Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 1564

Chapter 1564

Chapter 1564

Kingpin dived toward his office table, grabbing the gun lying there. Pointing it in Zeke’s direction, he squeezed the trigger, firing wildly.

Having anticipated it would happen, Sesame Cookie had immediately ducked behind a wall when Kingpin started moving.

However, Zeke remained where he stood, rooted in place as firmly as any mountain.

The gunshot was loud in the silence of the closed and narrow room, deafening in the way it shook the eardrums.

The bullet trailed sparks as it rushed towards Zeke’s forehead. At this tense moment, Zeke breathed and clenched his fists. Waves of the King’s aura exploded from his body, forming a shield of energy around him.

The bullet hit the energy shield and stopped.

For an endless moment, the bullet was suspended in midair, like it had hit a piece of bulletproof glass. Then, as everybody watched, the bullet lost its momentum and dropped uselessly onto the ground.

The clear sound of metal impacting the ground was impossibly loud. It was the sound of the devil itself, resonating endlessly in the minds of everyone present.

Kingpin stared at the smoking gun in his hands, stunned into disbelief. Zeke had not even moved, but the bullet had just dropped onto the ground before him.

Does he have some guardian spirit protecting him?

Sesame Cookie just shook his head fondly and muttered to himself, “I knew he was a God in disguise.”

Zeke stalked towards Kingpin, emitting murderous intent with each step.

Terrified out of his wits, Kingpin fell to his knees and begged for mercy. “Forgive me, Great One… forgive me.”

Faced with such a powerful opponent, Kingpin could only admit defeat.

“Kindly help me pass a message to your boss,” Zeke said coolly. “I’ll be appearing at the Martial Artist National Examination in two days.”

“Of course... Of course.” Kingpin nodded furiously, breathing an internal sigh of relief. Zeke had to be sparing him, otherwise, there was no way he would be able to deliver that message.

Just as Kingpin relaxed, Zeke flicked his finger. A silver needle sped out at impossible speeds, piercing deep into Kingpin’s skull. Eyes rolling back into his head, Kingpin fell backwards and toppled onto the ground.

Sesame Cookie sighed. “Magic really is just different.”

Upon seeing Kingpin topple onto the ground, the woman is his bed screamed piercingly. She was beyond terrified.

She was screaming at the top of her lungs. “Help, anyone! There’s been a murder! Help!”

A flurry of movement sounded in the corridor outside. Soon enough, a horde of Kingpin’s henchmen burst into the tiny room, weapons drawn at the ready.

The sight before their eyes left them feeling desperate and angry. Their boss was dead. And by the looks of it, he had died painfully, blood seeping from all of his various orifices. And yet, there not a single sign that suggested a fight had broken out in the room. The henchmen had not heard anything out of the ordinary either.

“What happened here?” One of the henchmen demanded.

The woman pointed a finger at Zeke. “It was him... He killed Kingpin! Hurry! We should kill him to avenge our boss.”

The gathered henchmen immediately glared at Zeke, hatred burning in their eyes. “Damned ba*****d— you kill anyone from our gang, we’ll get you! Boys, attack!”

“I don’t have a habit of killing innocents!” Zeke suddenly declared loudly before the henchmen could move. He narrowed his eyes, gauging their reactions. “Who here was among the people tracking Missy Williams last night? If you turn yourself in now, I’ll spare you.”

Someone spat on the ground loudly. The henchmen cursed Zeke out. “Who do you goddamn think you are, huh? You’re the only one dying today—you should be the one begging for mercy.”

“But begging for mercy isn’t going to work for you,” someone added cruelly. “You killed Kingpin, so even dying a hundred times isn’t gonna be enough for that. Boys, we’re gonna rip him up and beat him to

death with his own arms!”

“Fools,” Zeke sighed, disappointed.

These lowlifes were not worth the effort to battle seriously. He quickly decided to use the King’s Combat Skill known as the Seven Star Tiger Punch.

The first form was the Tiger Punch. Zeke exerted himself, and a mighty tiger formed entirely of shimmering energy coalesced into being on top of his head. The tiger roared and pounced at the charging henchmen.

Zeke felt a strong breeze tear past him in the wake of the tiger’s leap. The henchmen were just normal combatants; there was no way they stood a chance against the King’s Combat Skill.

In the end, the tiger roared again, this time in victory. All the henchmen lay scattered about the roof, either dead or wounded grievously by the energy tiger.

But compared to the sheer terror that sent their hearts pounding furiously in their chests, the injuries they had suffered seemed effortlessly minor in comparison.


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