Lord of the Truth

Chapter 362 Let’s Talk...

Chapter 362 Let’s Talk...

("Robin? What are you doing on your nascent planet? Why aren't you in Nihari? Go and find a secure place right now, we need to talk.")

Robin froze when he heard those words.

They were just thoughts that appeared in his head without a distinct voice or anything, yet as soon as he heard them he knew immediately who was speaking, but he didn't know what to respond with...

Or rather, he was trying so hard to restrain himself from what he wanted to say.

His previous straight face, which froze for a moment, started to shiver, and his brows began to come closer to each other

Little by a little, Robin's face turned from emotionless into extreme anger.

He closed his mouth, which was open a moment ago as he was speaking with the young man, started clenching his hand that was holding the rabbit's thigh, and crushed the bones in his hand into dust

And without even noticing, he allowed a dark, bloody aura to seep out...

The character of the *bearded person* transformed from someone indifferent to the horrors of the world around him to someone who IS representing the horrors of the world!

the young man sitting in front of him was scared silly upon seeing this, and that aura… THAT AURA!!!

The young man quickly stood up and gave a deep bow and then spoke in horror, "I AM SORRY, I didn't know I was asking an expert like yourself to do something so naive, I'm really sorry, I will take my leave." Then he quickly took a step towards the door, forgetting even his bag that he had left behind next to Robin

But at that moment Robin reached out, grabbed the young man's arm, and spoke, "I told you I was going to help you, you want me to take my word back? SIT DOWN!"

"KEEH~!!!" Robin's words may be encouraging as he talks of help and promise and good things, but the anger that was so evident on his face and his ruthless fist with which he nearly crushed the boy's arm without realizing, made the young man about to wet his pants,


He gathered whatever courage he still has in him and spoke, "But... but the aura you unleashed now will attract the demons, they are definitely on the way now, we both have to run!!"

"I TOLD YOU TO SIT DOWN!" Robin shouted again, he himself was absent-minded, not knowing whether he was yelling at the young man himself or trying to release some of his agitated feelings.

The young man did not know what this strange person had in store for him, but he accepted his fate and returned to his seat, as he was told.

"Hey, what is going on here? Which one of you was yelling right now? You think it's your mom's house?!" A person covered in blood came from inside the storeroom with a long dagger and pointed at Robin, clearly, the blood on his body was not his.

The battle inside the storeroom was almost over already, 5 people agreed to divide everything between them and joined forces to kill the rest, and this was one of them...

"WHO GAVE YOU THE PERMISSION TO SPEAK?" Robin shouted loudly when he heard this person's words and looked at him with a murderous look.

Literally a murderous look...



That person fell on his back, with his fist still clenching on his dagger, but the defense is that he turned into a lifeless corpse, one without a head.

And the head was not seen anywhere around, or more correctly, it could be seen everywhere... It was blown into extremely small pieces.

"KEEHH~!!!" The young man jerked and lowered his head even more so that it almost touched his stomach


Robin hit the table and yelled angrily when he saw this, "Stop squeezing whatever rotten blood that's left in you, you are not allowed to die before I help you as promised, understood? What, haven't you seen someone use the Minor Heavenly Law of blood pressure to blow a scum's head off before?

I have used hundreds of those Minor Heavenly Laws and killed thousands of those scum on my little trip in the past few months alone, do you think you are special because you killed some local gang members? Do you think you have defeated the system now and will die a hero? HEY, STOP CRYING LIKE A LITTLE GIRL! raise your head and look me in the eye! MAN UP! Didn't you just tell me you wanted to die? Where is your courage now? You said you have been through hell in your life? You haven't gone through shit!"

"Hey! What is going on here--" Another man came out of the storeroom with a few bottles of liquor under his armpit, but before he could finish his sentence:



"Brother Harvey, go out and find out what's going on in the--"


*drop drop drop*

"KEEEHHHHH~!!!!" The young man sitting in front of Robin still closed his eyes, but he knew very well what had just happened

That strange bearded guy killed the last five people in the restaurant!

He killed three of them without even seeing them!!

Who would do such a thing? And what the hell is this Minor Heavenly Law of blood pressure?!

The boy couldn't control his temper after that, and some urine started leaking from him...

As for Robin, he didn't care about anything else, he just closed his eyes and rested his chin on both hands, then began to try to normalize his heartbeat and breathing...

He anticipated this day and feared it at the same time...

He couldn't have easily summoned the All-seeing God anytime he wanted by contacting the All-seeing God's soul fragment in him, but he chose not to...

He had anger in him that could pile up into mountains, He really wanted to face the All-seeing God and demand an explanation of what happened!

But... Can a mortal question a God?

So he waited for the day All-Seeing God appeared by himself and deal with it then, Unfortunately, it came much faster than he expected.

Five minutes later---


"HEY!!! Who dared and--" Five Demons in the Knighthood Realm and one in the Sainthood Realm entered the restaurant, with angry features and bloody dark auras, their mere presence would make all those at energy foundation levels fall on their faces in terror.

But as soon as they entered they heard a voice from the side, "This person is exempt from the death sentence, he can roam freely within the boundaries of this city provided that he does not bully the innocents who are not affiliated with any gangs. Also, set up a barrier around this area, no one is allowed to approach this restaurant for a distance of at least a hundred feet, I don't even want to hear the sound of a mosquito, understood?."

"Who the hell are you to talk to us like that?!" Their chief, the demons in the Sainthood Realm, took a step towards Robin with his claws ready to tear him apart, it had been more than a year since it had moved on this continent and no human had ever spoken to it like this before!

" SHALIKHT TALI YA ZI! (Don't force me to repeat it.)" Robin said it in the language of the Nihari people this time and looked at the six demons with eyes that glowed bright gold

The demon's foot stopped in the air, and what landed on the ground was his knee instead



Then the other five demons descended behind him, "We hear and we obey, Your Excellency."

"Your Excellency." The young man was already feeling that he was dreaming of the Six Demons kneeling like this, but he felt like he was hit with a hammer on his head when he heard the last word they said, then looked at the bearded person in front of him, the one whose eyes were shining with gold, and shouted, "You! IT IS YOU!! You are Robin Burton!!"

"Didn't you hear His Excellency say that he wants to calm down? Thank him for giving you your life and come with us!" The Demon Saint stood up and grabbed the young man by the back of his neck and began to drag him toward the door

But the young man did not give thanks as the demon told him, but began to shout, "Damn you, Robin Burton! You are the reason my parents died! You are the reason for everything that is wrong with this world!! YOU ARE THE DEVIL!! You're the dev--"

And it wasn't enough until one of the demons hit him on the head that he lost consciousness and finally shut up

Then the Demons withdrew, dragging the fainted boy behind them, leaving Robin to sit alone in complete silence.



*Long inhale*

"All-Seeing God Big Brother, you can appear now, let's talk…"

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