Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 1349

Chapter 1349

Chapter 1349

Nobody knew his real name, and he was affectionately known as Big Mustache because of the large sideburns on his face.

He was the Great Marshal’s godfather, and he was the man who first spotted the Great Marshal’s talent.

He also sacrificed himself in order to save the Great Marshal’s life.

When he died, he was awarded a state funeral.

However, Big Mustache always thought of the North, and even when he died, he never wanted to leave this land which he guarded all his life with a fiery passion.

Hence, he was not buried at the Eight Treasures Mountain along with the other sages but rather in the North. Therefore, his body became part of the land of the North.

Big Mustache’s only son, Sole Wolf, poured a glass of wine and placed it in front of his graveyard. He bowed his head down in silence after that.

The ceremony was over in a short while.

“It’s done. You can all leave now.”

Sole Wolf waved his hand at the formation in front of him.

However, none of them stepped away.

A short five-minute ceremony was not enough for this hero.

Sole Wolf was slightly angered by this, “Get back to your stations and protect the borders.”

“He’s just an old man. There’s nothing for you to stay here any longer!”

“This is an order! Anyone who disobeys will be killed!”

Upon hearing this, the soldiers had no choice, so they left one by one in a very reluctant manner.

Within the blink of an eye, Sole Wolf was left alone at the site.

He poured another glass of wine for himself and took a sip.

Suddenly, his eyes reddened.

“Geez. Old man, I’ve never seen much of you since I was born.”

“You always said you were busy and had to protect the country. You even promised to keep me company every day after you retired from the military.”

“However, you died before you could even retire. I didn’t even have a chance to say goodbye to you.”

“Old man, you owe me too much.”

“But well, you still have a conscience and managed to train my brother, Zeke. If not for him who took care of me like a teacher and father, I would probably have been in the ground like you too.”

“Forget it, let’s not talk nonsense anymore. The wind is getting stronger and I’m tearing up.”

“I will enjoy this wine with you. Didn’t you say that I would only have the right to offer you a toast after I became a general?”

“I’m a general now.”

Meanwhile, a few people peered in his direction from a small hill behind.

They were none other than Connor and the Satan Forces.

Connor studied the situation using his binoculars and said, “All is clear. Let’s move according to our plan.”

The six headed for Sole Wolf in a murderous manner.

Just as they appeared from the hill, Sole Wolf noticed them too.

He furrowed his brows instinctively.

Who are these six people?

They can’t be soldiers.

Those who patrol the borders would be in teams and would have more than six people.

They can’t be tourists too for no foreigners are allowed here.

Well, there’s only one possibility then, they must be illegal immigrants.

Sole Wolf got up slowly and blocked their way as he prepared to nab them.

As they approached him, Sole Wolf became even more surprised.

He did not expect to see a familiar figure amidst the group, Connor Black.

This man was on the wanted list of the Great Marshal all over the world.

How dare this man appear in the North! He is too daring for his own good.

Sole Wolf bellowed, “Connor Black, you are the number one wanted man in Eurasia!”

“Put your hands behind your head now and cooperate with our investigation. Otherwise, I will kill you.”

Connor burst into laughter. “Well, guess what? I wanted to say the same thing to you.”

“I suggest you surrender now. Or else, I cannot guarantee that my companions will not take your life.”

The leader of the Satan Forces, Jeffrey, showed himself, “I heard that this man is stupid. Let’s not waste our time on him.”

“I will fight him.”

“You guys are digging your own grave.” Sole Wolf bent forward, sending the sand around his feet flying in a circular motion around him as he said, “Don’t even think about escaping today.”

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