Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 1186

Chapter 1186

Chapter 1186

Very soon, Zeke found the owner of the voice. It belonged to a girl around twenty or so.

She was dressed grandly and was extremely beautiful.

Every breath she took was an epitome of grace and the upper class.

When the girl noticed Zeke, she hurriedly pulled out a stack of money from her pocket. “Help me. I’ll give you some money.”


Zeke frowned.

The girl’s accent was weird and the money that she was offering was not Eurasian currency.

She’s probably a foreigner.

A foreigner appearing in the thick forests near the border... Could it be that she’s an illegal immigrant?

However, as soon as Zeke thought about that, he quickly denied that possibility.

She had a regal air about her and anyone could tell she belonged to royalty. If she wanted to enter the country, she wouldn’t have to migrate illegally.

Zeke didn’t think too much about it. Based on the girl’s pale visage, he guessed that she had been poisoned.

A life was a life regardless of ethnicity or background.

Hurriedly, he asked, “What happened?”

Shyly, the girl lifted the edge of her white dress. “A snake bit my ankle.”

Zeke took one look and his brow immediately creased.

Her entire ankle was covered with bruises that were almost black in color.

If she didn’t get treated immediately, her leg might have to get amputated. Worse still, she might die.

Zeke quickly bent down and said, “Don’t move.”

He pulled out his silver needles, ready to give the girl acupuncture to stop the poison from spreading any further.

However, at the sight of those needles, the girl froze.

“Acupuncture? Are you a witch doctor?”

A witch doctor!

Zeke was instantly enraged.

How dare this girl to have such biased views toward TCM practitioners? How could she call us witch doctors?

Sadly, she couldn’t really be blamed for having such thoughts.

The reason being TCM practitioners hadn’t had the best reputation in other countries recently.

Zeke said angrily, “Do you want to live? If you do, shut up.”

The girl felt so wronged that tears started to sting her eyes.

She had never been yelled at before.

Zeke couldn’t be bothered by her tears and merely used the Ammo Needle technique to stop the poison from spreading.

After that, he started using a special massage technique to push the poison out of the girl’s ankle.

Zeke’s hand barely brushed past the girl’s ankle when her face turned red.

This was the first time a man had ever touched her ankle.

As she watched Zeke skillfully release the poison from her leg, her gaze started to become slightly infatuated.

It was said that men looked best when they were working hard. That was definitely the case right now.

His sharp, statuesque features and the faint beads of sweat that lined his forehead gave him a truly manly aura.

Without even realizing it, a sort of pining started rising within the girl’s heart.

Ten minutes later, the girl’s ankle finally returned to normal.

Zeke kept his needles and scolded, “Why would you wear a dress in this sort of place? Are you really willing to risk your life for beauty? Leave, quickly. If you get into trouble again, I’m not going to help you.”

Without waiting for a reply, Zeke turned and left.

The girl tried to call out to him, “Mr. Hero, what is your name?”

However, Zeke had already left her line of sight and all she got as a response was the rustling and creaking sounds of the forest.

The girl felt a sense of longing in her heart as if she had lost her favorite toy.

When she thought about what just happened, the girl started giggling to herself.

Her smile radiated with sweetness.

“No matter what, I will find you again! How dare he scold me once, much less twice? I will make you apologize personally!”

She turned to walk into Eurasia.

Two hours later, a report came in.

“Great Marshal, we’ve searched Area One and found nothing.”


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