Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 1338

Chapter 1338

Chapter 1338

They had always looked up to the Great Marshal. In fact, they adored and worshipped him because he was an honorable figure.

Naturally, they couldn’t believe the almighty Great Marshal had graced the village with his presence.

Tourneau and his comrades got down on their knees and bowed respectfully. “It’s a great honor to make your acquaintance, Marshal!”


In the meantime, Chris, who was in his manor, was on the verge of losing his cool because one of the hitmen he had sent to go after Tourneau and his comrades had been taken out.

It was evident something went wrong with the assassination plan.

Pondering over the facts given to him, Chris had a really bad feeling about this.

Since Ares has ordered a customized batch of titanium bullets, it seems like he is going after the truth behind the incident that occurred at the imperial mausoleum of Devonville a few years back.

Perhaps Ares has gotten his hands on Tourneau and his comrades’ actual identity. Maybe he has taken out one of the hitmen since he ran into the hitmen, I have sent to take Tourneau and his comrades out.

Currently, Chris was drenched in cold sweat as he dared not get in touch with the remaining hitmen to figure out the current situation.

Once he calmed himself down, he got in touch with the men he had stationed in Cygnus Room instead.

“Is Ares present in the Cygnus Room?”

His subordinates replied almost instantly, “Sire, Ares is currently present in the Cygnus Room.”


Finally, Chris heaved a sigh of relief because it seemed like Ares had sent his subordinates to investigate Tourneau and his comrades instead.

It would be fine as long as Ares, a King Class warrior, wasn’t involved in the investigation personally.

Immediately, he reached for his phone and called Connor.

“Connor, I need your help. Please get that Firewall Unit of yours to do me a favor.”

“Sure!” Connor agreed without any hesitation. He didn’t bother to figure out the intention behind Chris’ action either.

The Firewall Unit had been formed with the aid of Chris. Therefore, Chris could be considered as the co-founder of the Firewall Unit.

Soon, Chris departed with the Firewall Unit and made their way over to Devonville because he was determined to take Tourneau and his comrades out on his own.

Apart from that, he would get rid of the subordinates Ares had dispatched to investigate the incident.

However, Chris wasn’t aware Zeke was the one who was investigating the truth behind the incident.

On the other hand, Zeke stayed back in Lake Thewilsa in order to figure out the details behind the murder of the Seal Mercenary.

All of a sudden, the chief of the village brought along a dozen of villagers with him and dropped by Tourneau’s place.

“Tourneau, something’s wrong! H-Hurry up over and check out the situation!” The chief panted and tried his best to finish his sentence.

Tourneau asked in return, “What’s wrong?”

“T-The soldiers from the other realm have returned. They have surrounded the village!” The chief told Tourneau the truth.

The soldiers from the other realm!

Tourneau’s mind was in a blur the moment he heard the chief’s words because he was certain Chris had shown up at their doorstep along with his underlings.

Since they had turned their backs against him, Chris must have come there to get his revenge.

All of a sudden, Tourneau felt lost because he was unsure if Zeke could turn things around when he had to go against that many soldiers.

Nevertheless, Zeke assured them nonchalantly, “Calm down, everyone. Please stay put in the village for the time being. I’ll get rid of the rebels soon.”

Meanwhile, Mr. Collins, who was on Zeke’s side, stretched his body and got up from his seat.

His eyes gleamed because he couldn’t wait to avenge his comrades. After all, the so-called soldiers from the other realm were the ones who had taken part in the annihilation of the Seal Mercenary back in the day.

Finally, they made their way out of Tourneau’s place. Once they departed, Zeke got in touch with Greedy Wolf through the phone.

He instructed, “Greedy Wolf, bring along the Elites of Greed with you and head over to Devonville immediately. It’s time to teach our foes a lesson!”

“Yes, Sir!” Greedy Wolf, who was on the other end of the call, couldn’t hold back his excitement any longer.

The Alpha Suicide Squad consisted of ten members. Each of them had their own personal troops that would amount to a total of fifty thousand personnel.

Usually, they would stay away from the public’s eyes and spend most of their time training.

They could only be dispatched during war or summoned by the Great Marshal.

Finally, the Elites of Greed were dispatched for the first time.

In the meantime, Zeke and Mr. Collins showed up at the entrance of the village. They noticed the soldiers had secured the perimeter for a radius of three kilometers.

The soldiers were scattered everywhere as they could be found all around the village. There were at least a hundred thousand soldiers present in the village.


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