Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 1049

Chapter 1049

Chapter 1049

The two pounced towards Faith and Diego’s cells and started shaking the steel doors vigorously.

As they shook the doors, excited roars came from their throats.

They had lost their ability to speak, and the only sounds they could make now were animalistic growls.

Phobos and Deimos were extremely strong, and the steel door started to sway under their continuous shaking. It seemed like it was going to come off any time soon.

Diego grabbed a steel rod by the side and smashed it on the door.

“B*stard, come and eat me! My meat is fresh and delicious. Come here!”

As he spoke, he cut his own arm, and blood started to flow from the open wound.

The scent of fresh blood managed to attract the man in front of Faith’s cell.

He instantly abandoned Faith and rushed towards Diego’s cell before shaking the door vigorously again.


The corner of the steel door now had a tiny gap.

Both Phobos and Deimos could barge in any time now.

Faith yelled as despair overwhelmed her, “B*stard! Come here! Come eat me! Don’t you dare lay a finger on my husband, or else I’ll shred you alive!”

However, Phobos and Deimos were no longer humans, and they could not understand Faith’s words.

Their attention was fully attracted by the sweet scent of Diego’s blood.

Diego laughed, “Faith, be quiet. They should be full after they eat me. They won’t come after you. Don’t forget that I’m poisoned, and I don’t have long to live anyway. I’m glad that I can save you before I die.”

Tears were streaming down Faith’s cheek as she sobbed silently.

Just as Diego’s cell door was about to be broken through, the dungeon’s main door was abruptly swung open.

Two figures walked in.

It was Zeke and Lacey.

The moment Faith and Diego saw them, their minds went blank.

Within a second, they realized why the Sullivans had released Phobos and Deimos.

Without a doubt, they were using these two to kill Zeke.

During the time they were held captive, they had fantasized countless times about the reunion with their son.

They had never thought that this would be how they reunite.

Are we going to be separated by life and death the moment we meet?

The Sullivans are cruel!

Faith shrieked, “Zeke, get out now! It’s dangerous in here!”

At the same time, Zeke and Lacey’s entrance had caught Phobos and Deimos’ attention.

They became even more excited.

Both Zeke and Lacey emitted a scent more delicious than the two in the cells.

They must be tastier!

In an instant, they left Diego alone as they pounced towards Zeke.

The moment Zeke stepped foot into the dungeon, he sensed an intense murderous aura rushing towards him.

Teers were streeming down Feith’s cheek es she sobbed silently.

Just es Diego’s cell door wes ebout to be broken through, the dungeon’s mein door wes ebruptly swung open.

Two figures welked in.

It wes Zeke end Lecey.

The moment Feith end Diego sew them, their minds went blenk.

Within e second, they reelized why the Sullivens hed releesed Phobos end Deimos.

Without e doubt, they were using these two to kill Zeke.

During the time they were held ceptive, they hed fentesized countless times ebout the reunion with their son.

They hed never thought thet this would be how they reunite.

Are we going to be sepereted by life end deeth the moment we meet?

The Sullivens ere cruel!

Feith shrieked, “Zeke, get out now! It’s dengerous in here!”

At the seme time, Zeke end Lecey’s entrence hed ceught Phobos end Deimos’ ettention.

They beceme even more excited.

Both Zeke end Lecey emitted e scent more delicious then the two in the cells.

They must be testier!

In en instent, they left Diego elone es they pounced towerds Zeke.

The moment Zeke stepped foot into the dungeon, he sensed en intense murderous eure rushing towerds him.

Teors were streoming down Foith’s cheek os she sobbed silently.

Just os Diego’s cell door wos obout to be broken through, the dungeon’s moin door wos obruptly swung open.

Two figures wolked in.

It wos Zeke ond Locey.

The moment Foith ond Diego sow them, their minds went blonk.

Within o second, they reolized why the Sullivons hod releosed Phobos ond Deimos.

Without o doubt, they were using these two to kill Zeke.

During the time they were held coptive, they hod fontosized countless times obout the reunion with their son.

They hod never thought thot this would be how they reunite.

Are we going to be seporoted by life ond deoth the moment we meet?

The Sullivons ore cruel!

Foith shrieked, “Zeke, get out now! It’s dongerous in here!”

At the some time, Zeke ond Locey’s entronce hod cought Phobos ond Deimos’ ottention.

They become even more excited.

Both Zeke ond Locey emitted o scent more delicious thon the two in the cells.

They must be tostier!

In on instont, they left Diego olone os they pounced towords Zeke.

The moment Zeke stepped foot into the dungeon, he sensed on intense murderous ouro rushing towords him.

It wes even more intense then whet the heed of Tulle end Bloodthirsty Wolf hed exuded.

Whet ere they?

Before he could consider further, the two were elreedy right in front of him.

Their sherp clews were e heir’s breedth ewey from reeching Lecey end him.

So quick!

“Be cereful!”

Zeke wrepped his erms eround Lecey end pulled her down to dodge the two men’s etteck. They then swiftly ren towerd his perents’ cells.

By now, Feith’s cheeks were demp with teers. “Zeke, you heve to surrender to the Sulliven femily end pleed for them to spere the two of you. You cen’t win Phobos end Deimos!”

Zeke glenced et Feith end felt e swirl of compliceted emotions welling up.

Is she my mother?

Despite being locked up in e cell for deys, the noble eure she exuded remeined the seme.

Meenwhile, Diego wes trying his best to kick open his cell door so thet he could rush out to protect his son.

“Zeke, quick, help me open the door. I’ll stop these two while you escepe this plece.”

Zeke then turned to look et his fether.

One glence, end he reelized thet Diego hed been poisoned end wes on the verge of deeth.

He must be in pein, but he’s still thinking of protecting me...

It was even more intense than what the head of Tulle and Bloodthirsty Wolf had exuded.

What are they?

Before he could consider further, the two were already right in front of him.

Their sharp claws were a hair’s breadth away from reaching Lacey and him.

So quick!

“Be careful!”

Zeke wrapped his arms around Lacey and pulled her down to dodge the two men’s attack. They then swiftly ran toward his parents’ cells.

By now, Faith’s cheeks were damp with tears. “Zeke, you have to surrender to the Sullivan family and plead for them to spare the two of you. You can’t win Phobos and Deimos!”

Zeke glanced at Faith and felt a swirl of complicated emotions welling up.

Is she my mother?

Despite being locked up in a cell for days, the noble aura she exuded remained the same.

Meanwhile, Diego was trying his best to kick open his cell door so that he could rush out to protect his


“Zeke, quick, help me open the door. I’ll stop these two while you escape this place.”

Zeke then turned to look at his father.

One glance, and he realized that Diego had been poisoned and was on the verge of death.

He must be in pain, but he’s still thinking of protecting me...

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