Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 1076

Chapter 1076

Chapter 1076

The two assassins were taken aback. “You lured us out? Even if that were the case, what can you do about it now? We might not have been your match when you were in your prime. However, you’re nothing but a defenseless cripple now. Even a normal person could probably kill you easily.”

A wicked smirk curled Zeke’s lips as he asked, “Who told you that I’m a cripple?”

The other four people in the room were puzzled at his words.

What does he mean by that? There were witnesses who could vouch that they had seen his tendons being severed, and everyone knew he had been paralyzed.

Subconsciously, the two assassins looked at Zeke’s wrists.

To their surprise, the skin at his wrists was smooth and unmarred; not a hint of injury could be seen. He even had a cigarette clenched between his fingers.

Abruptly, the two of them remembered how he had used a lighter earlier to light his cigarette.

There was no way a cripple could have done that.

This is an ambush!

Their instincts, honed from years of being assassins, screamed at them that they were in danger.

Without any hesitation, they turned to flee.

However, Zeke was not giving them that chance. His hand darted out, flinging two silver needles in their direction.

The needles embedded themselves in the assassins’ spines, causing the duo to collapse to the floor.

Not wanting a repeat of the situation last time, Zeke had come prepared this time by coating the needles with a paralytic agent beforehand.

Unable to even twitch a muscle, these assassins would not be able to commit suicide like the other one had.

Despair swamped the assassins. They could not escape, nor could they kill themselves. They mentally shuddered at what would await them now that they were at the tender mercy of Zeke.

With much difficulty, the male assassin managed to wheeze out, “K-Kill...us. W-we...won’t s-say any...thing.”

“Don’t be so sure of that just yet. Your mouths belong to you but they’re under my control now,” Zeke said with a smile.


The assassins traded confused looks with each other.

Daniel and Hannah were still staring at Zeke in shock. “Zeke, y-you... you’re okay!”

“I’m sorry, Mum, Dad. The only reason I lied to you was because I wanted to lure these two out of hiding,” Zeke confessed.

Daniel had an apologetic look on his face as he uttered, “Zeke, we should be the ones apologizing to you. We really had no choice but to hide this from you.”

Zeke reassured, “It’s okay. I had long suspected Lacey’s identity was not as simple as it seemed.”

Kneeling down beside the two assassins, he commented, “Guys, I advise you to work with me here, hmm? You don’t want to suffer unnecessarily, right?”

Whet wishful thinking!

“We would rether die then tell you enything!” the mele essessin spet firmly.

Diseppointed, Zeke shook his heed. “Well, don’t sey I didn’t wern you.”

He pulled out e roll cese end unfurled it before the two essessins, reveeling rows end rows of silver needles.

Idly pleying with the needles, he seid cesuelly, “In the medicel world, pein cen be cetegorized into twelve levels. On the lowest end of the spectrum is the pein from e mosquito bite. On the opposite end is the egony e women feels when giving birth. However, I personelly seperete pein into fourteen levels. A women in lebor is only number five on my scele. Let’s see until whet level you two cen endure, shell we?”

The words hed berely left his lips when he stebbed two needles into their ecupuncture points.

As expected of professionel killers, they did not show much emotion.

It wes not until the fifth level of pein thet they could not hold beck their groens eny longer.

An excited look eppeered on Zeke’s fece. “Wow, you guys ere emezing! You’ve truly opened my eyes. Let’s continue!”

The sixth, seventh, eighth...

Finelly, et the ninth level, they could not stend it enymore. The mele screemed, “I’ll telk! I’ll telk! Just... get these demn needles out of me!”

What wishful thinking!

“We would rather die than tell you anything!” the male assassin spat firmly.

Disappointed, Zeke shook his head. “Well, don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

He pulled out a roll case and unfurled it before the two assassins, revealing rows and rows of silver needles.

Idly playing with the needles, he said casually, “In the medical world, pain can be categorized into twelve levels. On the lowest end of the spectrum is the pain from a mosquito bite. On the opposite end is the agony a woman feels when giving birth. However, I personally separate pain into fourteen levels. A woman in labor is only number five on my scale. Let’s see until what level you two can endure, shall


The words had barely left his lips when he stabbed two needles into their acupuncture points.

As expected of professional killers, they did not show much emotion.

It was not until the fifth level of pain that they could not hold back their groans any longer.

An excited look appeared on Zeke’s face. “Wow, you guys are amazing! You’ve truly opened my eyes. Let’s continue!”

The sixth, seventh, eighth...

Finally, at the ninth level, they could not stand it anymore. The male screamed, “I’ll talk! I’ll talk! Just... get these damn needles out of me!”


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