Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 1440

Chapter 1440

Chapter 1440

“Then how do you propose we fight?” Julian asked.

“Why don’t we make a bet. That way, I believe both parties will go all out.”

“No problem,” Julian said. “How do you want to bet then?”

“If you lose, the Southern Archipelago will belong to Lundr. If I lose, I’ll immediately retreat and declare to the whole world that I shall not step into Eurasia for the rest of my life.”

Julian hesitated when he heard the bet. It was about the ownership of the Southern Archipelago, after all. He was not in a position where he could agree just like that.

“You’re claiming yourself as the Great Marshal when you don’t even have the right in this?” General Maples ridiculed. “In my opinion, you should return to civilian life.”

With my newly learned skill, I’m confident that I can win!

“Fine. I accept the bet,” Julian agreed without the slightest hesitation.

In the spectator section, Zeke had wanted to stop Julian from agreeing to the bet, but it was too late.

“This b*astard,” Sole Wolf raged. “What rights does he have to take the Southern Archipelago as a bet? I’ll kill him if he loses.”

“You don’t have to worry, General North,” Ares chimed in. “The men in the Thisleton family never do things that they are uncertain of.”

Zeke stared at Ares with suspicion as he tried to figure out where he got such confidence.

The battle between General Maples and Julian Thisleton could happen at any moment.

Both of them were the top members of Platinum Archduke. Their battle was surely going to be ground- shaking due to their incredible strengths.

The moment their battle began, everyone gasps in amazement.

However, they could already predict the outcome of the battle.

Although both were Platinum Archduke, General Maples took the time to build his strength step by step, whereas Julian only relied on the Spirit Stone to boost his. The latter was naturally beneath the former in this aspect.

As such, it was a battle between a war master and a first timer. In the end, Julian was thrown into the air by a punch from General Maples.

Gasps of shock were heard at the sight of Julian being blown away. The Eurasians started to panic as their heartbeat increased wildly.

They never expected that the new Great Marshal that they had placed their faith in would be so easily defeated.

If he lost, the Southern Archipelago would be handed over to the enemy, wherein their country would be beyond humiliated.

Sole Wolf clenched his fist. “That b*astard has ruined Eurasia’s reputation just like that.”

Ares rolled his eyes at him. “It’s not the end of the battle yet. Don’t make such conclusions.”

Zeke patted Sole Wolf’s shoulder to calm him.

Ares is still calm and confident. Julian probably has a skill he hasn’t used yet.

In the meantime, in the arena, General Maples walked towards Julian arrogantly. “Is this the Great Marshal of Eurasia? You’re not so powerful after all!”

His words of insults angered all the Eurasians. But they dared not speak up, for they felt inferior now that they saw how their newly appointed Great Marshal had fared against the general.

At the same time, doubts started to rose within their hearts.

Julian had defeated Ragnar Maples from the island last time. So why couldn’t he do the same this time?

Did the general’s strength really improve this much? Or was Julian lying about the general’s defeat?

Suspicions started to gnaw at their hearts.

“I’ll give you a chance, Julian. I’ll spare your life if you admit defeat. Otherwise, not only will I own the Southern Archipelago, but you’ll also have to pay with your life.”

At that, Julian merely puffed up his chest and stood unyielding. “There are no such words as ‘admit defeat’ in Eurasia, as long as I still have a breath in me, I will never yield!”

Now is the right time for me to use The King’s Combat Skill!

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