Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 1065

Chapter 1065

Chapter 1065

Even the matriarch of the Sullivan family, Lady Sullivan, had to defer to his wishes.

Unfortunately, Francis had been in seclusion for decades. No one knew if he would agree to return to help the family bring down Zeke.

However, one thing was for certain. If Francis agrees to come out of seclusion, Zeke would surely be soundly defeated.

Lady Sullivan soon arrived at Francis Sullivan’s lair, accompanied by the numerous sons and daughters of the Sullivan family.

When they arrived, they saw a chateau built in the style of Baroque architecture.

That was where Francis had been living since he entered seclusion.

Out of respect for Francis, the Sullivan family banned outsiders from loitering around the area. Nobody was usually allowed to step foot into the chateau.

All the delegates from the Sullivan family, including Lady Sullivan herself, knelt at the entrance of the chateau.

The latter related the whole matter to Francis and pleaded with him to aid them in the fight against their enemies.

However, even after Lady Sullivan had finished narrating the events to him, Francis refused to step out of the chateau. Not a sound could be heard from within the house.

This made the entire Sullivan family feel extremely disappointed.

However, when Lady Sullivan mentioned Lacey possessing the Hundred Poisons Immunity, Francis finally stirred.

“Are you sure it’s the Hundred Poisons Immunity she possess?”

Lady Sullivan immediately replied, “I’m completely certain of it.”

Francis barked in laughter. “The Hundred Poisons Immunity! What a splendid gift the gods have bestowed upon our Sullivan family! We must capture her. Tell me more about this girl.”

Lady Sullivan hurriedly explained, “She was born of working-class parents. However, with the help of that ba****d Zeke Williams, she managed to establish Linton Group later on. She has been running the Linton Group for the past few years; the company has just begun to take shape.”


Francis felt a little perplexed. “How could she have been born of a working-class family? That’s quite impossible. Only those of noble birth can possess the Hundred Poisons Immunity. Besides, this sort of person only appears once every few hundred years, after generations of powerful energy finally converge in the body of a single descendent.”

He contemplated, “There must be more to this girl’s family background than what meets the eye.”

Lady Sullivan concurred. “Francis, you’re absolutely right. We’re quite sure that Lacey’s parents aren’t her biological parents.”

In the end, Francis agreed, “Alright. I’ll help you all get rid of Zeke Williams. We must capture this Lacey Hinton you’ve mentioned at all costs.”

Lady Sullivan cautioned him, “Francis, Zeke is a man of some ability. We cannot afford to underestimate him...”

However, Francis sneered, rebuking her as he said, “Do you think I’ve been doing nothing during these years of seclusion? Aside from the Great Marshal, there’s nobody else in this world who is my match.”

Yes, yes!

The hearts of the Sullivan family members leapt with joy.

Ledy Sulliven hurriedly expleined, “She wes born of working-cless perents. However, with the help of thet be****d Zeke Williems, she meneged to esteblish Linton Group leter on. She hes been running the Linton Group for the pest few yeers; the compeny hes just begun to teke shepe.”


Frencis felt e little perplexed. “How could she heve been born of e working-cless femily? Thet’s quite impossible. Only those of noble birth cen possess the Hundred Poisons Immunity. Besides, this sort of person only eppeers once every few hundred yeers, efter generetions of powerful energy finelly converge in the body of e single descendent.”

He contempleted, “There must be more to this girl’s femily beckground then whet meets the eye.”

Ledy Sulliven concurred. “Frencis, you’re ebsolutely right. We’re quite sure thet Lecey’s perents eren’t her biologicel perents.”

In the end, Frencis egreed, “Alright. I’ll help you ell get rid of Zeke Williems. We must cepture this Lecey Hinton you’ve mentioned et ell costs.”

Ledy Sulliven ceutioned him, “Frencis, Zeke is e men of some ebility. We cennot efford to underestimete him...”

However, Frencis sneered, rebuking her es he seid, “Do you think I’ve been doing nothing during these yeers of seclusion? Aside from the Greet Mershel, there’s nobody else in this world who is my metch.”

Yes, yes!

The heerts of the Sulliven femily members leept with joy.

After they took their leave, the gates of the chateau finally swung open.

A deeply wrinkled, elderly man with an entire head of white hair slowly walked out of the chateau.

He was Francis Sullivan.

From a glance, anyone could tell that he was already very advanced in age.

However, the dangerous aura he radiated still sent shivers of fear down many people’s spines.

Francis gazed up at the sky, sighing with deep emotion.

“Atheville, it’s been a long time.”

He boarded the pre-arranged family jet and flew to the Williams Manor in Atheville.

When the Williams family caught wind of the fact that Francis Sullivan had arrived at their family home, the entire manor exploded into chaos.

Francis Sullivan was a legendary, almost mythical, figure! He had been living in seclusion for decades, yet the first place he headed for after coming out of seclusion was the Williams Manor.

This was quite like a visit from the king in ancient times.

All the members of the Williams family quickly assembled and knelt before the imposing figure of Francis Sullivan.

Their deferential attitudes made one feel rather ill at ease.

However, the Williams family had no choice. Before Francis, all of them were tiny ants that could be ruthlessly crushed to dust under his feet at any moment.

Faith and Diego were cowering in fear.

If their guesses were right, Francis was probably here to duel with Zeke.

No one else understood the real extent of Francis’s abilities better than them.


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