers and throw them toward the stage in satisfaction, although their eyes were still focused on Robin

Other people passing by in the street heard the shouts of wonder and stood to watch this new creature as well, very soon the number of spectators doubled

"Hahaha thank you very much." The giant laughed out loud, the money he got immediately after Robin's display exceeded all previous offers combined!

After a few more minutes, after making sure no one else would pay anything, the head of the caravan ordered the giant carrying Robin to put him back in the cage *gently*



his head was busy with returning back quickly to split the profits with his accomplices, the giant threw Robin at the metal floor like a sack of potatoes unconcerned with whatever happened to him, causing him two more fractures in his right leg.

Laura waited until the giant left and hurried into the cage to help Robin to sit up straight, then put her hand on the new fractures with a look of pity on her face, "Does it hurt so much? this shouldn't be new to you, you should have faced this kind of injuries a lot in your lifetime, How do you treat yourself when you got hurt like that? Tell me to help you."

"No... you need... please.. leave me.." Robin spoke in great pain, his eyes still closed.

The girl thought that he was in pain because of his leg, but knowing that he doesn't need her, she looked at him sorrowfully one more time and then left the carriage, thinking that he should have a way to treat his wounds...

And he does! but she simply did not know that the damage to his dignity was much more severe than a thousand broken bones...

He didn't even think about his injuries or to return to learn Gravity Major Heavenly Law again, his mind refused to be cleared...

Nothing is going on in his head now except the most brutal way to kill those seven damned giants!!

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