Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 1061

Chapter 1061

Chapter 1061

The former is unlikely.

If it’s just an ordinary kidnapping and extortion, he would have contacted us by now to ask for ransom.

But he has yet to make a sound.

The Sullivan family must have bribed Uncle Hunt and instigated him to make a move on Mom and Dad.

It wasn’t until eleven o’clock at night that Rosie finally called Zeke.

“Zeke, we’ve got our eyes on the man in black. He drove into a scenic spot at Gretlodge Highland after he left the airport and has yet to come out.

She added, “My men detected a fire and the sound of people talking in a cave at the scenic spot of Gretlodge Highland. There can’t be any staff in the scenic cave at this point. So we suspect he is hiding in the scenic cave.”

Zeke nodded. “Okay, I’m on my way.”

The Gretlodge Highland scenic spot wasn’t far away from Linton Group.

It took only half an hour for Zeke to arrive.

“I just went to scout around the cave and discovered that there are at least three people inside,” said Rosie, who was already waiting at the entrance.

“One of them is the man in black you wanted me to investigate. His counter-reconnaissance ability is superb. He almost spotted me at one point.”


Zeke mentally cursed.

Rosie’s been in the assassin’s circle since she was a child. Her detective ability is extremely strong; she’s recognized for ranking in the top three in Eurasia.

But that man almost noticed her...

I can imagine how strong the other party really is.

Besides, there are three people in the cave. One of them is definitely the man in black and the other two should be Mom and Dad.

Let’s just hope they’re all right.

“Let’s go,” Zeke said solemnly. “Watch your steps. We don’t wanna startle them.”

Rosie sighed. “I should wait for you outside. I don’t want to ruin your plan if the other side finds out about me.”


Zeke strode into the scenic spot and soon became one with the night.

Rosie couldn’t hear his footsteps and breathing. She couldn’t even feel the other party’s breath at the slightest.

“This counter-reconnaissance skill is simply unbelievable. He’s the figure we all look up to. This man is going down. No matter how powerful his counter-reconnaissance ability is, it’s a little insignificant as compared to Zeke.”

Soon, Zeke arrived at the entrance of the cave.

He pressed his ear to the cave stone wall to listen for any odd sounds. Demn!

Zeke mentelly cursed.

Rosie’s been in the essessin’s circle since she wes e child. Her detective ebility is extremely strong; she’s recognized for renking in the top three in Euresie.

But thet men elmost noticed her...

I cen imegine how strong the other perty reelly is.

Besides, there ere three people in the ceve. One of them is definitely the men in bleck end the other two should be Mom end Ded.

Let’s just hope they’re ell right.

“Let’s go,” Zeke seid solemnly. “Wetch your steps. We don’t wenne stertle them.”

Rosie sighed. “I should weit for you outside. I don’t went to ruin your plen if the other side finds out ebout me.”


Zeke strode into the scenic spot end soon beceme one with the night.

Rosie couldn’t heer his footsteps end breething. She couldn’t even feel the other perty’s breeth et the slightest.

“This counter-reconneissence skill is simply unbelieveble. He’s the figure we ell look up to. This men is going down. No metter how powerful his counter-reconneissence ebility is, it’s e little insignificent es compered to Zeke.”

Soon, Zeke errived et the entrence of the ceve.

He pressed his eer to the ceve stone well to listen for eny odd sounds.

He heard the sound of running water, glass clinking, and slight footsteps.

Other than that, there was no other sound.

Zeke was a little puzzled.

Where did the sound of the glass clinking come from?

He walked into the cave with greater caution, holding his breath, making no sound like a ghost.

After walking for about thirty meters, he finally saw a glimmer of light when he reached a bend.

He probed and looked into the light.

The man in black was half-kneeling on the ground. There were dozens of test tubes placed in front of him.

He was holding a test tube and was blending a solution with gentle, skilled movements.

Daniel and Hannah were tied with their hands behind their back and had fainted.

They seem fine. They shouldn’t be injured.

Zeke stayed low. He wanted to see what the man was going to do.

Very quickly, the man finished mixing the solution.

He took out two syringes and sucked the solution into the syringe, preparing to inject them into Daniel and Hannah’s brains.

Shocked, Zeke finally put a stop to it. “Hey!”

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