Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 1037

Chapter 1037

Chapter 1037

Theodore did not understand what Zeke meant.

Out of nowhere, a group of people barged into the room. Among them were Hilton and Theodore’s family members, who were all being held by the Alpha Suicide Squad.

One look at Hilton’s devastating state was enough to make Theodore desperate.

The older man could not believe that Hilton, who commanded ten thousand elite soldiers, would fall to the like of Zeke. He was also stunned as his family members were also caught without him knowing anything about it.

Theodore suddenly realized that the group of people who took out the elites that he’d hired was also the same people who were holding his family captive now.

Just as Theodore was wondering who they were, Lone Wolf spoke up while kneeling with the rest of the Alpha Suicide Squad, “Great Marshal, the Alpha Suicide Squad has captured the important members of the Luna just as you’ve ordered.”

The Alpha Suicide Squad! Great Marshal! These two names hit Theodore hard.

My God! I was fighting the Great Marshal this whole time? I-I’m doomed...

Theodore’s eyes rolled back and he fainted.

“Hand them over to the international military court!” Zeke ordered.

“Yes Sir!”


Immediately after Lennon Sullivan woke up the next day, he reached for his phone to check the news.

He was expecting to see ‘Linton Group bombed!’ on the headline. But, after swiping through the news, he could not find anything about Linton Group.

Lennon immediately realized something was off and called his subordinate to investigate.

Lennon soon got his answer. “Sir, Mr. Luna and the reinforcements he hired were all captured.”

Lennon immediately jumped at the report. He could understand if Theodore were caught, but Commander Wagner and Hilton were protected by 10,000 elite soldiers. So, it was almost impossible for the both of them to fail.

“Who caught them?” Lenno asked anxiously.

“We have no idea. I believe it’s the military. Only they have the power to capture the two Lunarian commanders.”

“Find out what happened! Now!” Lennon roared.

Half an hour passed and Lennon’s subordinate called him back, “Based on what I’ve gathered, Commander Wagner and Hilton were caught by the Great Marshal and the Alpha Suicide Squad for trespassing into Eurasia.”

“Yes Sir!”


Immediately after Lennon Sullivan woke up the next day, he reached for his phone to check the news.

Upon the mention of the Great Marshal and Alpha Suicide Squad, Lennon lost all of his strength as his phone fell to the floor.

Upon the mention of the Great Marshal and Alpha Suicide Squad, Lennon lost all of his strength as his phone fell to the floor.

He could not believe that the Great Marshal would take care of the situation personally. This would only mean the end for the Black Pentagon.

The truth was that the Sullivan’s had a part in the Black Pentagon’s operations as well, and 3% of the family’s profit came from it.

It would be a waste to lose such a profiting land, but Lennon regained his confidence quickly.

He believed that as long as they could get their hands on Lacey, the Sullivan’s could rebuild their empire again.

That was something that money could never buy.

Just as Lennon was thinking of his next step, there came a knock on his door.

“Come in.”

A servant walked in with Zach William and bowed, “Sir, I’ve bailed Mr. Williams from prison just as you’ve ordered.”

“Good. You may leave now,” Lennon nodded.

Once the servant left, Zach stared at Lenno curiously. “Who are you? Why did you bail me?”

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