Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 1132

Chapter 1132

Chapter 1132

Zeke quickly turned his head around and he was shocked to realize that there were seven needles were launched towards him, aiming for his seven vital meridian points.

The needles were shooting too fast, so it was impossible to dodge them.

In a split second, he grabbed the nearest inmate and used him to block the needles.

Zeke took one glance and recognized that the attack a unique weapon of the Bloodsworth Syndicate. Its name was The Seven Blossoms of Death.

The Bloodsworth Syndicate was Eurasia’s biggest enemy, but didn’t I exterminate them five years ago?

Why are they showing up in this prison now?

Damn it! The fake Ares is probably connected to the Bloodsworth Syndicate!

The only punishment for treason is death!

The appearance of the Bloodsworth Syndicate made Zeke realize that things were far more dangerous than he thought, so he sped up his movements.

Within ten minutes, the battle was over.

All of the inmates were killed without any exception.

Blood stained every corner of the floor as corpses filled the corridor.

Zeke trudged through the blood and bodies to exit the cell, and head towards the office area.

I need to look for Clyde Hill.

He released the inmates, sabotaged the Great Marshal, and even worked with the Bloodsworth Syndicate. I swear that I will bring him to justice!

Everyone in the office was unconscious as they were drugged, and Zeke didn’t manage to locate Clyde.

He must’ve escaped already.

He was about to head to the top-secret dungeon to search for any traces of Ares when he felt an ominous murderous aura engulfing him.

For someone like the Great Marshal to sense the murderous intent, it was obvious that the murderous aura was extremely close and potent.

Zeke immediately rushed towards the window to take a look outside and saw that a large horde of masked men surrounding the cells.

All of them wore a red shirt with seven flowers adorned on their shoulders.

It’s the Bloodsworth Syndicate’s uniform!

The Bloodsworth Syndicate is still alive, and it’s even stronger than it was before!

Meanwhile, in the cell, Lilith stared listlessly at the Eternal Wargrounds as she trembled.

That horrifying scene that she witnessed had been etched into her mind permanently.

She waited for a good five minutes to make sure the lunatics were all dead before she could breathe a sigh of relief.

Then, she moved carefully and headed out as she stepped on the bodies.

She finally understood what Ares’ plan was now.

He used her as bait to lure Zeke and because of that, she started to doubt who he actually was.

The real Ares didn’t shower her with love and affection, yet he would never risk her life like this.

Suddenly, the din from a fight came from outside and caught her attention.

She raced towards the noise and saw that a huge group of men dressed in red was engaged in battle with Zeke.

Who are these men dressed in red?

How dare they attack the Great Marshal?

Do they have a death wish?

Lilith thought that the men dressed in red were somewhat familiar, and after a moment, she finally realized something.

Those men dressed in red are members of the Bloodsworth Syndicate!

But wasn’t the Bloodsworth Syndicate wiped out by the Great Marshal five years ago?

Why are they here now?

Eurasia is getting more and more dangerous by the day!

On the other hand, Zeke fought ferociously and killed every single man that came near him.

Even though the Bloodsworth Syndicate’s men outnumbered him, the only people who could possibly stand against him were the ones in the inner circle.

The Bloodsworth Syndicate was getting conquered by Zeke, but unfortunately, the one man’s fight didn’t last too long.

A brief moment later, Zeke suddenly felt a pang of numbness from his right leg, and that made him lose his strength there.

Damn it! The needle that pricked me in the cell just now was laced with poison!

The poison took effect very quickly, and it spread throughout his entire right leg in no time.

After a while, he couldn’t move his right leg anymore.

Losing the function of his right leg, he started to feel overwhelmed by the battle.

However, the unfortunate events didn’t end there. Suddenly, he heard Lacey’s cries from outside the battlefield.


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