Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 1120

Chapter 1120

Chapter 1120

With the mission complete, the protocol team regained their composure and left the room.

When they arrived at the main door, they were met by the Iron Cavalry who were guarding it.

The Iron Cavalry’s leader, Monkey King questioned, “How’s the plan coming along?”

“It’s a success.” The protocol team replied while gesturing an OK sign with their fingers.

“Let’s go!” Monkey King added, “I’ll escort you out of the city.”

Meanwhile, the military parade officially began.

All the VIPs ascended the observation platform one by one.

However, only a few of them were of concern to the citizens of Eurasia, and the Great Marshal happened to be one of them.

After waiting for a while, there was no sign of him on stage.

It caused the crowd to speculate that something was amiss.

Back in Lacey’s room, Lilith and the Sullivans were relieved when they didn’t see the Great Marshal come out to the observation platform.

Although others were not aware of it, they knew full well that the Great Marshal was brutally murdered.

Their plan was almost complete.

By then, Lacey as growing impatient. “Nancy, Dawnie, let’s carry on with the wedding.”

“Wait!” Lilith exclaimed coldly. “Don’t be in such a hurry. The present I’m about to give you is almost here.”

At that moment, a loud voice rang out from outside.

“We are here on an emergency mission. No one is allowed to leave.”

“Please cooperate or else we will show no mercy.”

What’s going on?

What has happened?

Lacey and her bridesmaids had a hunch that something wasn’t right.

Meanwhile, Mrs. Thisleton smirked before standing up and leaving with her followers.

Lacey and her friends followed.

When they were outside, they were shocked to see that the whole street had been sealed off by soldiers. No one could get in or out.

It was National Day today where everyone was celebrating.

Why is the military sealing off the whole street?

At that moment, Lilith let out a diabolical smile as she sneaked a glimpse at Lacey.

She knew that it wasn’t only the street that had been sealed off.

In fact, the whole of Atheville city itself was in a lockdown.

The Great Marshal had been assassinated and the army was locking the city down to prevent the assassins from escaping.

However, the Great Marshal was the pillar of the nation. If news got out that he was murdered, it would expose border regions to instability and violence.

Therefore, it was imperative that the assassination was kept under wraps for the time being.

Meanwhile, Lilith walked towards the captain of the soldiers and asked, “Hello, may I know what’s going on?”

The captain replied, “It’s top secret. I can’t say.”

Lilith added, “I’m Ares’ wife, am I not qualified to know still?”

After hesitating for a moment, the captain replied carefully, “The Great Marshal has been assassinated. We’re under orders to hunt down the assassin.”

Lilith was so shocked that her face turned pale. “My goodness, so it’s true.”

Curious, the captain asked, “Mrs. Thisleton, what are you trying to say?”

Pointing her finger at Lacey, Lilith explained, “Just now I overheard them plotting something big.”

“The mentioned something about assassinating the Great Marshal.”

“He must have been killed by their conspiracy.”


The captain was outraged. “Men, arrest all of them.”


Lacey and her companions stared down at countless gun barrels at that moment.

They were devastated.

The Great Marshal was assassinated and Lilith had framed them for it.

Was this what Lilith meant as their present?

Damn her!

Meanwhile, a sense of despair overwhelmed them.

In the Great Marshal’s private resting room, Zeke, who was rumored to be killed, stood up. Dusting himself off, he took off his ceremonial uniform and coat.

Underneath his coat was a bulletproof vest.

He had known ahead of time about the assassination attempt from the Iron Cavalry. Therefore, he wore a bulletproof vest in advance.

Meanwhile, Sole Wolf, Lone Wolf, and the rest of the Alpha Suicide Squad entered the room.

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