Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 1016

Chapter 1016

Chapter 1016

Immediately after that, Zeke stepped on his other leg.

Crack! The leg broke too.

Shrieks of anguish filled the air again. John cried in a frail voice, “I can’t die, I can’t die... If I die, there won’t be anyone to save your wife, and she will eventually die too.”

Crack! Zeke broke his right arm without a warning.

“Just like any medical practice, the planting of poisonous worms is a skill that can treat the sick or the dying ones. But people like you chose to harm others with these poisonous worms and causing fear in them. You are a disgrace to this witchcraft!”

John cried and pleaded, “I’m so sorry, please forgive me.”

Crack! This time, Zeke went straight for his neck.

“Well, it’s good that you are sorry for what you did. Now, go to Hades and repent,” Zeke sniggered.

After killing John, Zeke turned to look at Theodore.

The latter was immensely terrified. He clearly knew that Zeke would not hesitate to take his life as well.

Zeke scoffed at him, “Here is my advice to you. Surrender yourself as the mastermind of the Black Pentagon, and face punishment from the law. For all you know, I might just spare your life because of the sacrifice that you have made for the country. But remember, if you do not surrender yourself in six

days, I will assure you that you would dread every single minute until the moment you die!”

Then, Zeke planted a poisonous worm that would trigger anxiety attacks in Theodore within ten days.

Now, he was only left with six days to fulfil what Zeke had asked him to do.

Theodore took a deep breath, forcing himself to calm down.

“This... this is slander! I have nothing to do with the Black Pentagon/”

With a disappointed look on his face, Zeke uttered, “It’s a pity that you’ve chosen to die from agony. Not to worry much though, for I will come to see you off on the day you take your last breath.”

With that, Zeke gave John’s head a kick, and it flew right out of the door like a ball.

Zeke left Luna Manor.

Shuddering and perspiring with fear, Theodore dropped into his chair, feeling meek and weak.

For a very long time, he was overwhelmed with fear. It felt like he had just gone to hell.

Meanwhile, when Bloodthirsty Wolf saw Zeke coming out of the house, he hurriedly presented a wooden box to the latter and said, “Zekky, here’s John’s head.”


“Zekky, why didn’t you end Theodore’s life?”

Zeke felt melancholy and sighed, “If we kill him now, there’s nothing we can do to crumble the Black Pentagon. We need Theodore to spill everything in order for us to eliminate the Black Pentagon.”

“The question is, will he do it?” Bloodthirsty Wolf asked.

“Oh yes, he definitely will,” Zeke replied with complete certainty.

“Come with me now to see the Williamses. They have a hand in this whole incident too,” said Zeke.


Back at the Williams Manor in Atheville.

The Williamses were rejoicing in celebration, thinking that Theodore would take care of Zeke once and for all.

Knowing that Theodore’s plan worked, and with Lacey gone for good, they couldn’t help but wondered how agonized Zeke would feel.

The thought of Zeke suffering in grief tickled them.

However, they were not aware that Lacey had returned home safely.

As they were rejoicing, Zeke stormed into the house.

A silence fell the minute Zeke walked in.

Thinking that they had Theodore to protect them, they were not afraid of someone who was going to die.

Zeke headed to the seat of the head of the family and sat right down. He smirked, “You all seem thrilled. What is the occasion today? What are you celebrating?”

None of them answered, and they continued with the feast.


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