Lord of the Truth

Chapter 337 Get Out!

Chapter 337 Get Out!

A few hours later-- In the prison camp-- The middle of the Central Continentjosei

"Dammit, how long are we going to stay in this situation? Why do I have to sleep on the floor like beggars? I'm a third class prince for f*ck sack!!"

"You should have listened to my words and started the riot when that bastard left with most of his Demon soldiers, there were only ten Demons left to guard and register the attendance, but you all are cowards and refuse to fight!"

"Shut up, who knows where they have gone? They may be sitting on the other side of the valley waiting for us to make a mistake, what are we going to do then?"

"Or maybe he is already too far away and we have a golden chance to escape!!"

"Enough already, I waited and stayed alive for months in this situation, I don't want to revolt and get myself killed now, I'll stay where I am!"

Small conversations like this have been breaking out every now and then for over a week, since Robin gathered the prisoners of the Flame Empire and lead them towards the east with most of his troops.

Several small rebellions did indeed initiate after Robin's departure against the remaining ten demons, but each time the initiator of the rebellion failed to rally the rest of the prisoners to join him, he and his few associates were easily killed by the demons.

Almost 7 months have passed since their gathering in this valley, they saw during this period that the demons did not attack them without reason and that Robin actually allowed them to go out, train, and hunt at their convenience, so why are they trying to escape and risk getting themselves killed after all this period?

An forget about all of that, the threat that their ships might have been destroyed or under strong guard has chained their legs even more, what would they do after killing the ten demons and escaping from the valley when they don't have the means to get out of the continent? disperse throughout the Central Continent and pray they wouldn't be found again?

Who captured them for the first time is able to capture them again.

"Hmm? Look up!"

It was unknown who gave the shout, but all the prisoners from the Sacred Tree, Wind, and Water Empires looked up and saw a Draco flying in their direction and approaching quickly, and scrutinizing the one sitting above it... He was the one who shocked them all with his abilities, and the Chief of the Crimson Demons, Robin Burton.

As for the ten Demons, they assembled in a row and bowed in full before the oncoming Draco and shouted in the language of the Nihari, "We salute our Lord Robin, and we salute general Jabba."

Robin nodded at them and then continued flying until he reached a point in front of the prisoners where they could all see him, then took a few steps until he stood on top of the Draco for all to see, and started looking left and right below him, slowly passing his half-dead eyes on each one of the prisoners

Then, he spoke using the secondary Sound Law, "The hostage exchange with the Flame Empire has been completed successfully, you no longer have to stay here, your ships have been released, today you can go back to where you came."


"Haha, excellent, it's good that the Flame Empire was smart enough and made the exchange happen."

"Heeeh~ It's good that we didn't listen to that bastard and started another rebellion." One of the girls said to her colleagues

"Silence!" Robin's voice raised again, catching everyone and dropping their hearts at their feet, then he continued, "When I said you are leaving today I mean what I said, today start collecting your bullshit and look for your hidden friends, those who we couldn't find and take them and everything with you, starting today I'll give you one week to Gather everything that belongs to your Empires and all your men and get out of Central Continent... After a week, I will kill anyone who stays here, okay?"


"Won't you leave?!"

Robin looked beside his eyes at the person who asked, "Leave to where? This continent is mine now, go back to training in your yards, you don't seem to benefit a lot from training here anyway."

"EH?!" Shock and some anger and frustration swept the 30,000 prisoners at once, but no one dared to say a word.

"One more thing." Robin continued, "I want to meet your Emperors, they should come to Ancestral Land as soon as possible, that's an order."

"You... do you realize what you are saying? didn't you do enough?!" None of the sages of the Sacred Tree Empire could control himself and his voice

Even without the ORDER, the three Emprores would be extremely angry when they know about what has been going on here!

They are obviously unaware of what Robin is doing or they would have sent their armies already to the Central Continent!

Robin ignored the question and continued as if he hadn't heard it, "Tell them what I tell you... the Flame Empire is finished, and now I will devote myself to dealing with the rest of the *Powers* in my world, no one will be left alone to do what he wishes after today.

Tell them that they have two choices. Either they come to me peacefully and be obedient, and we will talk more about the details at that time... Or they come to me with their armies and then you will all taste the same thing that will happen to the Flame Empire... If this or that does not happen within one year from today ...I will personally come to make a visit!"

The prisoners from the Empires didn't WANT to understand anything of what Robin said, and didn't know how to understand his announcement of *what will happen to the Flame Empire*, but they did understand one thing... This person wasn't joking.

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