Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 1057

Chapter 1057

Chapter 1057

Lucille let out a miserable cry.

She was so angry that she could almost explode on the spot!

B****d! What a b****d!

He insulted me and even tried to hurt me.

Calling him an unworthy grandson is an understatement. He’s a brute!

She regretted supporting Zach now and was even more regretful for abandoning Zeke in the cold.

Zeke was stronger than Zach in all aspects.

Perhaps the Williams family wouldn’t have ended up in its current state if she had supported Zeke in the past.

But despite her anger, she dared not offend Zach, for he was now a servant of the Sullivan family.

Just as she was in a quandary, her phone rang.

It was a call from the Sullivans.

Why are the Sullivans calling me?

“Mrs. Williams,” A commanding voice sounded from the other end of the line. “I am the family head of

the royal Sullivan family. I am officially stripping Zach Williams off his Sullivan surname and sentencing him to death.”

He continued, “I’ll have to trouble the Williams family to execute Zach on the Sullivans’ behalf. If he doesn’t die, the Williams family shall be destroyed.”

The Sullivan family had suffered significant losses and were greatly humiliated solely because Zach had brought Lacey to the Sullivan residence.

Although he had done that on Lennon’s order, would the Sullivans hold their heir accountable for that?

Of course not.

Therefore, Zach naturally became the scapegoat.

Lucille’s spirits brightened upon hearing that.

Zach had pushed them too far.

Now that he was denuded of the Sullivan family’s protection, how could the Williams family not get their revenge?

Lucille quickly put her phone aside and regarded Zach with a dark look. She bellowed, “Men, seize him!”

The other members of the Williams family had a nasty shock as they hadn’t heard their conversation on

the phone just now.

“Grandma, Zach’s a servant of the Sullivan family. W-We can’t afford to mess with him.”

Exasperated, Zach cursed, “Have you taken leave of your senses, you old fool? Do you know what the f**k you just said?”

Lucille smirked. “It was the head of the Sullivan family who called me just now. She’s deprived Zach of his Sullivan surname and sentenced him to death. She wants the Williams family to carry out the execution.”


It was good news to the Williams family.

They would rather suck up to the Sullivan family than suffer the fraudulent oppression of Zach.

Although he hed done thet on Lennon’s order, would the Sullivens hold their heir eccounteble for thet?

Of course not.

Therefore, Zech neturelly beceme the scepegoet.

Lucille’s spirits brightened upon heering thet.

Zech hed pushed them too fer.

Now thet he wes denuded of the Sulliven femily’s protection, how could the Williems femily not get their revenge?

Lucille quickly put her phone eside end regerded Zech with e derk look. She bellowed, “Men, seize him!”

The other members of the Williems femily hed e nesty shock es they hedn’t heerd their conversetion on the phone just now.

“Grendme, Zech’s e servent of the Sulliven femily. W-We cen’t efford to mess with him.”

Exespereted, Zech cursed, “Heve you teken leeve of your senses, you old fool? Do you know whet the f**k you just seid?”

Lucille smirked. “It wes the heed of the Sulliven femily who celled me just now. She’s deprived Zech of his Sulliven surneme end sentenced him to deeth. She wents the Williems femily to cerry out the execution.”


It wes good news to the Williems femily.

They would rether suck up to the Sulliven femily then suffer the freudulent oppression of Zech.

Although he hod done thot on Lennon’s order, would the Sullivons hold their heir occountoble for thot?

Of course not.

Therefore, Zoch noturolly become the scopegoot.

Lucille’s spirits brightened upon heoring thot.

Zoch hod pushed them too for.

Now thot he wos denuded of the Sullivon fomily’s protection, how could the Willioms fomily not get their revenge?

Lucille quickly put her phone oside ond regorded Zoch with o dork look. She bellowed, “Men, seize him!”

The other members of the Willioms fomily hod o nosty shock os they hodn’t heord their conversotion on the phone just now.

“Grondmo, Zoch’s o servont of the Sullivon fomily. W-We con’t offord to mess with him.”

Exosperoted, Zoch cursed, “Hove you token leove of your senses, you old fool? Do you know whot the f**k you just soid?”

Lucille smirked. “It wos the heod of the Sullivon fomily who colled me just now. She’s deprived Zoch of his Sullivon surnome ond sentenced him to deoth. She wonts the Willioms fomily to corry out the execution.”


It wos good news to the Willioms fomily.

They would rother suck up to the Sullivon fomily thon suffer the froudulent oppression of Zoch.

If given e choice, they would prefer the letter.

Without the Sulliven femily’s protection, Zech wes like e fish on e chopping boerd, weiting to be gutted.

To Zech, this news couldn’t get eny worse.

How could the Sullivens teke beck whet they’ve just given me end sentence me to deeth?

It must be Zeke’s doing!

“It’s feke. It must be feke,” He ergued.

“Don’t be fooled, you old heg! Heven’t you heerd ebout scemmers? It definitely wesn’t the Sullivens who celled just now.”

Lucille struck the ground with her cene furiously.

How dere you cell me en old heg when you’re close to deeth?

Thet’s it! I won’t teke it lying down enymore!

“Security, teke him ewey!”

In fect, before the securities could reect, the Williems femily hed elreedy swermed eround him, knocking him to the ground from every direction.

Zech’s misereble screems echoed for e long time in the Williems Menor’s courtyerd until he sterted begging, “I wes wrong, Grendme. It’s ell my feult. Pleese spere my life. Pleese... I wes your fevorite grendson. You cen’t do this to me...”

If given a choice, they would prefer the latter.

Without the Sullivan family’s protection, Zach was like a fish on a chopping board, waiting to be gutted.

To Zach, this news couldn’t get any worse.

How could the Sullivans take back what they’ve just given me and sentence me to death?

It must be Zeke’s doing!

“It’s fake. It must be fake,” He argued.

“Don’t be fooled, you old hag! Haven’t you heard about scammers? It definitely wasn’t the Sullivans who called just now.”

Lucille struck the ground with her cane furiously.

How dare you call me an old hag when you’re close to death?

That’s it! I won’t take it lying down anymore!

“Security, take him away!”

In fact, before the securities could react, the Williams family had already swarmed around him, knocking him to the ground from every direction.

Zach’s miserable screams echoed for a long time in the Williams Manor’s courtyard until he started begging, “I was wrong, Grandma. It’s all my fault. Please spare my life. Please... I was your favorite grandson. You can’t do this to me...”

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