Lord of the Truth

Chapter 323 The Central Continent

Chapter 323 The Central Continent

One week later---

*Raaaf Raaaf*


A large number of winged Drako beasts soared into the sky one after the other and started shrieking excitedly

"Master, everything is ready, we can move now." Jabba came from behind Robin, who was still sitting on the edge of the cliff, and spoke

When Robin heard this, he closed his eyes for a moment and inserted his spiritual sense into the Voice Ring for a few moments, then stood and flew silently toward one of the Draco's beasts, and Jabba went after him.

Then he moved the Draco to float higher and looked down at the rest with a satisfied gaze... There were exactly 200 Dracos, Standing on top of each of them are two green armored humans and one demon

Robin waited for everyone to control his Draco and stood in the air steadily, and then they all made a full bow in front of him, after which he spoke at last, "I realize that my orders to form this squadron may seem strange to some of you, but we will now move toward another continent and must be prepared for everything we meet."

Everyone was surprised to hear my words *other continent*, especially the humans who started looking at each other with amazement and even some enthusiasm

Even Sage Zara who was standing on top of one of the Draco beasts couldn't hold herself and asked, "Another continent, father? Like the one ruled by empires? But... isn't it too far away?"

Robin looked at her with a slight smile, "Right, I used the Major Heavenly Space Law to determine the exact location of our destination and the distance between us, it takes months if we want to sail for it using ships, so I decided to form this team.

calculating the normal Draco speed, we will arrive after 6 days of continuous flight, but the Draco beasts can't fly all these days without rest, and of course, we can't rest for long in the middle of the ocean where powerful sea beasts live...

Each Draco carries two Life Legion members, you will switch roles between you every few hours to inject vital energy into your Draco to make it fly effortlessly, while the one who is resting can recharge his energy with the energy pearls I gave you... This way we can complete the path until we reach our goal without a need to stop.

Demon sages, each of you will be responsible for protecting the Draco under his feet and the two humans by his side, if we encounter a storm, form an energy shield around them, if a beast approaches, kill it, and always stay alert... Every Draco and those above it are a team now, any shortcoming from any One part of the team will be punished mercilessly, understood?"

"Understood!" Everyone responded in one voice, then the Humans and Demons started looking at each other and nodding, some even shook hands with each other.. they would share the same tiny space on the back of their Draco for not a short while.

"Good" Robin nodded when he saw this, then ordered his Draco to turn and began to fly forward at top speed, and then the rest of the 200 Dracos followed after loud shrieks.

"Another continent, Hah…" Jabba folded his hands and spoke while standing beside Robin, "Entering your enemies' fort with such a small number of troops is a great risk if you take my opinion, but well, I'm coming with you anyway."

A dark smile appeared on Robin's face when he heard this and replied, "Don't worry, it would be like taking sweets from a child."


Six days later - The Central Continent

"Hahahaha, it's your fault because you are trying what you can't, how can your ridiculous plants stand in front of my flames? You clowns of the Sacred Tree Empire do nothing but move the plants and their roots, what's so cool about that?" A young-looking teen laughing out loud

"Pho…." A girl spat some blood on the ground and then stood up and took an offensive posture again, "Didn't my big brother use these plants to beat you up the last time you fought? You just want to bully me because I'm a level lower than you and because there is no forest nearby!"

"What's stopping you from leaving, sweetie? the role says we have to hold back if someone wants to run with his tail between his legs! It is not like I can do something to you if you want to go." The young man spoke again and sarcastically signaled her to leave

"I won't go anywhere before you give me my sword, it is a gift from my big brother!" The girl replied, then suddenly moved his hand, dozens of twigs appeared from under the ground and started attacking the young man again

"Hahahaha!" The young man jumped up and seemed to throw a faint yellow flame randomly on the branches and on the girl herself.

"Ahh!" When the girl noticed that her branches were burned again and that the flame was coming toward her, she raised her two hands to prepare for the collision.


The girl opened her eyes again and found a wall of water in front of her, then looked next to her and exclaimed with joy, "Natalie!!"

The girl named Natalie smiled and then looked seriously at the young man, "Dave Barnett, were you going to hurt her with this attack? Do you know what the elders would have done to you if they knew about this?"

"Hmph, stop talking like you are better than me! you are taking advantage that we are next to the beach, if we were inside the continent, you wouldn't be able to produce a quarter of this water!" The young man gasped after he landed on the ground, angry because she had stopped his attack at the crucial moment

"Blame your luck that we are not inside the continent, Do you want to try me now?"


At this moment a strong, calm voice came from afar, "Alright Alright, guys, disperse now, find other opponents for you, and remember not to hurt each other... Little Dave, give the girl her sword."

When Dave looked at the source of the sound to his left, someone was floating smoothly in the air, one of the Watching Elders of the Wind Empire was passing by by chance, then Dave shouted, "That girl caused my prey to escape, the sword is compensation!"

"Dave.. give her back her sword.. don't make me report to one of the sages of the Flame Empire to come and deal with you."

"Tsk... Alright!" Dave responded angrily and sent the short sword flying toward the girl

"Good! Now go get yourself another prey and do-- hmmm?" Before the elder could complete what he wanted to say, suddenly a huge cloud darkened the place

When he raised his head to see what was happening, he was surprised by a number of huge winged beasts, so big that he had never seen or heard about such flying beasts in his life, and all of them emitting a saint aura!

"Ah!!" The girls were terrified at the sight and hugged each other, even Dave Barnett and the rest of the guys next to the shore began to take steps back and some of them fell on their butts from looking up in fear.josei

"Form a defensive circle!!" When the elder saw this, he shouted at all the terrified youth in the area and quickly went and floated on top of their circle, ready to receive the attacks of these strange flying beasts at any moment.

But very strangely, the swarm of winged beasts passed above them and continued its way deep into the continent, leaving the vast ocean behind.

"What the hell was that…." The elder finally relaxed after the swarm of winged beasts started to move away, he began to float up looking at the direction they were heading, trying to figure out what exactly they were.

But at this moment


Something came down from the sky like a meteor, causing a huge hole in the ground.

"cough cough.."

"What was that?!"

"Looks like it fell from a swarm of flying beasts? Maybe one of these beasts was carrying a big fish and it fell off."

"Stay in your defensive circle!!!" The elder shouted at them and began to advance towards the pit that was covered with flying dust, but he stayed put when he heard a voice

*Step.. step.. step..*

Finally, the dust began to clear and a shadow appeared from the bottom of the pit...

It was a crimson creature with sharp spiral horns who slowly looked around with a terrifying smile on his face that sent a shiver into the hearts of everyone present…

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